Sony planning paid PSN subscriptions for 2010

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I also think this is a poor argument. Most of us are paying for internet service for other reasons. If you like to surf the web or check your email, you were going to be paying for internet service anyway.

The only way it makes sense to tack on your internet service costs to the cost of PSN is if online gaming is the only thing you use your internet connection for -- in other words, if it weren't for online gaming, you wouldn't bother with an internet connection at all. But if you're posting here, that's probably not true.

I use the Internet for gaming and for as you call "surfing the net". Although I think that label sort of dumbs down the information exploring aspect of it. The Net is the information super highway, as they say. And for good reason. You can access any info you need through it. I think I wouldn't be as knowledgeable without it.

So it's not just used for gaming and posting comments on a message board it has far more use than that. That is if your using it as I do half the time, for information gathering and research .
The internet should be free!! Well actually it is like water, water is free but they charge you to pump it to your house. The internet is free but they they charge you to "view" it. The PSN will be free but they will make it so you will pay for it by the end of 2010 or feel like you are missing out on a lot of features. Sony is just as greedy as Microsoft.
I doubt I will pay for this service. Most of the games that I would play Live I purchase for my XBox 360. Don't think I need both.
It's not rocket science and people can keep throwing in scenario after scenario. Bottom line is if you want to play any game on any console online you MUST PAY for an internet connection. It doesn't matter if you use the internet for every other thing under the sun you are still using it for gaming and still paying to have a connection, therefore it is not free to game online for anyone.

If anyone believes PSN is free, disable your internet connection and attempt to play online and report here how that works out. Then pay to have it activated again and tell us how awesome the free service is.

Bleh. Look, this is why Live is a rip. Basically you're being charged for the air you breathe.

Now you could argue, "I'm only being charged 3 dollars a month for the air I breathe. And if you think about it, there's no point to breathing if you don't eat, drink, and have some place for shelter, so when you add up those costs, which are hundreds of dollars or even thousands of dollars a month, why, being charged 3 dollars a month on top of all that to breathe isn't so bad.

"And besides -- being charged that 3 dollars a month to breathe makes me appreciate breathing and the air much more than I did before. In fact, I'm pretty sure the air I breathe is better than the air someone who's not paying for it is breathing, so really, it's worth it. Thank you, Mr. Gates! I love the taste of your sack!"

But seriously, getting charged for the air you breathe is just wrong.
Bleh. Look, this is why Live is a rip. Basically you're being charged for the air you breathe.

Now you could argue, "I'm only being charged 3 dollars a month for the air I breathe. And if you think about it, there's no point to breathing if you don't eat, drink, and have some place for shelter, so when you add up those costs, which are hundreds of dollars or even thousands of dollars a month, why, being charged 3 dollars a month on top of all that to breathe isn't so bad.

"And besides -- being charged that 3 dollars a month to breathe makes me appreciate breathing and the air much more than I did before. In fact, I'm pretty sure the air I breathe is better than the air someone who's not paying for it is breathing, so really, it's worth it. Thank you, Mr. Gates! I love the taste of your sack!"

But seriously, getting charged for the air you breathe is just wrong.

PSN people play there

Xbox Live people play there

why is everybody getting there panties in a bunch as to who's better?
I'm not getting upset over which is better than the other. It's the notion of paying (on top of whatever you might pay for internet service) just to play online that I dislike.

The big entertainment companies are trying to pull this stuff on us all the time. Do you know how hard the music companies tried to make music downloads a "rental" service, where you'd have to pay them each time you played a song, or maybe get charged once a month for having a song on your playlist?

Or even with movies and TV shows. Before the Blu-Ray/HDVD battles, the media giants were trying to figure out ways to introduce limited playback options to the public -- maybe you'd buy the disk, but that only meant you'd have to pay a "minimal access fee" each time you watched it. Or maybe you'd have to pay more to watch the extras. Just a few more cents, maybe a dollar. Not a big deal, right?

The point is, the companies are always trying to find ways to ream us, the consumer. And they will if we let them. So really, the idea of Live should piss off everybody. If it works, you bet Sony will eventually try to follow suit. And then iTunes, and everybody else.

And then yeah, at that point we might as well be charged for the air we breathe, because we're getting charged for everything else.
:lol What the hell is going on in here ?.

No idea something about air, coffee, and Bill Gates balls :lol

Here's an idea how bout everyone just play their preferred online service :lol Its really not that big of a deal, either pay for XBL or go with the PSN, it's just video games.
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Who cares if people pay more for Live while PSN is free. Some people drink Folgers and some wait in line at Starbucks it aint no skin off my neck which one they use because its up to them.

What we should be discussing is what you think Sony has in mind for this subscription service? Will it be like Live where if you get it for free you have access to the store and demo's (silver) and if you pay you get to take advantage of different features such as online play(gold).
Who cares if people pay more for Live while PSN is free. Some people drink Folgers and some wait in line at Starbucks it aint no skin off my neck which one they use because its up to them.

What we should be discussing is what you think Sony has in mind for this subscription service? Will it be like Live where if you get it for free you have access to the store and demo's (silver) and if you pay you get to take advantage of different features such as online play(gold).

I don't know what Sony's thinking of for "Premium service".

My hope it would be something like you could watch major Sony blockbuster films in your home, day and date of their release in theaters. You know, something that actually would be worth paying for.

I shudder at the idea mentioned here earlier, where you'd need "premium service" to get better map packs, weapons, and so forth. That's BS.