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Saw it with my 3.5 old son and we both loved it.

Andy should have kept his toys though! I know I love seeing my son play with my old Star Wars, He-Man, Transformers, etc...
Saw this the other day with my wife and kids. Great movie, and this is what going to the movies with your family is all about.

Pixar hits another homerun.

I hope they do a Monsters Inc. 2 , I am confident they can pull it off.
Monsters, Inc. may be my least favorite Pixar. But that's not saying much since it's still a great movie.

Toy Story 3 was truly incredible. I can't believe how much of an emotional roller coaster it would be!

Big Baby was really creepy and I agree the scene at the dumpster was a nod to ROTJ. The whole movie had some surprisingly dark elements. I particularly thought the incinerator scene may have gone too far for a children's movie. But I credit Pixar for not chickening out and instead gave the children audience the benefit of the doubt that they can understand and handle that kind of a scene.

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And I really liked Bonnie's toys. I loved the idea that they thought of themselves as an improv group! Genius! I would have liked to spend a little more time with them.

UGH. And the end I was bawling watching Andy talk about his toys! So touching! All 3 have been absolutely quality films.
The look Woody gives when
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was PRICELESS! I couldn't stop cracking up!
:lol I love Pixar's credit clips. They really deliver from beginning to end. And I absolutely love that they continue the old tradition of starting a movie with a cartoon short. I thought it was great when Disney did it with National Treasure 2 and I wish they would do it with all their live action movies.
I love this "tweet" that Kevin Smith just put up on his Twitter:


Me and the kid went to TOY STORY 3 today, aka SCHINDLER'S TOYBOX. Jesus Christ, I haven't cried that much since my Dad died. A+ #PixarPwns
Great movie-saw it today with the kids. I think it's the best of the three.
Saw this twice on 3D (one regular, one imax... they seemed the same)... I think 3D makes my head hurt. Plus it makes the film look dimmer. Not a huge fan of 3D, but it's alright.