Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

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The first one was medicore to me. I'll probably get this one just because I enjoy anything that lets me swing a lightsaber and use the force, but I'm not overly excited about it. I will likely wait until it comes down in price...
I enjoyed the first game... it wasn't mind-blowing, but still fun to run around hacking at people with lightsabers and tossing them with the force.

I'll likely pick this one up as well.
The first game was probably my biggest gaming dissapointment ever. Not that it was a bad game cause I did enjoy it but I had been so hyped up for TFU1 nearly 2 years before it was finally released, keeping up with the latest updates, buying the figures months before the game came out, watching evey video and trailer about it and discussing about it on various forums etc and it was my most anticipated game ever. But when it finally came out, it was glitchey as hell and the story was just decent, not spectacular but decent which was dissapointing since TFU was suppose to be the next chapter of the SW universe and it was way too short. I was fully expecting this to replace KOTOR 1 and 2 as my favorite SW media outside the OT but it didn't come close. I also didn't like how the lightsaber combat felt more like you were weilding a blunt object rather than a weapon that can cut through steel easier than a hot knife through butter. That being said I am looking foward to TFU2 but I'm gonna keep my expectations much lower this time around.
Also what I didn't like about the first game is that they reused half the levels by having the characters going to some of them twice.....WTF, is that just laziness on part of the game makers...ah well, hope the sequel's better
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I wish you can use the skins from the first game. What made it more enjoyable for me was being able to use Luke, Anakin, or even Jango and play the game that way
That does look pretty cool. The last one was such a disappointment after all the hype it is difficult for me to get excited about this one.

So I'm guessing he is a clone, but doesn't know he is a clone? And I predict at some point he is going to wind up fighting at least two of his own clones.
<object id='vid_3233306' width='480' height='270' data='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'><param name='movie' value='' /><param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /><param name='flashvars' value='vgroup=e310_forceunleashed2_gmp_061110&object=55059'/></object><div style='width:480;'><a href=''>More Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Info</a></div>
At least you know you get to use 2 lightsabers, game looks amazing

I kinda laughed when I saw that. I can picture the developers sitting around a table thinking about how to make the game look cool.

"What is cooler than holding a lightsaber backwards?"
"How about holding tow lightsaber backwards!"

:lol But hell, it looks like fun so I won't complain.
I kinda laughed when I saw that. I can picture the developers sitting around a table thinking about how to make the game look cool.

"What is cooler than holding a lightsaber backwards?"
"How about holding tow lightsaber backwards!"

:lol But hell, it looks like fun so I won't complain.


I'll skip buying this one, but will definitely hit it up on Gamefly.