Robert Rodriguez's PREDATORS Movie Thread - SPOILERS

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It had already been announced that that scene had been enhanced for the trailers. Also, there was one quick shot of the Hound Pred standing next to two of his hounds... At the predator camp where you also see Falconer's falcon land on his shoulder.

I know the scene you are referring to. Here is the frame I am talking about... in the movie they pan the camera by him & the left of the screen has nothing in it. This is an exaxct still from that pan, with the exception of the "dog" by him ofcourse.

Saw the moive last night and it was good a 3.5/5.
It had imo some real cheesy moments and unnesesary homage's
to the original film but still a enjoyable movie to watch.
I just felt that the battle scenes were a bit rushed, oh and that
falcon flying thing was a tottal waste of time.
I dont feel the urge to buy any collectibles from this but the
blu-ray is a must.
I know the scene you are referring to. Here is the frame I am talking about... in the movie they pan the camera by him & the left of the screen has nothing in it. This is an exaxct still from that pan, with the exception of the "dog" by him ofcourse.


Ah, I see what you mean, there were a few things in the trailers obviously edited, to gain excitement. T2 for example, reshot one scene specifically for a trailer(not comparing the movies)
Just got back from the movie and I liked it, but was a bit disappointed by the Preds themselves. They were a bit underwhelming to me. I think the problem for me were all the missed opportunities for some really interesting stuff. I think the designs for the 3 new preds were fine, but none of them had the cool factor of the P1 or Wolf. Where were all the cool weapons? Why didn't they seem to use much skill in the hunting or fighting?

I just didn't buy the scene where the Tracker bit it with the yakuza guy. Too easy! They should have cast Sonny Chiba in the role, then I would have bought it!:lol

And the poor classic Predator. I liked the twist when he decides to help Royce, but then gets taken out like a 'you know what'. No respect!:(

Overall, I still enjoyed it. I just wish the Preds were better used and portrayed as more than just big thugs.
this movie was tits! way better than 2.
it had lots of advantages over 1 (cast, story, characters, effects) but i still like the 1st one more for nostalgic reasons.

bring on the sequel. now, when can i pre-order the HT figures?
Is anyone else interested in the blood feud between the preds? Not to be TOO geeky but I would definely read a book about how the feud got started between the clans.

I believe there is a book. But it's titled "Bad Blood" or something. I might be wrong on the book, but I'm sure that there is a custom Predator kit out there with a Predator that killed another.
It had already been announced that that scene had been enhanced for the trailers. Also, there was one quick shot of the Hound Pred standing next to two of his hounds... At the predator camp where you also see Falconer's falcon land on his shoulder.

I feel doing stuff like that is cheating, if not just false advertising. Its like showing a trailer for the Dark Knight and you actually get to see Batman Forever :slap
I wasn't planning on seeing this till next week but my friend wanted to see it and offered to pay my way so I said why not. Very sweet film and definately better the the AVP movies. I didn't like it quite as much a P1 and P2 but it is definately a worthy movie. I was also kinda suprized this movie was really felt more like a sequel (at least to me) rather than a remake as I originally thought it was. I really liked the designs on the Preds as well. It has it's flaw no doubt but overall I cant wait to see it again and will definately pick this up on blu.
saw the movie, thought it had nothing particularly interesting to offer... except........... really cool toys!!!! :D
I feel doing stuff like that is cheating, if not just false advertising. Its like showing a trailer for the Dark Knight and you actually get to see Batman Forever :slap


I agree that content shouldn't be falsified in trailers as they're representing what you'll see in the movie, but your comparison has me believing you're going through Bon Bon withdrawl. :lol
I could edit a GI Joe trailer to make that movie look like it was directed by Ridley Scott. Gritty, intense, and amazing looking.

And what is the movie you'll see?


It was just a marketing tool. It got your ass in the seats...didnt it?
it's generally a bad idea to judge movies by their trailers. they're made to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
most trailers are all made by one marketing firm and the directors/creators typically have no control over the ad campaigns at all.

you're better off judging by the director/writer/cast in that order.

I really hate that people didnt like this movie....not because of any "my opinion is right" thing...but I know how it feels to hate something you love. :( Makes me sad...

Glad I liked it...:lol
I saw PREDATORS this morning. I think the film bombed (but I sitll liked it because I'm a fan of the franchise). Anyone else think so?

Comment. Let's talk about it.
saw it at 10pm tonight. place was packed. audience enjoyed it.
i'm thinking it'll beat the AVP turds in the box office. not that it's hard to to, but i'm glad the franchise stopped sucking.
I saw PREDATORS this morning. I think the film bombed (but I sitll liked it because I'm a fan of the franchise). Anyone else think so?

Comment. Let's talk about it.

Bombed? It was sold out at midnight when I saw it and the crowd was going nuts. I guess it depends where you saw it.
my midnight showing was fun, people clapped when

the falconer pred died from the sword, at the spine rip and when Berserker blew up the ship. Crowd did not seem to like Royce lol.

do I need spoiler tags in this thread :dunno
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No. lol.

My theater loved everyone. Clapped at Falconer's death, clapped at Mr. Black's death (that one was HUGE).

Hell, everyone clapped when Edwin got ____ed by Royce at the end.

One guy even yelled "____ YOU FORMAN!" Hahahaha.
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