KOTCS Indy PF...

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You'd think that LFL would have learned that doing KOTCS merchandise was a bad idea.

I wasn't going to order this PF no matter how good it looked. I'm not all that interested in getting a second Indy PF in any style (PF's are large, so only a few are ever going to be displayed at one time - I'd prefer them to be across lines and not all the same character), but had KOTCS not been a steaming pile of crap I wouldn't mind an old Indy. However, I'd rather forget that movie, not immortalize it in my house.

All that being said, I do think the sculpt is top notch. The paint kills it though, especially the eyes, eyebrows and hair. Sideshow has to get the paint work/materials used to look more realistic at this price point.
You'd think that LFL would have learned that doing KOTCS merchandise was a bad idea.

I wasn't going to order this PF no matter how good it looked. I'm not all that interested in getting a second Indy PF in any style (PF's are large, so only a few are ever going to be displayed at one time - I'd prefer them to be across lines and not all the same character), but had KOTCS not been a steaming pile of crap I wouldn't mind an old Indy. However, I'd rather forget that movie, not immortalize it in my house.

All that being said, I do think the sculpt is top notch. The paint kills it though, especially the eyes, eyebrows and hair. Sideshow has to get the paint work/materials used to look more realistic at this price point.

100% agree with everything. :clap
I am soooooooooo damn irritated that the SS factory (ies) they used CANNOT DO QUALITY WORK. If I was trevor, I'd quit out of disgust that they take a PERFECT sculpt and totally DESTROY IT with ^^^^e paint work.

This is the first PF that ANGERS ME - not just irritates me....that original sculpt is awesome....And if that is how the painted proto looks, dear lord, what will the production one look like?!?!?!?!?!?!!?! I am done with the PF line until they get it together.
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hmmm... I like the pf , there are 2 things that bother me. The leg does look a little more awkward to me than I thought it would and the sculpt could be painted alot better.
The exclusive could of been better too.
With the hellboy pf , terminator t800 pf and me maybe getting the leonidas pf too I'm not sure now.
Its that sculpt that makes me want to buy this .... man its awesome. I feel like buying this and getting it reposed/sculpted ( in certan areas ) and painted. Would be way to expensive though.
Still not sure..
I went ahead and preordered the regular in addition to the exclusive. Of course I won't keep both, I'll probably axe the exclusive. Not typically a fan of free standing exclusive accessories, I like them to be incorporated into the figure or base itself. Kind of a bummer that we *aren't* getting a hatless head this time. Makes repaints so much easier.
I think its a pretty all around awesome piece. Don't have any problems with the likeness or pose. Base looks good, glad they've got at least a version of the skull in there. I'm not too surprised at the response, I think 90% of it is just people who didn't like the movie in the first place rushing to magnify their own negative opinions of certain aspects of this piece. I'm not speaking for anyone in particular, just sayin'. :)

All this talk about the bad paint apps on the great sculpt is overlooking the biggest thing here: this is perhaps the laziest PF offering Sideshow has ever come with since the Exclusive ANH Farmboy Luke.

This one took a minimum of effort on their part. All it is: New sculpt, oddly posed body and new base. THAT'S IT. As others have pointed out, the clothes are entirely recycled from the ROTLA version, which is pure B.S.
I'm not too surprised at the response, I think 90% of it is just people who didn't like the movie in the first place rushing to magnify their own negative opinions of certain aspects of this piece. I'm not speaking for anyone in particular, just sayin'. :)


Or it could just be the paint? :dunno :rotfl
Well I actually liked the movie but do not like this statue. Not a good KOTCS pose, no skull, clothes are just wrong and the paint appliances make him look much older and heavier than he looked in the movie. Again I am a fan of the movie so that definately had nothing to do with my opinion on this statue - I actually really wanted to like it but realistically it is impossible for me to justify the problems with it. Very disappointing.:monkey2
I can't understand how you guys can't see Harrison?
The stubble looks really good

I put him in black and white if that helps


1) No, the black and white didn't help.

2) Neither look like the pick of Ford at the bottom.

3) If you can't see that, you need to stop bogarting and share! :lol
I wonder if the head on this one would removable like the Raiders edition was... reason I ask, is that I would like to have my Raiders head on this pose..
I wonder if the head on this one would removable like the Raiders edition was... reason I ask, is that I would like to have my Raiders head on this pose..

Quite possibly so. The shape of the neck area on the original sculpt appears to be the same as the first Indy PF, for whatever that's worth.
I can see Harrison in the piece, but his face seems too wide and is way too fleshy. Trevor's sculpt looks excellent. Not sure what happened between the sculpt and the painted prototype, but something definitely is amiss. And when the hell is Sideshow going to start doing something about the darn paint apps? It's the same song and dance almost every time: a great sculpt ruined by the paint. I haven't seen Sideshow do a thing to address this, and frankly, it's getting tiring.

I'm such an Indy nut, like everyone else here, and I want so much to support every piece that Sideshow releases. But they haven't given me any reason what so ever to buy this piece. There's absolutely nothing about it that says KOTCS, IMO. If Sideshow is doing an Indy from each movie, then there should be something distinctive about each one that immediately tells you, "Hey, this one is KOTCS." It's like Sideshow releasing a ToD Indy without the stones and the machete (heaven forbid).

Okay, so he's older. That's fine. But he's too general-looking otherwise (and it's Raiders clothes and a Raiders pose with at KOTCS head). If Sideshow is asking collectors to buy this piece for an older, wiser Indy, personally I prefer to remember Indy in his younger years.
I wasn't going to order this PF no matter how good it looked. I'm not all that interested in getting a second Indy PF in any style (PF's are large, so only a few are ever going to be displayed at one time - I'd prefer them to be across lines and not all the same character), but had KOTCS not been a steaming pile of crap I wouldn't mind an old Indy. However, I'd rather forget that movie, not immortalize it in my house.

So in other words you where going to hate it no matter what. Basically making you bias against whatever they went with. Because PF's are so large and exspensive I prefer to have them of items I want and honestly that includes a version of Indy in al four films. As far as KOTCS being a steaming pile of crap well thats one persons 2 cents. I'd disagree. I found the film quite enjoyable and had a great Indy vibe 2 it. I can't wait to have this in my collection.

I think its a pretty all around awesome piece. Don't have any problems with the likeness or pose. Base looks good, glad they've got at least a version of the skull in there. I'm not too surprised at the response, I think 90% of it is just people who didn't like the movie in the first place rushing to magnify their own negative opinions of certain aspects of this piece. I'm not speaking for anyone in particular, just sayin'. :)

I agree 110%.

All this talk about the bad paint apps on the great sculpt is overlooking the biggest thing here: this is perhaps the laziest PF offering Sideshow has ever come with since the Exclusive ANH Farmboy Luke.

This one took a minimum of effort on their part. All it is: New sculpt, oddly posed body and new base. THAT'S IT. As others have pointed out, the clothes are entirely recycled from the ROTLA version, which is pure B.S.

Why is it lazy though? Cause Indy's outfit isn't really that different over the course of 4 movies. Its not like he's like Hellboy where he'll be in some super kneeling pose either. I don't think the outfit is entirely recycled from the ROTLA version looking at screen caps of KOTCS from theraider.net.

PS-You have a PM about the total room cost if you haven't read it. :)
As stated in the recent rules that everyone received an email of - comments such as "crap" or "pass" are not valid criticisms and are not to be used. If you don't like something please articulate what it is that you don't like.

As for the photos - there's a reflection on the nose that's unfortunate and is hurting the likeness. However the actual sculpt seems pretty dead on. And as Trevor said, it's a good thing that they chose to pose the hat differently, being pushed back allows you to see more of the sculpt.
Sorry Dave.

I'm not impressed at all because its a rehash with an ugly headsculpt. I really don't think Harrison looked that bad in the film the whole time, the sculpt should have been more flattering. Fairly accurate likeness but an ugly expression, etc. Also don't like the pose. All around very disappointing item.

If I was a fan of KOTCS I'd be even more disappointed that an opportunity was missed to make him look aged, rugged, yet still handsome and dashing.
I actually really like this PF and may even consider going outside the realms of LOTR to pick one up (reg. though I don't think the excl. is neccessary)

Then again I really enjoyed KOTCS and I think both the pose and attitude this PF gives off really resembles Indy in that film :)

I think the sculpt is almost spot on Harrison in the film, sure the paint apps are not perfect but for me I think its the lighter colour of the eyesbrows that really effect the look of the face (having the effect of elongating the forehead and crushing the brow)

This is all just IMO of coarse :dunno :lol