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Re: Rogue

This is fallacious thinking. I'm sure there are hundreds of people that received Rogue and have no problem with it. Because of this forum there are now many people that were perfectly fine and happy with Rogue until some people told them they shouldn't be.

Well as soon as I opened mine, the first thing that came out of my mouth was WTF! This is the only SSC statue I have ever been disappointed in the final statue. The quality of the paint job on the heads on both pieces are just not like what SSC are known for.
Re: Rogue

I know I would have had a problem with the wandering eyes, I always do when their eyes do that. I do wonder though if I would have had as much problem with the face paint if I wasn't a member of these forums. Hmmm, guess I'll never know. I was looking at pics on the forums and reading comments before I got mine so I knew what to expect.
Re: Rogue

This is fallacious thinking. I'm sure there are hundreds of people that received Rogue and have no problem with it. Because of this forum there are now many people that were perfectly fine and happy with Rogue until some people told them they shouldn't be.

Hundreds of people are being cheated on by a spouse right at this moment. They are perfectly happy being ignorant to it. Does it mean they want to? Maybe each person can answer that. I for one am glad threads like this exist though because I would not like to be ignorant to it. I'd hope that I would be smart enough to figure out this doesnt look good. But there are tons of flaws here. Its not just a wandering eye.

People have double checked what they got due to these posts and even found more wrong than just the paint on the face. The outcry of such a tight knit community can definitely sway people in one direction there is no question. But SS should know that as well which is why they should make it right.

But to say hundreds of people are now upset when they wouldnt have been implies that
1. people here are stupid and are only upset because others are.
2. this is somehow mind over matter.

Its not mind over matter I can tell you as much. The Rogue I have in hand has more issues than all my other SS pieces together (I dont have a ton of them like some people here). I looked of every inch of this once I knew how shotty the CQ was on the faces. I posted those defects so others could look more closely at the ones they have in hand too. If anything its helped people QC the item they purchased at over 300$ which we dont expect to have to do.

I'll be the first to admit I didnt inspect my gambit PF nearly as close. I expected the quality to be there. However I can guarantee that if I had a gambit head that looked like the rogue one I would have. I can also guarantee that there would have been a storm about it on here and I would have known that I needed to look it over.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with us being informed consumers and helping each other identify problems. Its because of places like this and threads like this that we can have a voice back to SS as a collective group when something like this happens.
Re: Rogue

For me this whole line is nostalgia. I was 10 years old during the heart of the Jim Lee era with the Xmen were at the prime of popularity. So for me I wouldnt want anything other than this. I know others would prefer the generation of Xmen before Lee.

Gambit is my favorite comic character. Not for what they have done with him in the last 15 years or his own stories. But because when I was 12 I liked him more than anyone else. Its the same reason Peyton Manning can never be a better QB than Dan Marino. Marino was my hero when I was 12. That will never change for the rest of my life.

Rogue is up there as well for obvious reasons. Its a shame that one of the 2 characters i cared about more than any others in this line has turned out this way. Its way I'm still holding my breath hoping for a solution.

Yeah, been a big fan of Gambit and was thrilled when they made the PF. I share you sentiments about Rogue.
Re: Rogue

Dang, I must have missed the meeting where you were elected sole arbiter of which is which :slap

I think once SS saw the horrible paint jobs on these things they were left with a choice of shipping all 2250 back to China to be repainted, which would have taken months to take care of at great expense. Or ship them on to customers and deal with the small percentage of people who will actually return the statue for a refund. In my opinion it was a deliberate business decision, because the alternative is system wide incompetence on SS part.


Witch hunts? Really? That's how you rationalize this? Don't drown in your idle conspiracy theories. This thread isn't about your so called "mob mentality" either.

Let me bottom line it for you. This has happened with other statue/busts from SSC before. But to change the photos on the site to match what's actually being shipped to customers is real shaky and just plain wrong. Think of how many people who don't belong to a forum like this who don't know any better. When this kind of debacle becomes a trend, it plants the seed of doubt in my head for all future orders.

Agreed, if anything this has highlighted the issues and those that posted pics are really only a fraction of the people who got her so there could be many more with issues. So far from this forum, I've seen statues with flattering pics posted and the statues receive rave reviews from collectors. For the sake of fairness and equality, the converse should also apply. Out of the many statues SSC releases, I haven't seen so many pics of subpar paint apps so far. jmo.

It's funny how some people jump into the thread who never even ordered Rogue and never posted interest in Marvel or her, til after it shipped.

I have seen some pics of nice repaints and relatively good Rogue's, at least some people got acceptible ones.
Re: Rogue

This is fallacious thinking. I'm sure there are hundreds of people that received Rogue and have no problem with it. Because of this forum there are now many people that were perfectly fine and happy with Rogue until some people told them they shouldn't be.

Come on... Do you really think that, Dave? How can anyone look at the pics on the Sideshow site and then the shipped piece and think it's "perfectly fine"? I'm sure there were a few. But hundreds? Extremely hard to believe. The production piece looks atrocious. And Sideshow is basically admitting they gaffed with this latest email offer to those who purchased.

In other words, this is a lot different than someone who's happy with a Stormtrooper figure stumbling onto a forum and reading that it's inaccurate because it doesn't have the right amount of "teeth". This is a clear QC issue.
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Re: Rogue

Hundreds of people are being cheated on by a spouse right at this moment. They are perfectly happy being ignorant to it. Does it mean they want to? Maybe each person can answer that. I for one am glad threads like this exist though because I would not like to be ignorant to it. I'd hope that I would be smart enough to figure out this doesnt look good. But there are tons of flaws here. Its not just a wandering eye.

People have double checked what they got due to these posts and even found more wrong than just the paint on the face. The outcry of such a tight knit community can definitely sway people in one direction there is no question. But SS should know that as well which is why they should make it right.

But to say hundreds of people are now upset when they wouldnt have been implies that
1. people here are stupid and are only upset because others are.
2. this is somehow mind over matter.

Its not mind over matter I can tell you as much. The Rogue I have in hand has more issues than all my other SS pieces together (I dont have a ton of them like some people here). I looked of every inch of this once I knew how shotty the CQ was on the faces. I posted those defects so others could look more closely at the ones they have in hand too. If anything its helped people QC the item they purchased at over 300$ which we dont expect to have to do.

I'll be the first to admit I didnt inspect my gambit PF nearly as close. I expected the quality to be there. However I can guarantee that if I had a gambit head that looked like the rogue one I would have. I can also guarantee that there would have been a storm about it on here and I would have known that I needed to look it over.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with us being informed consumers and helping each other identify problems. Its because of places like this and threads like this that we can have a voice back to SS as a collective group when something like this happens.

I have to agree with these statements, :goodpost::exactly:
Re: Rogue

I suspect customers who paid 300$ plus shipping + taxes, etc.. expecting a high end collectable and ending up getting this level of quality instead has also something to do with people being unhappy...:dunno


I think most collectors are smart enough to think for themselves, and they don't have to be coerced by someone to think a head with 2 eye looking in totally different directions is unacceptable.

Unless of course they themselves have some vision problems. In which case, maybe they do need a little help.
Re: Rogue

Once I post a pic, I will NOT take anymore orders. :lol

keeding j/k, but I always love "we'll see how it turns up..." guys.

I have mine shipping on Friday of this week, lots are waiting on refunds or compensation to start sending heads. :)

Hey there, how much are you charging for repainting the heads? Feel free to PM me if you would rather tell me there! Thanks.
Re: Rogue

I joined this forum because of QC issues and was googling if anybody else was having problems. Group Think is certainly a possiblity but anyone into this hobby has some appreciation for art and expects a certain professional level of quality. I personally felt my Rogue substandard and she didnt have crooked eyes. I read the SS thirty day guarantee when considering whether or not to complain. Truth is, I was not satisified, plain and simple.
Re: Rogue

Hundreds of people are being cheated on by a spouse right at this moment. They are perfectly happy being ignorant to it. Does it mean they want to? Maybe each person can answer that. I for one am glad threads like this exist though because I would not like to be ignorant to it. I'd hope that I would be smart enough to figure out this doesnt look good. But there are tons of flaws here. Its not just a wandering eye.

People have double checked what they got due to these posts and even found more wrong than just the paint on the face. The outcry of such a tight knit community can definitely sway people in one direction there is no question. But SS should know that as well which is why they should make it right.

But to say hundreds of people are now upset when they wouldnt have been implies that
1. people here are stupid and are only upset because others are.
2. this is somehow mind over matter.

Its not mind over matter I can tell you as much. The Rogue I have in hand has more issues than all my other SS pieces together (I dont have a ton of them like some people here). I looked of every inch of this once I knew how shotty the CQ was on the faces. I posted those defects so others could look more closely at the ones they have in hand too. If anything its helped people QC the item they purchased at over 300$ which we dont expect to have to do.

I'll be the first to admit I didnt inspect my gambit PF nearly as close. I expected the quality to be there. However I can guarantee that if I had a gambit head that looked like the rogue one I would have. I can also guarantee that there would have been a storm about it on here and I would have known that I needed to look it over.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with us being informed consumers and helping each other identify problems. Its because of places like this and threads like this that we can have a voice back to SS as a collective group when something like this happens.

Don't feel like getting anymore points in this thread, but I really, really love this comment from top to bottom. Make me want to send you a friend invite...:)

I'm glad that I was the first one that brought some of these issues to the table for people to start checking their own, and with that, I found other things wrong because of other collector's findings.

I love, no I like this forum and it serve its purpose!
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Re: Rogue

Dang, I must have missed the meeting where you were elected sole arbiter of which is which :slap

I must have missed it too. It's kind of you to assume, though.

I was, however present at the meeting where I was elected sole arbiter of my cognition, and I'll be damned if someone else's opinion is going to trump my observation of facts. It certainly isn't going to inspire me to invent facts in place of ones I have no means of observing, or otherwise being aware of.

csi said:
I think once SS saw the horrible paint jobs on these things they were left with a choice of shipping all 2250 back to China to be repainted, which would have taken months to take care of at great expense. Or ship them on to customers and deal with the small percentage of people who will actually return the statue for a refund. In my opinion it was a deliberate business decision, because the alternative is system wide incompetence on SS part.

And you're certainly entitled to your opinion, as others are free to point out that your opinion is based on speculation and assumption. Like all opinion, it's arbitrary without evidence (and I don't mean whatever theory you can patch together from an incomplete picture). Recent developments would suggest that your opinion is false if they are in fact recasting and repainting heads for those who were dissatisfied.
Re: Rogue

There is absolutely nothing wrong with us being informed consumers and helping each other identify problems. Its because of places like this and threads like this that we can have a voice back to SS as a collective group when something like this happens.

For sure, that's one of the great upsides of being a member of a forum where fellow collectors who purchased a piece share their concerns or admiration of the product. It's too bad that these threads frequently get derailed by those that have no interest in the said piece, (calling others 'whiners' does not help or try to wreak havoc where there are genuine concerns about those that ordered the statue). This thread has been helpful in both quantifying Sideshow's response to this, and sharing the disappointment in the QC. I sincerely hope the problems with this statue gets resolved amicably. Thanks to all the members who actually received this that shared insight into the problems and subsequent road to a resolution. :hi5:
Re: Rogue

This actually reminds me of the Gentle Giant Clone Obi-Wan statue... an awesome prototype that wound up with a horribly painted, misshapened head.

Except GG never owned up to it and offered to fix it.
Re: Rogue

I remember that too. What a nightmare.

That prototype had been amazing, and was the first statue I'd ever been enticed to order. They really screwed the hell out of their retailers on that.
Re: Rogue

This actually reminds me of the Gentle Giant Clone Obi-Wan statue... an awesome prototype that wound up with a horribly painted, misshapened head.

Except GG never owned up to it and offered to fix it.

Yeah, luckily Sidehow CS department is better.
Re: Rogue

Don't feel like getting anymore points in this thread, but I really, really love this comment from top to bottom. Make me want to send you a friend invite...:)

Thanks I've actually gotten a few requests as a result of this thread.

Still waiting on an email from SS on a head replacement. I'll post once I get one. I'm wondering if people like me who sent more pics on the body as well they are waiting to address
Re: Rogue

This is fallacious thinking. I'm sure there are hundreds of people that received Rogue and have no problem with it. Because of this forum there are now many people that were perfectly fine and happy with Rogue until some people told them they shouldn't be.

Respectfully Mr. Stephens, this really is a stunning comment. People did not have to be on this forum to make a judgment on this piece when they opened up their boxes. All they had to do is observe the head paint application, the change made to the backside and compare it to the photos on the Sideshow site to realize something was amiss.

I suspect you started this board so a community of collectors could discuss the good and the bad of our hobby. I also suspect you started this board so that consumers could gather and share all available information to make an informed buying decision. Now you're telling us to turn a blind eye and not interact with others by withholding information from what we all can plainly see? I believe this is fallacious reasoning. If you think "some people" told others "not to be happy," then I invite you to read the previous 300 pages. You will find 300 pages of blowback on this particular statue from the majority of posters.

Please do not allow friendships of business employees to cloud your judgment and objectivity over certain issues. Sometimes a product just doesn't turn out well. This was the case of the Rouge PF.

Thank you for your time.
