M. Night's The Last Airbender

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What idiots. A character from a fictional world with no Asian features, voiced by a white boy from Conneticut, is somehow Asian by default? If there's anyone that should be ashamed it's these people stereotyping the concept that anything with martial arts and Asian influences must be an Asian person.
And both have the greatest risk of disaster.

At least the Expendables has everything going for it - while there's plenty of risk of it coming off silly or cheesy, I have high hopes that Stallone will know how to handle the big cast and big explosions.

Poor Aang though...it has everything going against it. A guy completely in charge who has an oversized and totally undeserved ego who hasn't made a decent film in years, an unknown child actor who reminds me way too much of Jake Lloyd, trying to crush 8 hours of character development and plot into a 2 hour movie, and trailers that show plenty of great effects but none of the heart or humor that makes the show so great.

I'm going to take time off work to go see it on opening day, and I have my fingers, toes, and several other appendages crossed...but I worry.
This movie is going to suck.:nana: I just cant see something like this doing well at the box office.
"MY CABBAGES!!!":rotfl:rotfl

There's also that foaming mouth guy from Kyoshi Island. I couldn't stop laughing for days!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl when he first appeared! thats was so funny!!!! Thats what i look like all them time!! I get so pumped i pass out
Dude did anybody see momo tho ? He looks really weird . I just wish that someone would do proper justice and give us decent toys for this franchise but a man can only dream.