X-men Vs Sentinal dio 2!!!!!!!!!!

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SolidLiquidFox said:
Good luck bro. I have a feeling the first one will hit the $1,000 mark soon now that it's officially a series of statues. Secure one ASAP if you can.
I'm really trying to secure one. I know if I don't get one now that it will be nearly impossible for me to get one later. If you know anyone reliable who's selling one please let me know.
I didn't hear as much complaining when the first one was released. Cyclops is certainly not accurate to the Jim Lee version or the original costume version. Picking on Beast because he's accurate to the source (Astonishing series) seems silly.

I guess we all have our preferences. I would not get this one as a stand alone without the first one knowing that Kitty/Wolvie was coming. It would not feel complete.
SolidLiquidFox said:
I didn't hear as much complaining when the first one was released. Cyclops is certainly not accurate to the Jim Lee version or the original costume version. Picking on Beast because he's accurate to the source (Astonishing series) seems silly.

I guess we all have our preferences. I would not get this one as a stand alone without the first one knowing that Kitty/Wolvie was coming. It would not feel complete.
I am sure with more knowledge and time that this version of Beast will grow on me. I can't complain as you are right, it is accurate and right from the source material. I hope that I can find the first one at a reasonable price. The damn thing already costs an arm and a leg.
im gonna preorder this and hopefully get the first one down the road later. right now i don't have the extra cash to pay the soon to be inflated price of the first one.
It looks great, but I'm not collecting this line. Cat Beast is an alright design, but I'd much rather have Beast as he appeared in the 80's comics. The cat like appearance is a little on the nose for my tastes, it reminds me too much of Beast from Beauty and the Beast.
I might be interested in the Wolvie/Kitty Dio. Too bad he'll be wearing that stupid New X-men costume, whoever designed that costume should be slapped silly (I reeeeeally hate it).
screamingmetal said:
It looks great, but I'm not collecting this line. Cat Beast is an alright design, but I'd much rather have Beast as he appeared in the 80's comics. The cat like appearance is a little on the nose for my tastes, it reminds me too much of Beast from Beauty and the Beast.
I might be interested in the Wolvie/Kitty Dio. Too bad he'll be wearing that stupid New X-men costume, whoever designed that costume should be slapped silly (I reeeeeally hate it).

Agree, agree and agree..
Great idea, no one saw this coming! :google

I am not too familiar with the source material, but SS definately nailed the look.

Love it. Love it all the way. This was not on my 'to buy' list, but with it being part two of three, and, being lucky enough to own the first Dio (and it's the light up version too!), I'll get it. This new dio should have an exclusive light up version too. Looking forward to PPO for this one, although it means my wallet will loose an other $350?!
screamingmetal said:
I might be interested in the Wolvie/Kitty Dio. Too bad he'll be wearing that stupid New X-men costume, whoever designed that costume should be slapped silly (I reeeeeally hate it).

I hated it but I kinda learned to deal with it. I think the Astonishing Wolvie costume was an unnecessary change. I would have rather have him wear his brown costume as that represents the loner aspect of his character more. Cyke wanted him to wear tights? fine. Wear the darker looking ones.

For better or worse, the Astonishing version may stick around for a while and this may be the only way I would pick it up.
Damn it all to hell, now I have to pay out the butt for the first set. I think this one looks amazing! Beast looks stunning. Hopefully the exclusive will be Emma in Diamond form.
It will be interesting to see the exclusive. I'm thinking light up feature on the Sentinels breastplate.
I really love it, sucks that now I have to shell out for the x-men vs sentinel nr 1....bwegh. I kinda like the beast, but in the statue as a whole there could've been a bit more action...Don't you think? Part one had the head ripped of and still being held by colossus, part two has nothing like that. Still, looks great.
Bullseye said:
It will be interesting to see the exclusive. I'm thinking light up feature on the Sentinels breastplate.

I agree

if this piece is part 2 in a trilogy of pieces then the exclusive would have to be light up to match the 1st
Not that I would mind, but Emma in Diamond form? Wouldn't that be a bit to much like the the invisible women exclusive on the fanta four diorama? I'm more for a light up feature. Imagine all three (IF there will be three) vs Sentinel diorama's standing next to each other, having the light up feature... wow! What a blinking show that would be!
SolidLiquidFox said:
I hope it's the light up or perhaps a diamond version Emma that can be alternated like the F4 diorama.

It would be nice if were both.:D