Mortal Kombat

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Noobs, imo, are the guys who always do the same stuff and when encounter someone with real skills they´re killed.
Easy as that.
I encounter noob, over noob online @ SSFIV now, since I have motivation to play it again and there are guys with C and C+ ratings who do the same ____ over and over.
Easy to get a good rating with that.
I play two times against one of those I ban´em. Did it just yesterday.
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Oh my, I'm shocked this is the first Mk that actually has me interesting in years.
I am glad that they are going back to basics. I hated the multiple fighting styles, using weapons, and what not. This game looks great and I will be getting it. We should get all the members together on the same system and practice together.

The last MK that I played on a regular basis was MK3 way back during my early college days at the arcade in the mall that I worked in. :lol
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That spine rip looks so generic if you are to compair it to Kratos ripping off "whats his names" head. I'm not all that impressed with the graphics either.