Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

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Everyone's a critic, but not all opinions are treated the same.

Sad but true, but we should be smart enough to view them all equally, and not hold one higher than the other. I mean, just because they're at a big game site, it doesn't mean they're brighter or been playing games longer than average-joe gaming site. They just so happen to be at a big game site, which isn't exactly reflective of their talent.
I suggest people cool it with the name calling and also if you dont like the game and have said your peace about it then maybe its time to move along and let people who do enjoy it have a peaceful discussion.:peace
Sad but true, but we should be smart enough to view them all equally, and not hold one higher than the other. I mean, just because they're at a big game site, it doesn't mean they're brighter or been playing games longer than average-joe gaming site. They just so happen to be at a big game site, which isn't exactly reflective of their talent.

Especially when this is going on:
I suggest people cool it with the name calling and also if you dont like the game and have said your peace about it then maybe its time to move along and let people who do enjoy it have a peaceful discussion.:peace

I like how you deleted my post, but left the post from the 12y/o referring to us as idiots. Good call.
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Hi there, i'm new at the forum and i really like to say that this is a great forum indeed, and i'm happy to be part of it. Anyway, i played and finished this game today and i'm sorry to say that this game disappointed me a lot. Castlevania is my number one franchise. I have all games for all platforms. LOS don't have anything to do with castlevania i know and love. I don't mean about the location or the characters, but about the facts, let me explain:

Spoiler Spoiler:

I really think that Konami ruined my favorite franchise...they had such potential in they're hand, but with so much frustating parts, stupid puzzles that only serve as a speedbump and a story not related to any other Castlevania game they let me no choice but to not reccomend this game. Unless you don't care about any other Castlevania and are in just for the game. If LOS have ended in the vampire lord chapter with Dracula as a final boss, man that was going to be exactly as a wanted. Too bad for me. But it's just my opinion as a Castlevania fan, most of you will enjoy this game. Sorry for any writing errors, i'm not a american and sorry for the long text, just had to express my opinion. Tks
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I didn't read any of your post. There are appropriate "spoiler" tags that can be used, and we would appreciate if you edited the post accordingly.

Didn't know, tks for the tip. It's not a actual spoiler but better safe than sorry.
I can accept the fantasy elements of the game, but I hope they save the coolest villains (werewolves and vampires) and location (castle dracula) for the final stages.
I can accept the fantasy elements of the game, but I hope they save the coolest villains (werewolves and vampires) and location (castle dracula) for the final stages.

Read my spoiler and you will have your answer...
Hi there, i'm new at the forum and i really like to say that this is a great forum indeed, and i'm happy to be part of it. Anyway, i played and finished this game today and i'm sorry to say that this game disappointed me a lot. Castlevania is my number one franchise. I have all games for all platforms. LOS don't have anything to do with castlevania i know and love. I don't mean about the location or the characters, but about the facts, let me explain:

Spoiler Spoiler:

I really think that Konami ruined my favorite franchise...they had such potential in they're hand, but with so much frustating parts, stupid puzzles that only serve as a speedbump and a story not related to any other Castlevania game they let me no choice but to not reccomend this game. Unless you don't care about any other Castlevania and are in just for the game. If LOS have ended in the vampire lord chapter with Dracula as a final boss, man that was going to be exactly as a wanted. Too bad for me. But it's just my opinion as a Castlevania fan, most of you will enjoy this game. Sorry for any writing errors, i'm not a american and sorry for the long text, just had to express my opinion. Tks

First of all, welcome to the SSF forums. I appreciate your thoughts about the story and aesthetics, but what about the gameplay? Unless I missed that part in your spoiler tagged section, I don't think you mentioned much about gameplay.

As for the story, frankly for me that aspect of Castlevania always played second fiddle to the exploration and gameplay, and in that regard it seems like LoD is a reasonable success.

I want to focus in on what you said about "Konami ruined my favorite franchise". I don't see it that way.

Why? Because I remember these:




Hey I actually enjoyed the N64 games. Legacy of Darkness was my favorite of the two.

~~I also remember the Dreamcast version that never materialized despite the rumor mill constantly working it's magic.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
I don't hate the N64 games, I've tried one of them (forgot which) and moved on pretty quickly. From what I gathered, they were received very poorly by the Castlevania fanbase.

btw thanks for that video. I don't think I've ever seen that footage before . Must've missed it somehow. Too bad it never happened (or maybe it was for good reason).
Yeah they were pretty hated because of the "hip" 3D transition. They suffered in the quality control and the controls, glitches, and graphics were pretty bad.

~~As for the Dreamcast game. It was supposed to be one of the bigger titles that was expected to help it survive. I remember reading the Gamepro (I believe it was Gamepro) article that covered it. It was supposed to revive the series and actually fix the problems that the N64 games failed to overcome. Back then I was very excited to see support for the Sega machine.
Sad but true, but we should be smart enough to view them all equally, and not hold one higher than the other. I mean, just because they're at a big game site, it doesn't mean they're brighter or been playing games longer than average-joe gaming site. They just so happen to be at a big game site, which isn't exactly reflective of their talent.

Reputation is earned. Obviously I'm going to trust more well known sites with a track record of me trusting their reviews, than a few random dudes who decided to make a gaming magazine named Gaming Brazil Bi-Yearly.

My point was one game had better reviews from trusted well known sites, and not no name reviewers adding fluff to the score.
Yeah they were pretty hated because of the "hip" 3D transition. They suffered in the quality control and the controls, glitches, and graphics were pretty bad.

~~As for the Dreamcast game. It was supposed to be one of the bigger titles that was expected to help it survive. I remember reading the Gamepro (I believe it was Gamepro) article that covered it. It was supposed to revive the series and actually fix the problems that the N64 games failed to overcome. Back then I was very excited to see support for the Sega machine.

Yeah, that's the main reason why I never spent much time with those N64 games. Admittedly now I don't now much about them other than what was covered in Angry Video Game Nerd's Castlevania vids.

<div style="width: 480px;"><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="480" height="392"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="movie" value=""/><param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392"></embed> </object><div style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center; width: 480px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; background-color: black; height: 32px;"><div><a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="">Video Games</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="ScrewAttack">ScrewAttack</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="Angry Video Game Nerd: Castlevania Part IV">Angry Video Game Nerd: Castlevania Part IV</a></div><div style="padding-top: 3px;"><a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="XBox 360">XBox 360</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="PS3">Playstation 3</a> | <a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="" title="Wii">Nintendo Wii</a></div></div></div>

As for the Dreamcast game, did that one become Curse of Darkness for PS2? That seems probable.
As for the Dreamcast game, did that one become Curse of Darkness for PS2? That seems probable.

Maybe. I didn't get a chance to play many PS2 games after mine crapped the bed. It would make sense though as I believe the Dreamcast game was pretty far along in the development process before getting cancelled.
Well I played the demo. I also played the Enslaved demo. I did this just to weigh in on some of the strong opinions in both threads. :lol Castelvania does seem like a GOW rip off. Right down to the green health that shoots out. But the graphics looked nice and its probably a VERY good rip off.

Enslaved I was skeptical on. Mainly because Bandai published it and they usually publish anime style stuff (I'm not a fan). That said I loved the game and it seemed interesting. However it also seemed like a clone of something or a combination.

Finally I tried Gothic 4. Don't waste your time on that laggy piece of crap game.

Bottom line? I'm holding out for Fallout Vegas. :rotfl
First of all, welcome to the SSF forums. I appreciate your thoughts about the story and aesthetics, but what about the gameplay? Unless I missed that part in your spoiler tagged section, I don't think you mentioned much about gameplay.

As for the story, frankly for me that aspect of Castlevania always played second fiddle to the exploration and gameplay, and in that regard it seems like LoD is a reasonable success.

I want to focus in on what you said about "Konami ruined my favorite franchise". I don't see it that way.

Why? Because I remember these:





If you take the puzzles, ehe gameplay is actually pretty good, i mean..until the land of dead, after that is soooooo boring...Taking all the games you showed + LOS i realized that Konami ruined the Castlevania franchise indeed. Castlevania is a exploration/adventure game about a person that want to defeat a evil lord (dracula or any other) who lives in a gigantic haunted castle and that don't happen in LOS. Take for instance Lament of Innocence for PS2, i love that game. For me, that's a truly Castlevania 3D game, castles, ghosts, armored knights, zombies, the Belmont weapons (Cross, holy water, knifes and axe) and other thing related to previous games. The boss in not Dracula, but even so, the Castlevania elements were there. And this don't occur in LOS, it's like a random game with werewolves and vampires at first, but then came the gouls and other stupid creatures that does not mean anything. And by the way, the combat is purely GOW, i hate to say it, but it is, wich is not a bad thing but it is a rip off. The only bad thing is that you can't upgrade your attack to be stronger. Some enemies take forever to die, especially when they are in groups.
This game's looking worse all of the time. Played the demo last night and it was unfortunately....very meh. Gamepro review's up today, and it's pretty low.

Was planning on buying a game this week with my K-Mart coupons, but Enslaved looks blah as well.