Statue Cap Movie PF..Order now..Links to Order in 1st post !!.

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I doubt it. Their take is probably "if you want accuracy, get the EX. The reg just gives another option for display."

Still wish it could have had a gun in the empty hand. What are the odds of a second hand with a gun?
As you probably know, TOD Indy came with an extra hand that folks weren't expecting, but that's not typical for Sideshow. I wouldn't hope for anything more than what they've shown.
As you probably know, TOD Indy came with an extra hand that folks weren't expecting, but that's not typical for Sideshow. I wouldn't hope for anything more than what they've shown.

That's what I was thinking, but you're right, in looking at threads on other PF's and requests, not a whole lot changed from the production stage.
Among the stuff I collect, Sideshow's made 2 changes from pre-order pics to release in the last 3 or 4 years that I can think of: TOD Indy's hand, and Firefly's (GI Joe) extra head. And they showed updated pics of Firefly's head before he actually shipped.

So the likelihood isn't great I don't think. But then, this is a potential big-time piece that is seriously hurt by some weird design choices, so it might stand apart from others in that sense.
Among the stuff I collect, Sideshow's made 2 changes from pre-order pics to release in the last 3 or 4 years that I can think of: TOD Indy's hand, and Firefly's (GI Joe) extra head. And they showed updated pics of Firefly's head before he actually shipped.

So the likelihood isn't great I don't think. But then, this is a potential big-time piece that is seriously hurt by some weird design choices, so it might stand apart from others in that sense.

I'll be honest, I wasn't feeling it when it first came out with the preview and order, hence why I am on a waitlist. After seeing the movie and the pose seeming like what Evans would have done, it got me interested. Also, missed out by a longshot the Cap that is a grail these days. While I like the Bucky Barnes PF, I wanted to be able to get one Steve Rogers Cap.
If Sideshow would have given us a straight-on view of Cap with the BD shield and right arm held downward, I might well have ordered it. But I'm not willing to gamble on something like this if I don't know if works or not. The regular still does not work for me at all.
Do you have the original CA?

I owned the original Cap PF three different times but always sold it off because funds were tight after my wife stopped working to raise our first child.

It was (and still is) an awesome piece but a couple things I was always concerned about were the fragility of his tiny polystone wings and yellowing of his white costume fabric over time. Thankfully neither will be an issue for the movie PF.
I have the original, and it's one of my favorite pieces. If I were to level a criticism, though, it would be the flesh paint on his face. As is often the case with Sideshow, the paint job there is very basic and sub-par in relation to the typical Hot Toys figure. Same with comic Thor. It's like they just applied a coat of flesh colored paint, put some veins on there, and that was it, no considerations for the nuances in skin tone that appear on real people. But Sideshow's all over the place there. My Wolverine PF has a terrific paint job, as does Jason Voorhees.
I have the original, and it's one of my favorite pieces. If I were to level a criticism, though, it would be the flesh paint on his face. As is often the case with Sideshow, the paint job there is very basic and sub-par in relation to the typical Hot Toys figure. Same with comic Thor. It's like they just applied a coat of flesh colored paint, put some veins on there, and that was it, no considerations for the nuances in skin tone that appear on real people. But Sideshow's all over the place there. My Wolverine PF has a terrific paint job, as does Jason Voorhees.

That's one reason I like PF's to have change-o-heads. Even if they come with sculpts I'd never use I like to at least have the option to remove it and send it off to be repainted for pieces I'm extra picky about.
I've been thinking of doing that with my Raiders PF, and because I have the Ex. I have the option. But sometimes Sideshow gives you a separate head even with regulars (they did that with Wolverine).
I owned the original Cap PF three different times but always sold it off because funds were tight after my wife stopped working to raise our first child.

It was (and still is) an awesome piece but a couple things I was always concerned about were the fragility of his tiny polystone wings and yellowing of his white costume fabric over time. Thankfully neither will be an issue for the movie PF.

The Movie PF still has fabric though? My only bad experience with SSC's mixed media is the detioration of my ROTLA Indy jacket. So the 1st Cap had the blue fabric spandex ;) too, right? I like the EX as it's cool to show two different time periods with 1 Cap. But I don't have the funds to pay 1000+ for it.
Hard to say. Since there is an NRD attached to this one, chances are probably lower than on those collectibles without NRDs (sunk costs and whatnot). But Sideshow typically seems to keep spares available for, I guess, replacements, and so waitlists will convert at some point for the majority of items they sell. Sometimes items sell out early, then actually come in-stock on their site at a later point, despite all waitlisters.

They don't usually sell the replacement pieces as far as I know. Those are usually unnumbered pieces used specifically for part replacements. Assuming thats what you meant.

True, but I'm just not feeling the new costume. Maybe because I literally just saw CA. So are they doing a new Iron Man PF, Hulk PF, Thor Avengers PF, Black Widow PF and Hawkeye PF?

I'd be truly shocked beyond shocked if they didn't at least do a new Iron Man, Thor, and Cap piece from the Avengers. Possibly the Hulk as well but they've not done a movie version from either of the two movies so far.
I've been thinking of doing that with my Raiders PF, and because I have the Ex. I have the option. But sometimes Sideshow gives you a separate head even with regulars (they did that with Wolverine).

The reg on the movie Cap comes with Evan's head too, right?
The Movie PF still has fabric though?

Yes but its weathered and the stripes on his torso are painted polystone on the movie version, as opposed to the pristine non-weathered fabric of the comic PF. Any discoloration in the years ahead will be much more pronounced on the first PF.

The reg on the movie Cap comes with Evan's head too, right?

Yes but its weathered and the stripes on his torso are painted polystone on the movie version, as opposed to the pristine non-weathered fabric of the comic PF. Any discoloration in the years ahead will be much more pronounced on the first PF.


I don't have a "spandex" pF yet, but has anyone had problems with the fabric?
There were a number of people who posted pics of Cap's white stripes developing yellow blotches. Not very many but enough to have made me nervous.

I wondered about his blue pants, same with Wolverine and Sabretooth, to whether they will detiorate or be massive dust magnets.