The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Honestly Marvel may not be quite so hot anymore if they can't resign RDJ. I'm not exactly looking forward to Captain America 2.

DC is going to need Superman to suceed as well, right now, it's looking like Sony may have the best looking future until we see if Marvel can survive recasting Iron Man and DC can survive rebooting Batman. I mean you think this movie is getting hate for rebooting so soon, wait til they get a load of a new Batman in just 2 years.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Honestly Marvel may not be quite so hot anymore if they can't resign RDJ. I'm not exactly looking forward to Captain America 2.

DC is going to need Superman to suceed as well, right now, it's looking like Sony may have the best looking future until we see if Marvel can survive recasting Iron Man and DC can survive rebooting Batman. I mean you think this movie is getting hate for rebooting so soon, wait til they get a load of a new Batman in just 2 years.

Well, the Batman reboot makes sense. Nolan's films are ending. After the 18th, his story is over.

Spider-Man's wasn't. He had a fourth and fifth film still coming, and ready to go.

That's why people got upset. Spider-Man 3 sucked, but that was all the studio's doing. So it feels like a weird almost intentional murder type of thing with the franchise.

But oh well.

And I think RDJ is safe as Iron Man for a while. We got two more flicks down the road. Perhaps one more. He said he doesn't mind playing Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark for the rest of his life....
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Exact movie replica:


Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Meh... I didn't love it.

It's a solid, fairly entertaining film, and I would rank it high above Spiderman 3. Andrew Garfield looks more like the Parker of the comics than Tobey, and is an excellent Spiderman, despite reminding me of a hipster Anthony Perkins. Emma Stone is gorgeous as always and has good chemistry with her Spidey. The CGI has improved alot in the past decade, making the action scenes far more convincing than anything in the Raimi Trilogy.

And finally, Martin Sheen was likable as Uncle Ben.

That was what I liked. Now what profoundly disappointed me was how they were able to take the exact premise of the first film, but remove the charm, humor, and emotional drama. People criticize the Raimi films for a camp approach, but Raimi knew what he was doing. The original is over the top when it needs to be, but I still cared about the characters and was moved by their triumphs and tragedies. That being said, I thought
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For instance,
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I totally understand they wanted to mix it up from the original; But if you have to recreate an important moment in the first place, and can't top it, why bother? Even Aunt May was reduced to having Sally Field simply show up throughout the film. Okay. There's none of the resonance of Rosemary Harris' character from the first film. Nada.

We get glimpses of a smart ass Spidey that beats Tobey's portrayal in the suit, but he's only really present in the carjacking scene we've all seen in every trailer for the past six months.

And the Lizard? He looks cool, and again, was well used in the action sequences, but another sympathetic scientist corrupted by his own experiments? REMAKE. Couldn't we have gotten this premise is Spiderman 4, but toss out the origin aspect and throw in Kraven the Hunter to fight the Lizard and mix it up a bit?

As for his master plan,
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is the most sensible mad scientist goal since THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE.


There are fun moments, but the film is robbed of that sense of wonder I get from watching the best Marvel films. I thought it was alright, just nothing I hadn't seen before and done better. It's just hard to be impressed after THE AVENGERS. 3/5
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Just came back from a midnight screening. I like it but I still think Spiderman 2 is the best Spiderman movie for now.

Garfield and Stone play their respective roles very well but I am still not sure about Garfield as Peter Parker. He just doesn't convinced me as Peter Parker, too mopey maybe? The think I like about Tobey's Parker is the positivity that he always has no matter the situation.

Garfield is currently more of a rebel and punkish Parker which I guess is more in line with the Ultimates version.

Stone is absolutely fantastic as Gwen though. Finally a pillar of strength for Parker which I felt Kristen's Mary Jane was never able to do.

The movie is very unbalanced though. The first half is very slow. In fact Parker transformation into full costume Spidey only occurs like 60% into the movie. And then things moved really fast, kinda rush infact from there.

Lizard was ok but I felt they took too much inspiration from the Goblin. Very similar progression infact except that Green Goblin and William Dafoe are more interesting to watch.

Action is much better here, I especially like the more 'grounded' brawl but I do miss the more aerial based fights of the previous third movie.

Costume does not bother me in the movie since we do not really see it very clearly most of the time.

I however do not like them changing his origin in this movie. It is really the worst changes of all. The impact is totally not there in how Uncle Ben died. Even his motivation for donning the mask is different.

The score as most have mentioned here is seriously lacking. I do sorely miss the old theme song. This one is not memorable at all and doesn't feel heroic.

I will give this movie a 7/10. Sony is off to a good start and I am curious to see what they have in store for us next movie.

I know a lot will say this movie will make the Raimi's obsolete but that is rubbish talk. This movie is made for a very different audience from a different generation like the Raimi version was made for very different audience and different generation.

Raimi version has a very Golden (or was it silver?) age feel to it while this version is very Ultimates.

Both have their place like the Burton Batman and Nolan Batman. I was watching the Burton Batman recently and I really like the more 'mythical' expect of his style.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

can someone explain the end credit lizard in jail scene to me please, i totally didnt get that, so was most of the people who waited to see it...there was a collective "wtf? lame..."
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

About equal to SM3 for me. With the exception of Gwen and Capt. Stacy, everyone else was mediocre to poor, with Field and Sheen taking the prize for suck.

As a adherent to Lee/Ditko canon, this was a slap in the face.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

can someone explain the end credit lizard in jail scene to me please, i totally didnt get that, so was most of the people who waited to see it...there was a collective "wtf? lame..."

From my Internet research it's a villain but its undisclosed most likely Norman Osborne but maybe even mysterio or electro

Read something about them being in the next film but possibly not the main villain.

Would be a great way to build up to the goblin :)
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Honestly Marvel may not be quite so hot anymore if they can't resign RDJ. I'm not exactly looking forward to Captain America 2.

DC is going to need Superman to suceed as well, right now, it's looking like Sony may have the best looking future until we see if Marvel can survive recasting Iron Man and DC can survive rebooting Batman. I mean you think this movie is getting hate for rebooting so soon, wait til they get a load of a new Batman in just 2 years.

You never know. RDJ might re-up. :pray:

And I think RDJ is safe as Iron Man for a while. We got two more flicks down the road. Perhaps one more. He said he doesn't mind playing Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark for the rest of his life....

Isn't IM3 the end of his Marvel contract?

What I would have given to have that when I was a kid.

Because you can't buy one now? Just yesterday my son and I were chasing each other around the house with the Iron Man repulsors (though I had to leave it open and use bungee chords to get it to stay put on my forearm :lol).
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Just saw the movie.Better than the first trilogy.But movie was average. Not memorable at all. 6/10
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

is there any after credit scene ?? and what is it ??
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Another good part I thought
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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Ah yes.

So the movie had no heart? Really? Peter Parker standing up to a bully. The wonderfully tender moments between Peter and Uncle Ben.

The scene
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Legacy? They reintroduced Gwen Stacy who's
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is a huge part of his legacy. The very legacy your referring to has now been included with a future expansion on that wonderfully tragic story arc.

there was no heart in the film making… they settled on telling the story in the most predictable way. comic books constantly retell the story but with great success... there is passion in the writing... there was no passion here, just regurgitation.