General Grievous Life Size Bust!

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The trouble was the ammount of freedom Tartakovsky and crew were given with him in CW, they set the bar higher than Lucas ever intended with CG Grievous and we all got hooked on the coolness of the cartoon embodiment.
The trouble was the ammount of freedom Tartakovsky and crew were given with him in CW, they set the bar higher than Lucas ever intended with CG Grievous and we all got hooked on the coolness of the cartoon embodiment.

I don't think so, he didn't have to have asthma and fight like a puss.
His best fight scene was in the CW cartoons, when he's just ransacking all of the jedi. He pwns Shaak Ti, and her's just sad Lucas always destroys what could have been great villains.
Yeah, but after he was seen in the Clone Wars they all said that he would be even better in the movie, but he wasn't.

George's fault totally on that one. I think it was stated somewhere that when the time came to do CG Grievous in ROTS, it would have been a budgetary and time nightmare to animate Grievous like his CW version. It would have been best if Grievous didn't make it into Clone Wars until after the production on ROTS reached a point besides just having his design roughed out and could better say here's what he can or can't do in your show.
Like storyline wise did Grievous go from jedi killing machine to meh because of what mace did to him?
No that only should have fueled his hatred to the jedi...

Yea good point it would have been cool if they made CW longer and made them two have a showdown cuz im sure Grievous would want to add a violet lightsaber to his collection, but I think mace would most likely win.

That was a nice find on the Grievous Life Size Bust I would have never seen that:D
I loved Grievous in ROTS. He looked awesome, still had a sweet fighting style, and went out like the greatest supporting character in the history of cinema, Total Recall's Johnny Cab! ;)

A character (even a villain) doesn't always have to be "badass" to be entertaining. *No one* behaved as spectacularly as their animated CW counterparts. Unless I missed the scene in ROTS where Mace rode around on hijacked Vulture Droids or Anakin killed a 700 foot monster with one stab of his lightsaber. Its the nature of animation, its just more over the top.
Unless I missed the scene in ROTS where Mace rode around on hijacked Vulture Droids or Anakin killed a 700 foot monster with one stab of his lightsaber. Its the nature of animation, its just more over the top.

True enough, but the problem is, people already had a realistic concept of what Anakin and Mace and the likes could do from Episode 1 and 2, so those moments in CW were pretty WTF because they were insane, at least for me, I though Mace and Obi-Wan leaping miles in a jump was over the top but small moments in the overall so I just moved on. Grievous doing what he did in CW would have been fine if it weren't his introduction. I think most people assumed that CW was setting up what the character was capable of as our introduction to him. Maybe not to the same extent, but a CG Grievous could still have fought and acted the same as CW Grievous, but I'm sure the money to animate all that would have been very high and why they opted not to do it in ROTS.
True enough, but the problem is, people already had a realistic concept of what Anakin and Mace and the likes could do from Episode 1 and 2, so those moments in CW were pretty WTF because they were insane, at least for me, I though Mace and Obi-Wan leaping miles in a jump was over the top but small moments in the overall so I just moved on. Grievous doing what he did in CW would have been fine if it weren't his introduction. I think most people assumed that CW was setting up what the character was capable of as our introduction to him. Maybe not to the same extent, but a CG Grievous could still have fought and acted the same as CW Grievous, but I'm sure the money to animate all that would have been very high and why they opted not to do it in ROTS.

Or you can admit that Lucas dropped the ball with not only grievous but the entire PT.

Money is of no concern to Lucas.
Or you can admit that Lucas dropped the ball with not only grievous but the entire PT.

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

Again, read LABYRINTH OF EVIL by Luceno. If Grievous had to be in ROTS, that is the version of the character that we should have seen. The one that ended up in the movie is completely forgettable.
One would think but watch the PT BTS footage of the budget meetings, he may be loaded but he can be stingy with his movies too.

He has too much free reign and power, now no one can tell him that his ideas suck. Look at's the best of the bunch...he didn't even direct it, and ROTJ was great as well.

He needed to hire directors to direct each prequel film, I mean the final fight beweetn Anakin and Obi-Wan at the end of ROTS was directed by Spielberg and it's much better than the entire movie leading up to it.
Grievous was actually a recent creation. Anakin's turn originally revolved more around Dooku.
He has too much free reign and power, now no one can tell him that his ideas suck. Look at's the best of the bunch...he didn't even direct it, and ROTJ was great as well.

He needed to hire directors to direct each prequel film, I mean the final fight beweetn Anakin and Obi-Wan at the end of ROTS was directed by Spielberg and it's much better than the entire movie leading up to it.

Spielberg did not direct the Obi-Anakin duel. He only suggested Lucas some ideas.
Well they said a guest director was coming on direct it.

Regardless it can be agreed upon due to Steven's influence and input it made that part much better.

Spielberg's involvement was minor on the duel, I believe, and regardless, directing wasn't the core thing that made the duel good, it was the hard work and effort of Hayden and Ewan knowing the importance of it and giving it everything they had.

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