Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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I would watch a 4 hour cut 100x :lol

Some people shoot up heroin, I watch the same movies over and over! :lol


JW complaints on the cuts are baffling to me. :lol

I guess he wants to fix the cave stuff with Thor. :dunno

Whatever, it made sense to me, i'm good, don't worry about me Joss. :lol

But like I said, by all means give us a 3 hour movie, I'm not going to complain either. :lol

My wife wants the thor cave scene fixed too. Thor didnt take his shirt off like the trailer. She was noticeably upset.
Well my final exams are over I'll be watching this a few more times before it's run ends. Still hoping Amazon.co.uk were right about the extended version on home releases
You guys/gals sitting, I need to tell the story what happened lastnight.

Boyfriend/ Girlfriend on their first date (they stated as such) sitting next to me, seemed like a nice couple, although she came off very airheaded, but whatever.

He asked her what her favorite superhero was with Marvel.

She says BATMAN, hands down no one can compete with his coolness, "besides" she says, "Affleck is hot", she replied back.

He says to her that Batman is DC.

She looks at him and asked if the movie they were watching was Marvel or DC.

He says it's the Avengers, so Marvel.

She says, "Ohhh, so Batman isn't in this, well that's a bummer!"

25 minutes later she excuses herself to the bathroom, he turns to me when alone and says "Wow, did you hear any of that", and we both LOL!

jye I'm sorry but I have to share this on every social media platform :lol that was just hilarious
You guys/gals sitting, I need to tell the story what happened lastnight.

Boyfriend/ Girlfriend on their first date (they stated as such) sitting next to me, seemed like a nice couple, although she came off very airheaded, but whatever.

He asked her what her favorite superhero was with Marvel.

She says BATMAN, hands down no one can compete with his coolness, "besides" she says, "Affleck is hot", she replied back.

He says to her that Batman is DC.

She looks at him and asked if the movie they were watching was Marvel or DC.

He says it's the Avengers, so Marvel.

She says, "Ohhh, so Batman isn't in this, well that's a bummer!"

25 minutes later she excuses herself to the bathroom, he turns to me when alone and says "Wow, did you hear any of that", and we both LOL!

That is too ****ing hilarious! LMAO! :lol
Rep to jye. :lol

Well, considering he was flying on a plane the last time we saw him, not a rocket ship, my guess is zero chance.

Who knows what those Quinjets can do lol :)

Just strange how he looked up to the heavens. Maybe just a nod to the planet Hulk fans I guess.

Imagine the ravagers picking him up like they did Quill. Would be another nice way to link Earth and that side of the universe
Who knows what those Quinjets can do lol :)

Just strange how he looked up to the heavens. Maybe just a nod to the planet Hulk fans I guess.

Imagine the ravagers picking him up like they did Quill. Would be another nice way to link Earth and that side of the universe

I hope we get a Planet Hulk film. It's the most logical Hulk film they can do. How many times can we see hulk fighting humans or the military? :lol Hopefully, by the end of Infinity War, Hulks ends up on some other planet/galaxy/world. That'd be cool. A film without any human characters, just aliens and monsters.
I hope we get a Planet Hulk film. It's the most logical Hulk film they can do. How many times can we see hulk fighting humans or the military? :lol Hopefully, by the end of Infinity War, Hulks ends up on some other planet/galaxy/world. That'd be cool. A film without any human characters, just aliens and monsters.

Yeah seems logical but a very long way off. Just feels a shame to waste Ruffalo waiting until Infinity War rather than say some how involving him in GOTG then coming back to help in Infinity War.
If I were the guy:


He stuck it thru to the end. :lol

She was a hottie. :lol

If the additional hour of extra footage has unfinished effects and post-production work then I don't really see Disney coughing up the dough to complete the extra hour anyway. If they really did have a fully finished three hour movie and then at the last minute Disney wanted it cut down that would be one thing but I highly doubt they would have gotten that far. My guess is that like the first Avengers we might get a fair number of deleted scenes but no extended cut.

Lets see, but you're right.

My wife wants the thor cave scene fixed too. Thor didnt take his shirt off like the trailer. She was noticeably upset.


Show her this :lol


jye I'm sorry but I have to share this on every social media platform :lol that was just hilarious

By all means. :lol

These are how I rank the Marvel movies:

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Raiders of the Lost Ark

kara is going to let you have it. :lol

That is too ****ing hilarious! LMAO! :lol

I agree! :lol

Avengers: Age of Ultron didn't plummet from the sky like that Sokovian fiefdom in the film but, with its $77.2 million 2nd week outing, it did drop 59.6% from its opening take of $191 million. Surprising amounts of Monday-morning quarterbacking this last week noted that Ultroncould have become the new #1 film for all-time weekend box office if it hadn't been up against several sporting events that siphoned off eyeballs.

Even still the Disney/Marvel property has a lot to celebrate. Domestically it easily dominated the box office at the #1 position with a per theater take of $18K in 4,276 venues. That $77.2M is still the 2nd highest 2nd weekend gross, just ahead of the 2nd weekend of Fox's Avatar ($75.6 million), and is topped only by it predecessor, Marvel's The Avengers ($103.1 million). Ultron's domestic take to date ($313M) has also already surpassed the lifetime domestic cumes of Captain America($177M), Thor ($181M), Thor: The Dark World($206M) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier ($259M).

Internationally Ultron is holding up impressively, hauling in $65M, crossing $562 million for an foreign cume, with a total worldwide take of $875.3M. It's also, as Disney will be quick to tell you, yet to open in Japan and the burgeoning behemoth that is China, which it does this coming Tuesday, further adding from foreign coffers.

The film did fall further than other, recent Marvel films. Iron Man 3's second week, in the same 2nd week frame in May 2013, fell 58.4%. But, to put things in further perspective that 59.6% is nowhere near the drop the previous #1 weekend-record slot took, a film not in the Marvel Universe, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. The finale to the wildly popular film series dropped a whopping 72% in its second weekend, going from an opening of $169 million to $47 million.
You're not wrong on that. With regard to audience disturbances, talkers can be annoying (they can also be HILARIOUS depending on the movie, I excpect quite the audience commentary when I go see Genisys) I'd have to say my current biggest pet peeve are people who crinkle those damn wrappers for like three quarters of the movie. Just pour the damn things into your hand! And what kind of candy takes over an hour to eat? :lol

EDIT: Off-topic discussion because of my stupid comment removed.

When I went, there was a 25 year old Brony (he said his age and was wearing a pony shirt) having a loud conversation with two tween boys about My Little Pony and Power Rangers.


I would watch a 4 hour cut 100x :lol

Some people shoot up heroin, I watch the same movies over and over! :lol


JW complaints on the cuts are baffling to me. :lol

I guess he wants to fix the cave stuff with Thor. :dunno

Whatever, it made sense to me, i'm good, don't worry about me Joss. :lol

But like I said, by all means give us a 3 hour movie, I'm not going to complain either. :lol

Guess what I watched all day yesterday on TNT while cruising on my tablet? YUP...LotR. :D
Avengers: Age of Ultron didn't plummet from the sky like that Sokovian fiefdom in the film but, with its $77.2 million 2nd week outing, it did drop 59.6% from its opening take of $191 million. Surprising amounts of Monday-morning quarterbacking this last week noted that Ultroncould have become the new #1 film for all-time weekend box office if it hadn't been up against several sporting events that siphoned off eyeballs.

Even still the Disney/Marvel property has a lot to celebrate. Domestically it easily dominated the box office at the #1 position with a per theater take of $18K in 4,276 venues. That $77.2M is still the 2nd highest 2nd weekend gross, just ahead of the 2nd weekend of Fox's Avatar ($75.6 million), and is topped only by it predecessor, Marvel's The Avengers ($103.1 million). Ultron's domestic take to date ($313M) has also already surpassed the lifetime domestic cumes of Captain America($177M), Thor ($181M), Thor: The Dark World($206M) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier ($259M).

Internationally Ultron is holding up impressively, hauling in $65M, crossing $562 million for an foreign cume, with a total worldwide take of $875.3M. It's also, as Disney will be quick to tell you, yet to open in Japan and the burgeoning behemoth that is China, which it does this coming Tuesday, further adding from foreign coffers.

The film did fall further than other, recent Marvel films. Iron Man 3's second week, in the same 2nd week frame in May 2013, fell 58.4%. But, to put things in further perspective that 59.6% is nowhere near the drop the previous #1 weekend-record slot took, a film not in the Marvel Universe, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. The finale to the wildly popular film series dropped a whopping 72% in its second weekend, going from an opening of $169 million to $47 million.

CRIPES! Almost 60% drop off...!!!!!!!
It may not even reach $500 million like I predicted...AFTER I saw it. Before I thought it could do $700 million domestic and challenge Avatar...silly me
First crack in the MCU/superhero bubble..
Great review from a member of hometheaterforum.com:

I liked it. Didn't love it. I'm hoping it flows better for me on my second viewing.

I thought it had some pacing and plotting issues. I'm getting the impression that Whedon over wrote and over filmed, and then lost some important stuff when trying to edit it down to a shorter running time.

There'll be some spoilers below.

Ultron's creation and decision to wipe out the Avengers (and all of Humanity) seemed extremely fast. Whedon didn't really get into Ultron's hate for his creator. It was touched on briefly with his reaction to Klaw's comment that something he said reminded him of Stark, but they didn't really play with that much at all. And they didn't seem to explore the antagonism between him and Stark, or Stark's guilt about creating him.

At the end when Stark said he was "tapping out", you can understand why he feels at this point he needs to step away from the Avengers. But it was also such a quick thing and a quick comment. I would have liked to SEE him react more to the aftermath of destruction and death resulting from his recklessness.

I was expecting a much deeper exploration of Ultron's psyche and the relationship with Stark and the Avengers and was frankly quite surprised that Whedon didn't go further into that. I liked that Ultron was basically Raymond Reddington in robot form, but I also didn't think he came across as menacing or powerful as I would have expected (even though he was setting up an extinction-level event).

And Thor's side journey was absolutely lost on the editing room floor, if Whedon was going to gut that as much as he did he should have just scrapped the whole thing and found some other way for Thor to determine that the scepter's gem held and Infintiy Stone. That could have been fixed if he wrote a tighter script but there is only so much he can do in the editing room.

**Big Spoiler Below**

And I also think that Quicksilver's death would have had more impact if the character had been further developed. Whedon has said he intentionally lead the audience to think that the final moment was leading to Barton's death (with showing us his family and then seeing him almost leaving but then going back to rescue the child) and then twists it so that Quicksilver died instead. Sure it was effective in misdirecting your expectations in that scene, but then a death that could have been felt more by the audience was felt less because the character wasn't as developed.

Still, it was an entertaining adventure. I thought the visuals and action in this was the best in the MCU to date (The Winter Soldier would be a close second, and was actually superior in the hand-to-hand stuff and "visceral" feel of the action, but AoU had big, comic-booky super hero action like we haven't seen before). I found my mouth hanging open and a silly grin on my face during that awesome opening. That was absolutely perfect. And that tracking shot with everyone in the church defending the city levitation control was an amazing comic book splash page come to life. A really cool and impressive visual.

I thought Thor's fighting and action bits were the best that the character has had yet, and I really liked the combos he and Rogers did a few times. Cap's fighting and action was MUCH better than in The Avengers (though still not quite as awesome as the Russo's gave us in Winter Soldier). The Hulk v Hulkbuster battle was pretty cool as well, and it was nice that this was a battle between heroes that had consequences for the characters and the story going forward (The Avengers laying low because of the massive destruction that they were responsible for, indirectly or not, and then Banner pulling back from the group feeling that he is just too dangerous to keep playing hero).

Vision was cool. Unfortunately he also seemed to come about relatively quickly. I would have liked to have seen more time devoted to him. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of him in future films. Same with Scarlet Witch. They're both on the New Avengers roster, so I expect them both to be in Civil War next May. I know Olsen has been confirmed to be in it. I expect Bettany will be as well.

The party at Avengers Tower was really nicely done. Loved the interaction between all the various characters. It was cool seeing Rodey and Sam Wilson there (and cool that they are now officially on the Avengers roster). Rodey's "Boom there's your tank" story was great. And that may have been the best Stan Lee cameo yet.

So there was lots of good stuff in this, some really great stuff. I just wish the story flowed better and that Whedon had actually dug as deep into the characters as he kept saying he was going to. I'll be seeing it again next weekend, so I'm hoping the second viewing raises it from liked to really liked for me.

Anybody catch the employee getting her picture taken behind Stark's back with her thumbs up as he worked in the Internet hub?

I pretty much agree with everything he liked and find all of his criticisms to be totally valid and yet...the things I like are so good that the only part of the above review I really disagree with is the "I like it, don't love it" part, because I do love this movie and am counting the hours until I watch it again in IMAX tomorrow.

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