Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Might just be sitting on my doorstep Tuesday waiting for the mail to come...
I thought I could wait, but that video review threw me over the edge. Can. Not. Wait. :rock

i wonder when us PS3 boys can expect the Joker DLC... :confused:
Question about the Joker DLC: do you need to buy the collectors ed. to get this?

The reason I ask is that its only listed on the collector's ed. ps3 version on the Best Buy site.

Also, has anyone heard about the collector's ed/ DLC or the gamestop (i think) exclusive DLC?

Do you think we'll be able to download these later anyway?
The reason I ask is that its only listed on the collector's ed. ps3 version on the Best Buy site.

Also, has anyone heard about the collector's ed/ DLC or the gamestop (i think) exclusive DLC?

Do you think we'll be able to download these later anyway?

THE DLC for gamestop was some boneyard fight area where you fought skeletons. Dont think store specific DLC will be available for download later on though.
Here is the list of achievements/trophies...

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Just ordered the collectors edition from Amazon.

Anyone getting the PS3 skin? I think I am going to grab one, looks awesome!
My friend got a "early copy". He sums the game up in one word, repetitive. Basically he said near all the boss fights are the same. You either fight a boss jacked up on "the juice" or you fight a boss where they constantly call on the goons/thugs/inmates and you gotta mash away to beat them. Very redudnant. The Joker boss was "disapointing"...
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My friend got a "early copy". He sums the game up in one word, repetitive. Basically he said near all the boss fights are the same. You either fight a boss jacked up on "the juice" or you fight a boss where they constantly call on the goons/thugs/inmates and you gotta mash away to beat them. Very redudnant. The Joker boss was "disapointing"...
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I think I may rely on these:

Actual Reviews said:
Gametrailers 08/21/09 Review 9 out of 10
GamePro 08/21/09 Review 4 out of 5
PSM3 Magazine UK 08/21/09 Review 92 out of 100
1UP 08/21/09 Review A-
IGN 08/21/09 Review 9.3 out of 10
Playstation Official Magazine US 10/01/09 Review 5 out of 5
Game Informer 09/01/09 Review 9.5 out of 10

...more than your friend and his "early copy" :lol