The oficial "HT has no excuse not to do an accurate alien" thread!

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Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Colombia, South America
Alright folks!
Hot Toys has been good to us, they have given us more alien goodness than we could ever have hoped for:
AvP aliens and predators, Colonial Marines, Ripley, Power Loader, Aliens warrior, P2 preds... the list is mind-boggling!
And we all know that this is only the beginning!

I mean, barring some licensing catastrophe, who doubts that HT will bring us figures from P1, Alien, Alien 3 and AvP2?

So here's our chance to make our voices heard and show HT how we feel about accuracy and what we would like them to achieve.

Here's my contribution in terms of collectibles and movie props to help establish that most elusive look of the original alien.

First off, the Cinemaquette statue, whcih I believe is a wonder:




Next, the Marmit statues!
The famous stooped pose was long held to be the holy grail of alien collectibles:



And the new statue (also to be had in kit form), surely one of the best and most accurate renditions of Giger's design:



And on to the actual props!

First, what it looked like in all its glory on screen:


A famous publicity shot (proportions are probably all screwd up, because it's probably a stunt man and not 7' Bolaji Badejo):


The original sculpture displayed in Giger's museum in Switzerland:





And a couple of pics from a fellow collector over at the Hive:




Love that detail!

Well, hope you guys have enjoyed and I'm looking forward to more pics from you guys!
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GO ABAKE!!!!!!!
Tell 'em buddy! Give 'em the works!

This is the kind of info they need!

C'mon guys! Let's get behind this! Are you seeing this Hot Toys?
Just take notes and save stills! :D



And this IS Bolaji! Note the wrists for one....
I'd know his shape anywhere!
Come on guys...
Here's your chance to effect the outcome of a brilliant figure!

Sign the petition:

We hereby declare that we want an accurate rendition of the original alien creature as designed and molded by Swiss artist H.R. Giger on the frame of Bolaji Badejo for the Ridley Scott movie Alien.


P.S. And if you guys have more pics to add, the more the merrier!
It's a Marmit import from Japan, I think the kit goes for about 195 USD.
But you have to order it in Japan, Dan over at the Hive was helping people order that beauty.
that's a great price! what size? do you have a link to where people on teh hive are ordering? Is Dan the predator guy? i know him briefly from the spawn board, but haven't been there in a while.

thanks abake!
I heartily agree, the original 'big chap' is the one I want to be done accurately the most. I'd even go so far as to say it kind of needs to look like a tall skinny guy in a suit.

Study the stuff in the Giger museum, study the stuff Bob Burns has, study the 'Gigers Alien' book. That suit only looked 'truly great' and I have to add, when I first saw it as a 12 year old back in 79 after sneaking into the cinema 'freaking terifying' when filmed from the right angle with extreme lighting.

In fact, I think what with it being The A L I E N ! they should do two versions. One completely screen accurate and one with a little ...just a little artistic licence, cos I do like the over skinny ultra bendy CG Alien look as well.
Hell, I just love Aliens...Hot Toys...GIVE US ALL THE ALIENS!
Here's a little rant I posted over at the Hive, but I think it is quite appropiate for this thread...

I feel it should be relatively easy to hide articulation in the design of the original Giger alien suit.
Just look at Triad's new bodies and you can see how double-jointed knees and elbows can be designed to be very unobtrusive yet maintain great range of motion. Or, look at how Hot Toys solved the problem on their Aliens warrior. Even swivel/cut joints can be worked into the upper biceps without interfering with the design. Concerning shoulders, the design allows for ball jointed articulation. The ribcage design also helps to work a good articulation to connect with the midriff. Wrists and ankles should be no problem either, as the design of the suit allows for articulation.
The most difficult part would be (as with any bipedal figure) the hips, but HT has shown how to achieve a decent compromise between articulation and accuracy/looks in their figures.
So, overall, I just don't get why a fully articulated, very movie accurate figure has not been made. Sure, it would cost to design and tool some of that specialized articulation, but then again, people would be willing to pay for a top notch figure.
I mean, we're shelling out in excess of 115USD for a less than accurate HT Aliens warrior, over 200USD for a 20" plastic/resin kit from Marmit, over 1000USD for the Cinemaquette statue...
I just don't get why nobody seems to be willing to do the ultimate Giger Alien figure.
And I really feel it is a matter of having the will to go for it!

Does anybody have contacts to HT reps?
That's the spirit! Perfect argument!
I want to mention this too, to argue for...

Wrists, double jointed like the ankles and knees, will solve problems.
Hands with rubber wrist coverings will make that whole assembly work.

Waist problem...
Do another rubber oversuit, like the one done for the ALIENS warrior, but rather than stop at the crotch and add stick on legs, extend rubber over the thighs to the knees. That will make the body you mention possible, Abake.

The back tubing...
Make all four the same size, two left and two right, and make the "headrest" rubber also, or incorporated as a part of the whole upper body rubber "suit" so it too can bend around and allow for better body and head poses.

The rest is up to the designers.
Not much else specific to argue for, but I thought, while we were dreaming... :D

And yeah, bring on some Hot Toys contacts! Let's email!
My worry with the rubber covering going all the way over the hips is how it would affect mobility... I don't think rubbers/plastics/polymers/whatever would allow for great posing (ball pose anyone?) and yet be resistant.
I would rather have the open joints, the same way HT have done with the AvP and Aliens figures.
Id prefer too see a hybrid if possible lets wait for AVP 2 Hot Toys

but their probably thinking the same thing !

or maybe not

Im doubting ill pay for another Hot Toys item in the Aliens Aliens2 Aliens3 Aliens4 line

or AvP

Unless it was earth shattering

but then again Im skint this loaders breaking my financial back
Hey Mooncat, I hear ya! I am so stressed trying to get my Predator 2 guys and all these new thingies, Powerloader, etc., that all this is hypothetical anyway. But, I read you.

My worry with the rubber covering going all the way over the hips is how it would affect mobility... I don't think rubbers/plastics/polymers/whatever would allow for great posing (ball pose anyone?) and yet be resistant.
I would rather have the open joints, the same way HT have done with the AvP and Aliens figures.

Ball pose....
The only way an Alien will look like an A L I E N, is with a smoothly contoured abdomen area. It is part and parcel of the entire look. The pelvic thing that has to be worked into the toy to make the seperate legs work, is gonna break all that up.
They can make that, but it needs to be a very tight waist area. I would have to really play around with it to make it work.
I mean, I do like the way the HT Aliens works, and it does almost ball up, but to have that elegant look that the first one had, well...not sure.
Which do you want most? Posability, or looks?
That is indeed the question. The maker-breaker. Especially with this one.

If hips don't bother you, then, that's the answer. I read you on flexing though. It would SUCK for the body to wear out due to extending ball posing. ANd you know, it will be attempted! :D

Anyway, let's get on the horn to these guys! Get some info! Get the ball poses rolling! :rock
Well, I believe HT's solution for the torso and hips is excellent, I think it's just a matter of how they design the "guards" around the femur-hip joint to hide the articulation.
I for one can live with this slight inaccuracy in order to have better poseability.

Looking at the hip are of the Giger design, I think one could keep a lot of detail and really just lose some accuracy because of the joint itself. The other option would be to go back to simple swivel joints, but that would be step back IMHO...

So, yeah, I'm more for poseability over sculpt in this case, 'cause the other route would either mean the rubber suit or a more "statuesque" approach.

A couple of pics to illustrate the point.

The new marmit statue (from some japanes blog):

One of edwint's (hope you don't mind) excellent shots/poses:
Alright...Ok....good points all...
Remember, I am the guy who HATED this HT figure, and then, upon getting it, fell in love with it! So, would I like a 90% or less accurate ALIEN, sure. Most likely. (If they will FIX THE BLOODY LOOSE FOOT PROBLEM! :D)...
And, if they would be so kind, just this one time, to do the Giger tube details, like that WONDERFUL closeup shot you posted, so dearly illustrates....then..ok...screw all that rubber.

Man, I am glad I am not on the development team at Hot Toys....wait a minute! Man! I wish I was!!!! :lol What am I saying!

Anyway... You sold me on giving up on the torso. But, don't expect me to give up on the teeny details so fast this go round. I did with the ALIENS guy. And, five'll get you ten that it's gonna be the same sculptor, we are talking interpretation here. But, in this case, the A L I E N is a tad more documented. So, I just hope Mr. Interpretation, master that he or she is...will at least pay enough heed this go round, and copy, yes, DARE I SAY IT...copy Mr. Hans Rudi Giger's wonderful design elements!
Just ONE time. Just one. ONCE!

You think we can ask for that? :D

OK. My rant is done. I will buy what they make anyway! :rotfl

Thanks for the chance to vent BEFORE they make one, this time!
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I hear ya Les!
Man, I really hope HT go for accuracy this time around...

Well, we can always hope, can't we?
Anyway, the rumor was that Ht were going to do the Aliens warrior and then the Alien 3 "dragon". But I just cannot concieve that HT are not going to pursue the original creature.