"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Thank you very much Scott!!
Those words means so much for me. I have your blondie and I love it!!

Agreed, a GBU "bounty hunter" version is a must. I've a feeling a Rainman Bounty hunter is not such a far fetch idea... what ever happened to that sharps rifle df was working on awhile back ;) ;) if you smell what I'm stepping in :lol....

That poncho looks great litial!
Thank you very much Reinhardt.
This weekend I will try to take more pictures, please I need help for improoving it as much as I could.

So all the defects you can see, please tell them to me for making a final one more accurate will all the things all of you can tell me.

Thanks in advance.

litial, your poncho looks fantastic!!!
thanks for the pics mudshark!

Not as iconic as the other blondie costume, but I think thats good enough as I missed the first one :eek:

bring it on, rainman or VM :rock
I've got lots more pics of costume details. If anybody needs something specific just LMK, I've probably got pics of it. (Most of the pics were taken off an HDTV from the Blue-ray edition, btw).
Hello Indy, it will be available. I´m still thinking if it will available just the poncho or the complete figure.
I´m working in every single detail including two sculpts.

So, litial, does this mean that you'll be making your poncho available? I'd definitely be interested in one!
Hello Indy, it will be available. I´m still thinking if it will available just the poncho or the complete figure.
I´m working in every single detail including two sculpts.

I really hope you offer the poncho by itself too. I have both Rainman's and Velvet Morning's Blondies, and cannot afford another full figure set! :lol

I like Velvet Morning's figure the best overall, but the poncho could be a little more accurate in terms of material and length (please, no offense, VM). This is why I only need the poncho. Everything else on VM's Blondie is awesome, and this poncho would complete the look I desire!


IndyCollector :whip
I really hope you offer the poncho by itself too. I have both Rainman's and Velvet Morning's Blondies, and cannot afford another full figure set! :lol

I like Velvet Morning's figure the best overall, but the poncho could be a little more accurate in terms of material and length (please, no offense, VM). This is why I only need the poncho. Everything else on VM's Blondie is awesome, and this poncho would complete the look I desire!


IndyCollector :whip

got pics of both, mate?

Btw, if you decide to get rid of your rainman blondie, you know where to holla bro :naughty:D
I´m agreed with you. I have VM blondie and IMO is the best...by the moment....jajajaja.
I really love it the expresion of two faces, all the detaills, it´s a really dedicated work. But I love challenges and I love modelling..I don´t have much free time, for me this is a hobby but If I could custom a good one I will be happy to offer to the people, just that.

And regarding the poncho, with no offense needs some update. I´m working in 3 versions now...Still looking for one microfibre.
I will post pictures ASAP.
Thank you!!!

I really hope you offer the poncho by itself too. I have both Rainman's and Velvet Morning's Blondies, and cannot afford another full figure set! :lol

I like Velvet Morning's figure the best overall, but the poncho could be a little more accurate in terms of material and length (please, no offense, VM). This is why I only need the poncho. Everything else on VM's Blondie is awesome, and this poncho would complete the look I desire!


IndyCollector :whip
IndyCollector, you've got both "Blondies"? I'd love to the the two of them side-by-side. Cheers mate.

Yes, I own both. I bought all four full-figure-edition "Gunmen" sets (plus his Tyler Durden and just recently, Ed Norton). I felt Velvet Morning's Blondie was better than Rainman's in quite a few ways, especially Clint's likeness and hat detail. Since I love Rainman's work overall, I'd never break up the set by selling his version of Blondie though.

I am more than happy to take pics for you guys of the two Blondies side-by-side, but please give me a little time to do so. You see, I only have one display case, so very little of my 1/6th collection are actually on display. In fact, the only Rainman figure I have on display is my Tyler. I do have VM's Blondie in my case as well though. When I can set aside a little time to pull the box down and set it up, I will. I know what you guys are saying: just buy more display cases, man. But... I'm planning to move a couple states away in under a couple years, so I don't want to have to move the cases later. I already have way too much stuff to move as it is, and an additional three or four display cases would fill up the moving truck that much quicker (and they might get damaged in the move). I've already convinced the wife to wait on getting a new dining room table until we move. :lol

Yes, I'm almost as bad as a "closet collector" - basically I'm someone who doesn't really get to enjoy everything he owns. I have a whole bunch of stuff piled up in my office here in their boxes, and Rainman's gunmen are at the top of the heap. Those of you who know Rainman's black shipping boxes will recognize them in the picture attached. Yes indeed, here is a quick snapshot to show my disease. I amass things I cannot fully enjoy yet - mainly because I don't want to have to pay more for the stuff down the road, or have the hassle of trying to find it in truly like-new condition at a later date. I've been thinking of rotating my collection from time-to-time, but I don't want to add unnecessary wear to my figures either. Hmmm...

Anyway, I will get out the Rainman Blondie soon and set up the two side-by-side for a photo. I too would love to see the comparison.

Just a quick follow-up to my post above. I snapped a quick pic of my display case showing the amount of room I have for my 1/6th scale figures. It ain't much room at all, and since I collect so many other things, I only have one shelf devoted to 1/6th. So, the pic should explain things.

You can see my Tyler and VM's Blondie in the shot. They really are works of art!

Sorry for the delay, guys, but I finally got the Rainman Clint down from the top of the heap (I had to move quite a few boxes away that were blocking my reach). He's never been on display before, so all his accessories are still packed away in their baggies, but at least you'll be able to see the differences between the two sculpts and clothing colors. Velvet Morning's is (of course) on the left, with Rainman's on the right. Sorry about the height difference. VM's is on a thick-based Hot Toys stand while RM's is not.


And here is a closer shot showing the two different heads. I really do like Rainman's work, but I think Rainman's version of Clint is too pudgy in the face. Rainman's Clint has a really nice likeness overall, but it *just* misses the mark, IMO.


And in this last shot, you will see TWO Rainman sculpts. The one on the left is the DF Studio paint job (the painted head version that was sold by itself), and the one on the right is the full figure edition painted by Rainman. This is probably the ONLY time you'll hear me say this, but I think the DF Studio paint is better than Rainman's in this case. The eyes make all the difference in the world to me, and the DF version captures the steely-green color of Clint's eyes much better. The paint also looks "cleaner" if that makes any sense. I don't know - something about the paint on this loose head makes Rainman's sculpt look that much better.


I hope these pics will satiate those who wanted to see a side-by-side comparison. I apologize that the Rainman version isn't all "set up", but he's been residing in his box all this time. I just didn't see the need to display two similar Blondies. Finally getting a bounty hunter version will be a different story. :)

And now he's going back to his box.
This should have been included above, but I decided to take a couple quick pics of the DF Studio painted Blondie head (left) next to Velvet Morning's representation (right). Although the DF Studio head is my favorite paint job on a Rainman sculpt, Velvet Morning's Blondie still captures a better Eastwood likeness overall. And that hat! Look at VM's hat! It looks much better being well-worn, just as it *should* be.

Here's a brightly-lit picture of the two:


And here's a darker-lit pic of DF's vs. VM's:


As they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."
Here's a question for all the Rainman Blondie owners. How have you fastened shut your vest without it ripping the hook out of the darned thing? When I took the Rainman Clint out of the box today to take the above pictures, I tried to secure the vest shut using the little 'hook and eye' closure. However, it is so tight that it took a lot of tugging just to fasten it. Then I noticed the tension on the stitches, so I immediately unhooked it. Is there a way to stretch the fabric to make it fit better? Did I just get a bum one that was cut too small, or were they all like this? And If they're all like this, what solution did people use to avoid having it rip?

Mine is too tight as well - I'd be interested to hear what people did. I know someone sanded down the body it was on.

And great pics btw. Velvet's clint sculpt is definitely above Rainman's when seeing a side by side.