Konami teases a new Metal Gear project (possibly)

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Update - The new MGS title is Metal Gear Solid Touch, a new game for the iphone and itouch.


don't think I could care any less.


Konami's teaser website: https://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/mgst/?ref=kjp_eng

From Kotaku:

A new flash site has just gone live on Konami's Kojima Productions website. The flash site is barebones, showing them Konami logo and the above image with text that reads "A Next Metal Gear Is..."

The text is green, so make of that what you will. Konami logo is directly below.

Yep, that's the Konami logo alright. Now what do those green icons refer to. And there is an "i", so...

A lot of the readers on Kotaku have their own theories on what this new project could be - A brand new MG game, an Xbox 360 MGS4, a Wii Metal Gear game...the list goes on. Those green icons are key.
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did anyone really believe they were finished with 4??? i knew kojima said he wanted to try new stuff, but i'd like to think that meant he was done doing everything on them and just overseeing production while someone else on the team did the legwork.
~~~hopes he makes a new Snatcher game or remake.
Looks like an Xbox 360 MGS

Although I really don't care about MGS so it's not a big deal if it is. Smart on their part though----multiplatform games make a lot more money.
Looks like an Xbox 360 MGS

Although I really don't care about MGS so it's not a big deal if it is. Smart on their part though----multiplatform games make a lot more money.

definitely. people that believe it "can't" be made on the 360 are foolish. $$$ can make a lot of things possible.
The odds of this new teaser ultimately resulting in an MGS4 port for the 360 is very high, and to be quite honest, I'm done with the MGS series. I wish Kojima and crew could move on to something else.

Whatever it is, I'm not excited. Like hairlesswookie said, a Snatcher project of any type would be awesome. Or even a new Zone of the Enders game.
The odds of this new teaser ultimately resulting in an MGS4 port for the 360 is very high, and to be quite honest, I'm done with the MGS series. I wish Kojima and crew could move on to something else.
oh man i would laugh so hard if they announced it for the 360. i can almost hear all of the SDF followers crying as i type this.
Yeah 360 MGS4 is only a matter of time. Like Hairless was saying money makes the world go round. Personally I would love a MGS4 on the 360, still hadnt had a chance to play it yet.
Yeah 360 MGS4 is only a matter of time. Like Hairless was saying money makes the world go round. Personally I would love a MGS4 on the 360, still hadnt had a chance to play it yet.

but it says "a next..."

that doesn't suggest a port
MGS4: Substance. konami has a way of double dipping their games all thetime. also solves the sony exclusive lockup of MGS4 as they could claim this is a new game. kind of similar to what they did with 2 on the original Xbox.
By looking at that teaser,green light...its possibly a 360 version,i think it might be a MGS4:Substance thing coming exclusively for 360.

There was a MGS game made exclusively for PSP and gamecube so i think it will be a 360 game,but i dont hope so as i am a happy owner of a PS3:D

A Konami employee said after MGS4 that Hideo have plans for a new game that takes the story back to Outer Haven and the relationship between Snake and his fater(Big Boss).Which means a remake of the old NES games,which i hope happens!
Definitely looks like something for the 360 and I think MGO will fit in just fine on live with bigger maps and a better control scheme.
but it says "a next..."

that doesn't suggest a port

To me, the use of the word "next" rather than "new" imply a port rather than a whole new game.

Combined with the clues in the announcement, this screams Xbox 360 version.
last symbol is the xbox360 power up symbol

Last time I checked, there wasn't an exclamation point on the 360. But if that's the line of thinking... hmmm... it also seems to be the power button on my PS3, and my Wii, and even my PC, and probably 20 million other things out there.

IF you ask me, the "i" seems more like something that would go along with the iPod. Ipod + Metal Gear = Power!
I just read a really interesting thought on the matter.

i equals 180, upside down i equals the other 180 to give you 360 so...

i (180 degrees) + upside down i (the other 180 degrees) = 360

Cool take on it I thought.