Uncharted 2:Among Thieves

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When playing the closed Beta, I remember you can hear chat from the opposing team as well. Did Naughty Dog change this? I may play with some friends tonight, but Bluetooth/voice chat may be moot if the opposing team can hear us.
Someone really needs to make a Nathan Drake action figure like now.

Personally, I think the character has Premium Format writen all over him. We have too few video game characters in PF right now, but I think Drake would be a fantastic one to bring. out. My top 3 game series's to bring character into PF would be Uncharted, Metal Gear, and Castlevania. I'd just love me an Ocelot or Dracula PF.
Few spoilers in the game I would say. Looks pretty good but think Im gonna wait for awhile to pick this one up, mainly cause of money though.

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Been playing this game for the last few days. Co-op Arena rocks! :rock

PSN name: FQRizzo

Add me if you'd like to play.
Can't wait to go buy this, I mean multiplayer is fun when you have some friends to play with. But it's the atmosphere, the environment, the story, characters, and everything that makes Uncharted (the first) and I assume the second what it is.