Arrested Development

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Damn straight. Funniest show I've ever seen. Tommarow is dedicated to the bluth family.
Didn't realize this was coming so soon. I saw the trailer on Netflix last week. I'm actually gonna need to rewatch the 3 seasons before getting into this. But extremely excited about it happening. I was devastated when the show was initially canceled.
First two episodes watched! So happy they seem to be good so far! Also happy they are so long! A full 30-35 minutes in most cases.
Seasons 1-3 are Amazons deal of the week, all 3 seasons for $24.99

Friends leaving work now to head over here, can't wait. May try to stop and just watch 2 episodes a day so we can make it last but we'll have to see what happens.
Episode 5 was pretty geeky. Loved it, with the
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I finished watching the entire season 4 of Arrested Development on Netflix. I wasn't too pleased with the opening episodes but it started getting better after episode 3. And though the episodes aren't all out funny like the original seasons, they are still pretty entertaining even though some of the plot felt confusing at times. Some of the jokes and plot lines really pay off well in the later episodes.

It appears seven years haven't been too kind on Portia de Rossi, though in the later Lindsay episode she looked much better with her short hair. Tobias episodes were initially the most funny ones, I also enjoyed the episodes of Gob, Lindsay, Maeby and Buster. But George-Michael episodes were my overall favourites and pretty hilarious in some instances. All in all I am glad they brought the show back and perhaps they can have season 5 next year in a regular narrative format.
I've finished the first episode and I'm very optimistic albeit a little let down.

The new format is quite jarring at first but I adjusted immediately as more family members are worked back into the fray. Some of the character interactions felt more natural than others but this also started to flow better twoards the end. The focus on Michael was fine but some of the scenes with just he and George Michael feel like they do drag on a little long, perhaps as a result of the new length of episodes.(35ish mins) This is my biggest complaint : the background music. It is really way too loud and obnoxious in a few earlier scenes. It also just feels a bit out of place but than they also started using more original music from the first 3 seasons and it wasn't as loud over people speaking. So i don't know yet if this is something they just did with the indivual episodes to make them all feel a little differant and personalised but just music over like Michael and Gob's banter was way out of place and awkward and took away from the jokes not to mention was really odd in contrast to the next scene having no music at all.

I have to agree it can be a little confusing in the order the sequence of events play out but Ron Howard's narration helps that. Still there were moments where they were firing on all cylinders and it felt just like the old show, Michael's vote, God and Michael, Michael and his parents. Theres also already jokes taking place I can tell I'm not going to get until a rewatch which is a good thing.

Another thing I really didn't like were the guest stars. They took me completely out of the show the second they showed up (2 in very beggining and than the comedey group at the end) Holy cow was Young George Sr. ever miscast. I was sitting there asking who the hell he was supposed to be.
I wasn't sure about the watermark during the first episode, but after the next two episodes I realized it might be a gag when it appeared only during older season episodes.
Finished the season. Loved it. Do I have nitpicks? Sure. But nothing that hasn't been mentioned above and nothing that ruined my enjoyment of this show's return.

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