Sony planning paid PSN subscriptions for 2010

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Why do PS3 fanboys get so pissed about this. LOL! Hairless your whatever response is typical fanboy attitude. Chill out man, it's just a video game. :lol
Looks like Sony is at least leaving the basics for free -- and they better. I hate the way Microsoft gives you no choice about the matter -- going online should be free. If you don't pay for it when you play with a PC, why should you have to just to get the privilege of owning a box created by Microsoft?
Sorry I will take Live at $50 a year. Sorry I have tried to play a few games online on my PS3 and sorry its a PIA. Lets see getting a group into a game is a PIA. Talking even bigger PIA. As others say downloads take longer, so if I want to play a game I dont want to spend forever waiting for a download, and hope to god its not a system update because that will take a nice chunk of time. One of the main things that I use that you cant do on PS3. A group of us may not being playing the same game but even when playing single player we can be in a party and shoot the ?????.

And if you think that they will keep online gaming free forever I have some land to sell you. Sony is there to make money and well that is something they have not done let alone even get remotely close to. Once they do the premium, they will slowly take more away from free and make you pay because bottom line they want to make $.
I never minded paying roughly $4 a month for Live, I definitely get my moneys worth. It be nice if it was free though
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Why do PS3 fanboys get so pissed about this. LOL! Hairless your whatever response is typical fanboy attitude. Chill out man, it's just a video game. :lol

You're perfectly right I am a fanboy. I've had LIVE since the first days in what late 2001/2002??? And still paying for a subscription fee when I can't even play online because my POS 360 Fu##ing died again less than one month after getting a replacement system for the first one that died.
You're perfectly right I am a fanboy. I've had LIVE since the first days in what late 2001/2002??? And still paying for a subscription fee when I can't even play online because my POS 360 Fu##ing died again less than one month after getting a replacement system for the first one that died.

That sucks. :banghead
My PS3 is seriously just a glorified Blu-Ray player, I think I only have two games left after trading the rest for multiple 360 games so this won't really effect me all that much but I have a few cousins who over the weekend were raving about being able to play for free online.

Now I wonder if you log on to play Madden for example if the matchmaking will interweave both those who play online free and those who play premium. If not, it's only a matter of time depending on how attractive they make the premium until free gamers have a very small pool to play from or vice versa if the premium isn't attractive...
Yes it does. I've already gone and traded in all my 360 games and have a brick and an HD DVD player sitting on my AV shelf.

Yeah, that was a waste of money. I sold mine just before the price drop and before the format was cancelled. I lucked out.
Fanboy ?????-fest aside, what services could Sony offer at a premium that isn't already available for free?

I wonder if this has less to do with the PS3 and more to do with Sony adding PSN to their other connected products like TV's and Blu-Ray players.
From what we can tell, it doesn't sound like access to online play will be charged at all. What we have now, continues to be free. It's some sort of new stuff on top of that that will be charged for.
Sounds like you are trying to justify this to yourself and not Badmoon.

It will be OK man. Sony has you by the balls anyway. Just pay them the money. :D

Sony doesnt have any of my balls because they are not charging me anything. Microsoft on the other hand has all of you by the balls by charging you to play online in which case you are really only paying to chat and get into parties easier. fools.

Not to mention they keep shoving RROD up your ass and you bend over and take it every time :lol

I have both systems and play both of them online. IMHO, Live is better, but isn't significantly better than PSN to justify the ~$60 fee.

With PSN's free service I am obviously more forgiving of technical issues, but deservedly so.

Finally someone with some sense and logic.

These 360 fanboys can't argue the fact that the 360 DOES NOT have superior online servers and theyre paying for a pretty little dashboard.

Sorry I will take Live at $50 a year. Sorry I have tried to play a few games online on my PS3 and sorry its a PIA. Lets see getting a group into a game is a PIA. Talking even bigger PIA. As others say downloads take longer, so if I want to play a game I dont want to spend forever waiting for a download, and hope to god its not a system update because that will take a nice chunk of time. One of the main things that I use that you cant do on PS3. A group of us may not being playing the same game but even when playing single player we can be in a party and shoot the ?????.

And if you think that they will keep online gaming free forever I have some land to sell you. Sony is there to make money and well that is something they have not done let alone even get remotely close to. Once they do the premium, they will slowly take more away from free and make you pay because bottom line they want to make $.

What is it with you guys and making some minor flaws seem like life and death? Downloads take long? If I need an update for a game, it downloads in a minute. you must really be in a hurry if you cant wait one minute.

not being able to chat or party up, that is a bit of a bummer. but most games worth a damn playing online multiplayer incorporates a decent party or chat system in it anyway.

Im not disputing the fact that the 360 does have a better package, but for FREE PSN gives you more than you give them credit for.
The only real online experience I have with playing online on the PS3 is Metal Gear Online. It was awful. Maybe I'll give Uncharted 2's multiplayer a go and see if I like the online play there.

I play on Live just because it seems easier but I'd be willing to give the PS3's online a real shot. I may have to buy COD4 or something on there to get a real feel for the online play.
What is it with you guys and making some minor flaws seem like life and death? Downloads take long? If I need an update for a game, it downloads in a minute. you must really be in a hurry if you cant wait one minute.

not being able to chat or party up, that is a bit of a bummer. but most games worth a damn playing online multiplayer incorporates a decent party or chat system in it anyway.

Im not disputing the fact that the 360 does have a better package, but for FREE PSN gives you more than you give them credit for.

I think its because they all have to have a Party chat whilst playing on Gears 2.
I think its because they all have to have a Party chat whilst playing on Gears 2.

No we play different games (single player or multiplayer) and still talk with friends playing another game.

Hell I remember we even used the 360 party chat while playing PS3 games because ... wait for it .... the chat didnt work at all on some games even though they said it.:lol
I don't understand the arguement that PSN is free. Do you not pay for your monthly internet service? It's not free. Live just charges on top of that. I pay $50 a month for internet service. My live subscription was $39.99 for a year which is around $3.33 a month. So to play on Live I pay $53.33 a month. To play on PSN I pay $50 a month. None of this ???? is free so lets please stop that dumb ass arguement. And for what it's worth as a long time PSN user that has recently added Live I'll admit that the $3 more a month gets you a lot more.
If XBL was at the same level as PSN then yes it most def should be free but XBL people have no prob paying a little fee for a better online service and PS ppl are fine with the free PSN so why fight about it? I could see if the 360 people complained about the price and the ps3 people complained about the PSN quality but it's always ps3 ppl complaining about the xbox and vice versa, and I'm not just talking about on here but everytime there's a ps3 vs 360 argument I see this.

people get so pissed about this thing for some reason.

video games r srs business :lol
My PS3 has all kinds of issues online with COD, im constantly waiting and the games get booted quite often, If they want to charge they have to fix that type of issue.