The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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October 2014: This show takes no risks. All the main characters are golden and all they ever do is talk and walk around and bore me.

October 2016: This show has no shame. Main characters are cruelly killed off and the excess of action and gore are grossly gratuitous.



I think I accepted the fact after about the 3rd episode of Season 1 that the show wasn't going to eventually end with everyone sitting around Dairy Queen eating ice cream cones. This is the world now. It's brutal. At this point in the game most of the good people that play by the rules are gone and you're bound to come across more "Governors" and "Negans" who do whatever it takes to survive. It's not right but it's what the world is now.

I agree it wasn't an easy episode to watch. The hardest part for me was Rick and Carl. I know someone else already mentioned it but it really hits home when you're a parent. I couldn't imagine being in that situation with my son. My wife was crying and I got a little choked up when they were sitting around the table with Glenn holding the baby.

So OK, this was the most shocking episode to date but I can't believe the amount of people checking out. I get the "torture porn" references but it's not like they resort to it every week. At the end of the day it's a horror show and you're gonna see some horrific things.
I felt more stressed out by ricks freak out over carl's arm than the actual bashing before.

Rick freaking out made me feel nervous. I knew who would die before watching but the carl stuff was rough

But it was definitely needed. Rick WAS giving negan the stink eye. Even after everything that happened and even after the zombie " get my ax" part rick was still defiant.

So breaking rick the way they did was pretty perfect from the writers to do.

Rick has gone crazy in the prison before and became recluse
But i think this episode really really broke him completely.
He freaked out with lori but this felt different

That scene actually made me put my hand over my mouth from shock! :lol

edit: I looked up my response to the first show. I said it made me feel "odd" afterwards. Yup!

I remember not being sure if I wanted to continue watching it, but I'm glad I did.

for me, in the beginning, i atleast thought there would be some ray of hope that maybe they could overcome all of this, and then Glenn & Maggie for me was that hope. But without Glenn, and the way he died, i see no point watching this misery anymore. Revenge wont be enough because there is nothing they can do to Negan to revenge how brutal Glenn's death was and also how Abraham died. i just see no point in the show anymore. This world is miserable, and there is no end to it. It will just keep getting worse. i just don't find it entertaining anymore.
So OK, this was the most shocking episode to date but I can't believe the amount of people checking out. I get the "torture porn" references but it's not like they resort to it every week. At the end of the day it's a horror show and you're gonna see some horrific things.

People wanted the bat. Got the bat. Then complained it was too graphic.

I guess the people who didn't like it have had much nicer bat beating experiences. A quick pat on the head and it's over.

I think I accepted the fact after about the 3rd episode of Season 1 that the show wasn't going to eventually end with everyone sitting around Dairy Queen eating ice cream cones. This is the world now. It's brutal. At this point in the game most of the good people that play by the rules are gone and you're bound to come across more "Governors" and "Negans" who do whatever it takes to survive. It's not right but it's what the world is now.

I agree it wasn't an easy episode to watch. The hardest part for me was Rick and Carl. I know someone else already mentioned it but it really hits home when you're a parent. I couldn't imagine being in that situation with my son. My wife was crying and I got a little choked up when they were sitting around the table with Glenn holding the baby.

So OK, this was the most shocking episode to date but I can't believe the amount of people checking out. I get the "torture porn" references but it's not like they resort to it every week. At the end of the day it's a horror show and you're gonna see some horrific things.

This show (and the comic too) remind me of the novel Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. Anyone read that book? It's about a family at the tail-end of the dark ages. Really that is what the TWD world has become. A second dark ages. Feudal towns pop up based on their ability to protect the serfs (who also farm their food and make them goods). Some towns have really corrupt nobles who rape and pillage and murder. Good doesn't always prevail and life is always brutal.
for me, in the beginning, i atleast thought there would be some ray of hope that maybe they could overcome all of this, and then Glenn & Maggie for me was that hope. But without Glenn, and the way he died, i see no point watching this misery anymore. Revenge wont be enough because there is nothing they can do to Negan to revenge how brutal Glenn's death was and also how Abraham died. i just see no point in the show anymore. This world is miserable, and there is no end to it. It will just keep getting worse. i just don't find it entertaining anymore.

Did it really take 7 years to realize this world is miserable and hopeless???
What about lori's death? Lori's death was so messed to the actress playing maggie almost quit the show ...
That was 4 seasons ago.

Im not saying u arent right. Not saying what u are saying is not true
This IS a miserable hopeless world . But im surprised it took 7 seasons for a lot of people to call it quits. The show has had horrible scenes every year
Man, if you watch this show with your family that **** is on you. I'm sorry.

I have 3 daughters and if I am unsure about anything involving television, movies, internet, etc I check it out myself before letting them watch. I know the whole parenting thing is hard and time consuming, but it's the deal we agreed to when we decided not to pull out.
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Did you really think a world where your loved ones die and come back as zombies was going to be happy?

i never said it should be a happy show, i just said the story has lost all hope for me. You can have a story that is brutal, but still have some ray of hope. I personally dont need to see these people suffer anymore. I dont need to see everyone they care about die. Because to me, that is now the point of the show. You will watch everyone you care about die and die in an over the top brutal way. There is no end to the misery. Even if they defeat Negan, someone else will just take his place that will be worse. I don't find that entertaining anymore. I can deal with brutality in a story as long as the story is moving along, but this show isn't for me. its just a show about watching characters you like die. The show was about survival from a zombie plague, but its turned into a show about human brutality. I just dont need to see anymore of it.