The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I can't believe the number of people complaining about the show's "brutality" because their kids were watching. Really? It's TV-MA and there were warnings all over it (and every TWD episode). And you didn't see it coming?


My 11yo and 8yo have been asking to watch it. They've seen clips here and there, just walking through the room when the quarterly AMC marathon is on. We haven't let them watch yet ... but we probably will in the next few years. It's brutal, but it's not really all that scary ... and violence really doesn't bother me all that much, parentally.

Did y'all see this? ...

Apparently AMC leaked a video of Maggie getting the bat instead of Abraham. Spoiler misdirection. It looks like they filmed a lot more of the alternate deaths than just the quick bat-to-the-head clip they showed.

I thought Negan riding around with Rick in the RV and giving him a tour of the bridge walkers was ineffective and a lame way to stall showing which members die for about 25 minutes. The whole "get my hatchet" thing amongst all those walkers was dumb and needless. That and intercutting to random visions and Rick's sad baby blue eyes as he laid on top of the RV was just obnoxious. I lost interest pretty fast.

There was a more tasteful way to handle the episode. Cut out the "artsy" crap and trippy flashbacks and foggy Negan/Rick joy ride walker stroll and I think the episode would have been better. You only needed ONE walker in this episode and that was the one at the end when they're driving away that eats Glenn or Abraham's brains.

The acting was great though. Everyone brought their A-game except for the kid that plays Carl. I was impressed, the drama was real. The practical effects were awesome too. Glenn's cleaved in head and protruding eyeball was fantastic. Even the little headless puppet that was twitching with the classic motor skills hand gesture was well done. Waaaay better than Herschel's demise from an effect standpoint. The arm thing with Negan, Carl and Rick was a great addition as well. The psychology behind that was well done. I knew Negan wasn't serious.

But yeah, get rid of all the stupid Rock visions, POV's and the dumb RV/walker joy ride and it would have been perfect. They should have just tacked on the Abraham/Glenn killings and the aftermath (Carl almost getting his arm chopped off) to last season. The cliff hanger and 25 minute wait in Rick's head is bad pacing. It'll play even worse on subsequent viewings or for someone binging the seasons/episodes.

I've got no interest in this show beyond Negan and, hopefully, Daryl's demise. Negan taking Daryl hostage was such a stupid idea and reeked of fan service (MUH tough guy, forever the bad ass loner). In a perfect world it would have been Glenn and Daryl getting Lucilled. Like Glenn and Abraham, Daryl's character has no where else to go. He had his arc, he did his thing. Now all the writers do with him is get him hurt, captured or split from the group. He's been separated about as many times as Carol has left the group. It's stupid. Kill him off.

Speaking of characters, this is going to be a very good thing for Maggie's development. She'll only get better, like Merle, Carol and Eugene. All out war should be decent.
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Great freaking episode, some of the scenes were straight outta the comic. I'm looking forward to see how they do a lot of these comic story archs in the future. Easily my favorite tv show, some of the responses to the episode are interesting to me though there have been a ton of brutal scenes in this show.
I thought the stall worked at building up suspense, and served to highlight how hard it is to change someone like Rick's perspective. When you have very strong beliefs, it takes a hell of a lot to change those beliefs, and no matter how much work Negan put into it, it took threatening Carl the way he did for Rick to finally break. I also think there is a value in going "overboard" like this every once in awhile. If we didn't get stuff that defied expectations, the show really would become more boring and predictable to me. I think this is part of what made the Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Boardwalk Empire so compelling--you really couldn't anticipate what was going to happen next because the most extreme consequence was just lurking around the corner.

Regarding Daryl, I think that is one area where Walking Dead has become a bit predictable. Given his popularity, it is really hard to imagine him being offed until the near end, if at all. Of course, you also get that with Rick, but with Rick it's essential since he is the primary protagonist (though there are a couple of series where the primary protagonist has been killed before the series end that I'm aware of, and that creates an interesting context for storytelling in itself of course).
October 2014: This show takes no risks. All the main characters are golden and all they ever do is talk and walk around and bore me.

October 2016: This show has no shame. Main characters are cruelly killed off and the excess of action and gore are grossly gratuitous.

Me and my girlfriend were genuinely shocked. Not by the amount of violence (It´s TWD, who are we kidding), but the fact that actually killed Glenn, a favorite.
From all possible outcomes they took, with all those moments from the comics that they changed...they kept...this.
Executed perfectly and all and I can´t understand the hate for the episode, all worked well in my book, but in terms of trauma they may have went too far.

For me, from a personal standpoint, this was traumatizing due to having my mom loosing more and more of her abilities over the last 18 1/2 years caused by several brain tumors. So to have Glenn getting his head bashed in and seeing the brain damage makes me shake my head since I saw it, trying to shake it off.
Those last words, making no sense, since he is TOO damaged...a sentence that he said, when the group was scattered and now...looking like this, looking at Maggie and telling her that he will find her...that was horrible to me, cause I see my mom trying to speak to me every day...and most of the time she doesn´t get the words she want´s to say. This brain damage and trying to tell her one final time that he loves her, but his scrambled brain can´t compute the situation, damage, what it´s supposed to do...that makes me relive...many moments from the last year...
Negan was built up to be this bad guy especially since the break last season.We already knew what was coming in this episode and Negan was a dud,just another form of the Governor with a bloody bat.Yeah' we got a couple of bloody head bashings and Negan spewing out the rules but come on,he would have never taken Rick's disdain for a second and that is according to Negan.But he did throughout the entire episode.I know the show couldn't go on without Rick but it was such a let down.
It really should have been someone else besides Rick,the writers screwed up IMO.It's the hip thing to kill off main characters and now we already know how it goes.Time loop.Start over.All I can say is Carol is not going to stand for it.

The thing is though, he respects Rick on a certain level and knows that he needs him alive. Rick is the key to putting this new group to work for him. He thinks if he gets Rick in line all the little ducks will fall in behind him.
I don't feel that way. I was summarizing the tone of a few people on this thread. Just in case that wasn't clear. :lecture

My response was for them
Once they show Rick putting a slug from his python though a little girls head, all beats are off!

That scene actually made me put my hand over my mouth from shock! :lol

edit: I looked up my response to the first show. I said it made me feel "odd" afterwards. Yup!

I remember not being sure if I wanted to continue watching it, but I'm glad I did.
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