M. Night's The Last Airbender

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And yes, Signs is an awful pile of crap. M. Night seems to try so hard to put deep meaning into his flicks and fails miserably, and this was the first that showed his true lack of talent. Mel's wife is crushed against a tree and cut in half for what? To tell him to hit an alien in the head with a baseball bat? Mel was one stupic SOB to need someone to pass along that little bit of wisedom...the flick is completely laughable.

The Village is a half hour mediocre Twilight Zone episode drug out far too long by his own ego and hubris. I've never been able to sit through a complete watching of Lady in the Water. And The Happening is one of the worst movies in recent years, certainly with that size budget.

Airbender is actually the best movie he's made since Unbreakable - but that's not saying a whole lot.
Saw it with the kids today. Weak story line that seemed rushed and no character depth, but for a "kids movie" I thought it was alright.
Well i was worried that I was gonna get slammed for slamming this film (not that it would have stopped me mind you), but I glad to see we'er all pretty much in agreement. However my issues with the film seem to be a lil different.

I read a CNN review a couple of days ago that took issues with the race of the cast. At 1st I was under the impression that some one was all sour grapes over their race not being shown enough on in a good light. But then I saw Air Bender & IT ALL BECAME CLEAR! I totaly under stood what the CNN reviewer was talking about.

The whole thing was very strange. The HUB of the movie is based on Asian culture & mythology. Yet ALL the main character (that are good guys) that have speaking roles are white. This water bending chick & her brother are the only white people in this villiage of eskimo looking people. Same with the Earth benders. Because they are not part of "this books" plot they are all Ty looking.

I'm not one of those people who have a chip on their sholder cause their own race was not front & center. Hell I'm not even an Air Bender fan, I just went looking to be dazzeled by FX & Martial Art skills. Yet a person like myself with such low expectations were turned off by such outlandish & obvious exploitation of minority races. M. Night used these people as nothing more than "props & back drops".

Its like dude said: "hey you Asian people have a really cool mythology, but let white people showcase it because you just don't look as cool as white people doing it". & what was up with all the "evil fire people" being of Mid East desent???

Its all too clear to me that this was not just a case of casting actors in what ever roll they seemed good at. M. Night was trying to make a statement. & then the speaking!!! FREAKING EVERY ONE talked like they were straight out of white middle class America??? Its not that I wanted them to speak in a forgin language or even a heavy accent. But there was no need to have them sound so........American. I was expecting them to sound like maybe the Asian cast from The Golden Child, or maybe Blood Sport.

I mean this kid after being frozen in an ice ball for over 100 years just pops out talking like he just got back from a shopping trip from "Mall of America". Now I am very much aware that the main reason white actors replace minorites is so the the white American audiance will be able to "relate" to the story better. But in a bizzare twist of irony, the cast was SOOOOOOOO white that it hindered its audiance from becoming part of the story & relating.

Like I said....the whole thing was just.....strange.

Final score: Air Bender gets 2.75 stars out of 5. The FX & Martial Art element was the one & only redeeming part of the whole film.
Saw the movie today and was so hoping the reviews were wrong but alas they were not. For me, this movie ranks just above The Village and it still sucked. I don't think anyone who does not know the source material would give a rip about any of the characters, the acting was bad, the action was slow, and the whole movie felt like an episode of 24 where Chloe tries to fill the viewing audience in on whats been going on all season while trying to sound like people naturally talk like that...you know, just in case you're just tunning in in the middle of the season.
Wow. Only 8% on Rotten Tomatoes. Sadly, Twilight even got 50% split on the critics.
The reviews just massacred this movie! Poor M. Night. Feel bad for him.
Just said it was a total mess, terrible acting, pointless etc. Contender for the next Battlefield Earth and one of the worst movies in the past few years. Ouch.

Where does a director and movie maker go from here? Only up, I guess. If people still put money behind him and give him another chance I guess.
And you like Terminator Salvation. Bam.


"Good one!"