Hot Toys - MMS157- Sucker Punch: Babydoll

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if that's not one of the worst lamest excuse ever, i dont know what is. doesnt matter if it's a 12" 'babydoll' or it's a 12" rambo. ht already set the standard: movie characters CAN look realistic in 12". accuracy and realistic expression are the gold standard. so just because it's a character of a girl with swords and guns, doesnt mean she deserves less.

you guys complained about "whiner" all the time, but lame excuses like that are even worse. they are counter productive. let me tell you, the ht crew dont get where they are now by being easy-to-please; they are where they are because they're bunch of nitpicky bastards. believe it.

no offense, but i prefer the original ht's proto over all the photoshoped pics so far, the above tweak included.

while i agree the ht's sculpt is less than perfect(the dead eyes are the worst part imo), you guys are focusing too much on it and ignoring the rest. the problem it looks less than realistic is because the clothing looks like they're made for a doll, rather than a representation of the real thing. the material used are too thick, the seams are too obvious. you see how in all the pics the sailor collar hang loose above the fig's neck, or how the belt(and the waist line of the top uniform & miniskirt) hang a bit loose? those are signs that the material used are too thicks and two sizes too big. now, these things may not bother you at first glance, but let me tell you... little things do add up to the overall impression.

less than perfect sculpt + less than fitting clothing + visible wrist poa + head don't mesh well with neck(either head is too big for the neck, or vice versa) = less than realistic fig.

surprisingly to me, the one thing that always was a detriment to ht's past female figs is now actually a plus here. i'm talking about the rooted hair. i also thought the legs with the stocking are perfectly sexy as is.

It's no secret that females are harder to pull off in this format. These figures somehow have to juggle poseability, hide the joints, please the pervs that want a sexy expression, please everyone that demands a dead on likeness, have an expression that fits the action theme of the movie accesories the figure comes with, pulls off the clothes the perfect way as you described above, has a body that is the correct stature but still looks proportionate and again sexy....give me a damn break.

Your long @$$ rant validates what I feel: for what it is at $150-$180 dollars is okay for a 12" doll with guns and swords. I feel is a doll because when these things are female people want them to be sexy, look great AND be what their male counterparts are. Some of you guys demand perfection with the sense of entitlement you stated above of pretty much "being picky makes HT better". Good luck trying to get that perfection. Also, people can play around with photoshop all day long to get their point accross, but I am sure it's a different animal when sitting there with your sculpting tools trying to squeeze a likeness that clicks on all cylinders.

I am not defending mediocre figures, but I think some need to take a step back on their quest for perfection on this DOLL. Then again, this is the part of the program where people dissect this stuff to death so who am I kidding, right? Go ahead and be picky.
Has anyone read the description of Babydoll on HT's Japan website?
At the end it says the following:
"Keep your eye on the future of the lineup!"
(translated from Japanese by google translator)

That gives me hope, that they are seriously planning more figures and are already expecting the Sucker Punch figs to sell well.

source or link please.
爆発的な人気を誇る戦うヒロイン、ベイビードールの魅力を最大限に引き出した本アイテム。同時発表のアンバーと共に手に入れて、『エンジェル ウォーズ』の時空を超えたファンタジーの世界を楽しもう!ホットトイズが贈る、『エンジェル ウォーズ』の今後のラインナップからも目が離せない!

"with explosive popularity to be proud of, battling heroine babydoll's appeal is captured to the max in this item. together with the simultaneously announced amber, you can enjoy the fantasy world that crossed over space-time. you won't be able to take your eyes off the "sucker punch" line-up that hot toys has to offer from now on either."

those marketing clowns at ht are clever s.o.b.'s - anything to sucker us in and punch us in the balls. pun(ch) definitely intended, sucker.
I want BD to get as close a likeness as possible. It's good as is, but I do want improvements. Especially since there might not be another high quality BD figure produced, possibly ever.

This might be the only shot we get to have BD in high end figure quality. It's not like SP is going to be a trilogy (I could be wrong, but eh) or ongoing franchise like Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, or are classic characters like CR Supes, Bruce Lee, Terminator ..... etc, who have the staying power, popularity & movie sequels to be made & remade over & over & over again, enough times to improve & reimprove upon. Can we say that about SP or it's characters?

This might be for all the marbles. Wanting improvements on a figure that might never get 1/6 treatment ever again? Why not? The figure is a homerun the way it is. But I want it to be the game winning homerun. It'll be that much more satisfying :D

at the first view I thought something is off with the headsculpt, but when I look at the highreolution pictures I think the sculpt is very well done! I will order her, she will look good next to my other hot chicks;-P
Has anyone read the description of Babydoll on HT's Japan website?
At the end it says the following:
"Keep your eye on the future of the lineup!"
(translated from Japanese by google translator)

Hmm this would be interesting..:monkey1

No matter, I'm not that much of a completist so I'll just get Babydoll (w/c is my only fave character in the movie) from this line and move on to their another license. :wink1:
Out for pre order on SSC now :D

holy ____, that's priced a lot higher than i thought it would be. think i'll have to only get baby doll then. ht wants us to buy these so they'll produce more from the license? make it tempting at least, you idiots. personally, amber without the rest is pointless.
Yeah I want it to be priced lower considering the minimal accessories they come with, but whatchagonnado?
You complain, but in Europe, they will cost around 170-200 € (240 to 280 $)... :'(
$169.99 for each... are they crazy?

I would have figured these wouldn't have been more than $139.99 at the most.
holy ____, that's priced a lot higher than i thought it would be. think i'll have to only get baby doll then. ht wants us to buy these so they'll produce more from the license? make it tempting at least, you idiots. personally, amber without the rest is pointless.

I agree. I considered ordering Baby Doll if the price was right but $170 :slap

I am not a big fan of the film but I enjoy the style of the film. At this price, I'd rather spend my money on a license I enjoy rather than on a figure because it looks cool. Craziness.......:wink1:
why are they both the same price? I can understand for BDoll but Amber doesn't even have rooted hair and almost no accessories. Shouldn't cost more than Thor
They are both more $$ than the Alice figure as well...

I don't get it. These girls aren't from anything where the licensing fees should be high for HT, they are original characters, the likenesses arent spot on and both are pretty slim on the accessories (especially Amber)

I really wanted to get both but there's no way i'm paying this much for each of them.