Green Lantern: The Motion Picture

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Interesting trends in this thread. DC Fanboys give it the largest pass I've ever seen (similar to how Marvel FBs gave it to Wolverine Origins or X3 or even FF 2), those who are middle of the road seem to enjoy it but admit it's problems and Marvel Fanboys rake it over the coals and make this seem like Uwe Boll would turn his nose at it.

Of course that doesn't describe every one but it is interesting to watch.

DC Films vs. Marvel Films seem to be the new Star Trek (Trekkies) vs. Star Wars (Jedi).
I'm a Marvel fanboy but I absolutely don't want to watch DC films go down in flames. The more great superhero movies the merrier. I'd like to see each new release forcing the other company to up their game.
I'm a Marvel fanboy but I absolutely don't want to watch DC films go down in flames. The more great superhero movies the merrier. I'd like to see each new release forcing the other company to up their game.

:exactly: I am a comics guy first with a preference towards Marvel. I want to see GL be successful just like Bats, Supes and anyone else from DC. The more comic based films the happier I am :)
Interestingly enough there is a 5 year contract on the GL stars. It's been mentioned a couple of places that if no sequel gets greenlit that a reboot would be half a decade away at the earliest by undisclosed WB reps of course... They've done this with Superman, Routh's contract expired in 2009, so we might not see a GL on screen again until 2016 at the earliest.
Interestingly enough there is a 5 year contract on the GL stars. It's been mentioned a couple of places that if no sequel gets greenlit that a reboot would be half a decade away at the earliest by undisclosed WB reps of course... They've done this with Superman, Routh's contract expired in 2009, so we might not see a GL on screen again until 2016 at the earliest.

Some would say that this is what WB gets for putting out crap.

I say :monkey2 :horror :slap
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From Bad Ass Digest:

Why Warner Bros Is Saying They’re Making A GREEN LANTERN Sequel
By Devin Faraci | June 26, 2011 | News | 12 Comments

I think Green Lantern will end up being a bona fide bomb. It has a 200 million dollar production budget and a 100 million dollar advertising budget. It’s at an anemic 89 million domestic, with a second week plummet of 65%, high even by the usual high standards of blockbuster second week drops. It’s sputtering around overseas. It may crawl towards 180 global, but that’s still well below the budget. And on top of that all, it seems like people don’t particularly like the movie.

And yet Warner Bros is going ahead with a sequel, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Why?

There are a couple of reasons, some of which are real and some of which are posturing. The studio doesn’t want to admit defeat on the movie, because that will hurt the film in future weeks and on home video. By claiming they have a sequel coming down the pike it looks like confidence on the studio’s front, and this could interest ticket buyers. “There’s going to be a second one? Maybe I should see it!”

Also, Warner Bros doesn’t want their DC superheroes brand to look weak compared to Marvel. Yes, it’s good old Marvel vs DC again. DC has a whole bunch of possible franchises lurking, and they don’t want the superheroes to carry the stink of death. Part of what made Thor work was that people liked Iron Man and they see the Marvel movies as one franchise.

The real world reason can be summed up as such: Harry Potter. The studio’s cash cow ends in a couple of weeks, and they need something to replace it. Christopher Nolan is being a bit _____y to them and making sure that his Batman franchise won’t be that moneymaker, since he’s looking to end it with The Dark Knight Rises. There’s hope for The Man of Steel, but the Superman franchise has been tricky at best and as of right now nobody is completely confident in the script they have.

Warner Bros has known for months that Green Lantern wasn’t going to work; in the final months the biggest executives at the studio got their fingers into the editing of the film, trying to make something workable from it. What they’re probably doing now is writing the first film off as an investment in the series – they know what people responded to, and this time they can pick a director who will be more comfortable with all the special effects. Oh, and they’ll make the whole damn thing cheaper, too. Expect to see much less Oa and much more Sinestro on Earth.

That is if they even make it. Disney claimed they’re making another Tron movie, but there’s been zero movement on that in reality. I expect that Warner Bros will wait until home video comes in for Green Lantern before they actually pull the trigger. It’s the Batman Begins scenario, where they’re hoping the movie finds an audience at home. But unlike Begins, the studio is making a public show of support up front, before the film bounces out of the top five next weekend.
I do truly think if they go forward with a second film as much as I personally liked the first one it will be even better. They know what to fix and have the perfect story line set up.
I do truly think if they go forward with a second film as much as I personally liked the first one it will be even better. They know what to fix and have the perfect story line set up.

Hecks yeah!!! IMO they can easily setup 2 & 3. Use the scene from the credits to open up part 2, and continue with Sinestro using the Yellow ring behind the Guardian's back. Throughout the movie show him being overwhelmed by the power of the ring, and even confronting the Guardians at some point. Then at the end have Sinestro getting into it with Hal over who is the better/most powerful Lantern...boom Sinestro says I got some new bling forcing Hal to battle it out with the new Yellow Sinestro in full force. End part 2 with Sinestro beginning the recruitment for his new corps.
Just finished watching it. I wanted to like it but it just felt less epic when compared to the other superhero movies I've seen. If this was back in the day when superhero movies were a rare occurrence it will be a different story altogether but unfortunately it is not.

GL was okay, Thor was good, XMen First Class was excellent.
Hecks yeah!!! IMO they can easily setup 2 & 3. Use the scene from the credits to open up part 2, and continue with Sinestro using the Yellow ring behind the Guardian's back. Throughout the movie show him being overwhelmed by the power of the ring, and even confronting the Guardians at some point. Then at the end have Sinestro getting into it with Hal over who is the better/most powerful Lantern...boom Sinestro says I got some new bling forcing Hal to battle it out with the new Yellow Sinestro in full force. End part 2 with Sinestro beginning the recruitment for his new corps.

Now, I like that. I would pay the $16 IMax 3D to go see this movie. :rock
I had a few hours to kill without the wife and kids and I decided to give the film another shot. Unfortunately the second viewing pretty much solidified my initial impressions. The final chopped cut absolutely killed the film along with a craptacular earth bound characters and weak relationships. IMO too much focus on the Reynolds / Lively relationship which went nowhere due to horrible acting and bad script. Females will likely see these types of films once whereas fans will see it multiple times when good. Keep the love relationships to a minimum and focus on the rivalry relationships. The sequel will be better.........
Saw it. Pretty much hated it. I'll put this in there with the likes of FF,Daredevil, Wolverine, X3....ect.
Saw this yesterday afternoon in 3D.

The critical venom for this movie boggles my mind. No it wasn't The Godfather or even the best superhero adaptation but it was still a fun summer movie that I'd recommend catching on the big screen.

Reynolds was a very pleasant surprise as Hal. I loved the scene where the girl chided him for expecting covered cheekbones to make him unrecognizable. Classic.

I could see it not being someone's cup of tea but to compare it to FF2 or Wolverine is just silly, IMO.

Looking forward to seeing what Hot Toys does with the license.
I saw it on Friday and thought it was kind of boring. The guy who played Sinestro was good though.
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Yea, this movie and Pantsformers 3 are 2 of the crappest films I've seen at the cinema. Maybe even ever. Laughed at all the parts that shouldn't have been funny.
I don't think this movie will be getting a sequel. Transformers made more money than this in three days, and Cars 2 already passed its BO in half the time... :(

International is gonna have to be huge for the sequel to get green lit, imo.
Saw this yesterday afternoon in 3D.

The critical venom for this movie boggles my mind. No it wasn't The Godfather or even the best superhero adaptation but it was still a fun summer movie that I'd recommend catching on the big screen.

Reynolds was a very pleasant surprise as Hal. I loved the scene where the girl chided him for expecting covered cheekbones to make him unrecognizable. Classic.

I could see it not being someone's cup of tea but to compare it to FF2 or Wolverine is just silly, IMO.

Looking forward to seeing what Hot Toys does with the license.

:goodpost: Pretty much sums up my thoughts 100%.

I don't think this movie will be getting a sequel. Transformers made more money than this in three days, and Cars 2 already passed its BO in half the time... :(

International is gonna have to be huge for the sequel to get green lit, imo.
Not necessarily. There is a lot more to sequel greenlighting than just box office receipts these days, especially for studios like Warner Bros that are driven by things like stock portfolios & assets other than liquid capital. Besides, pretty much all movies like this make a mint on DVD/Blu-ray/OnDemand now whether they were huge b.o. hits or not. The door is not closed on prospects for a sequel at all.

Gotta admit, though, it stings that poopy flicks like TRANSFORMERS 3 & CARS 2 are making tons of cash while this (which is absolutely no worse and at least much more original than those two) is getting pummeled.
A true studio issued sequel won't be made until after December when it hits DVD/Blu-Ray. The damn thing is still being premiered through August worldwide anyway.