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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

hahahaha says here that Michael Bay is interested in taking over....what a joke.

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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

any idea on who is the villain??

Nothing about the script treatment has come out yet. The Green Goblin to Spidey is like Joker for Batman so its a possibility that he is the main villain although I wouldn't really be that surprised that with the closeness of the reboot and the need to separate it, that they pull a Batman Begins and take a lesser known villain to "cleanse the palate".

They are. There's a movie called X-Men First Class coming, which is a reboot of the franchise that will focus more on the initial X-Men cast in their early years. Still directed by the same guy as the first two however.

Which is sheer chance that it occurred. Remember when Singer decided not to do X3? Remember when he said he had done his job and had nothing left for the X-Men, well channel in the Superman Returns bomb and then you've got him running back. This will be an interesting "reboot" because the current franchise under the Wolverine Guise isn't exactly finished.

Won't be encouraging this farce.

Famous words typed time after time after time on message boards, blogs and the internet in general. If this movie kicks ass I'd love to go back and read the people who said its a farce but later on are singing its praises.

James Bond gets rebooted all the time. I can't see why it can't be done with Spider-Man as well.

Slightly different. Bond gets recasted all the time but until Casino Royale he hasn't been rebooted, honestly though if you really look at it when Craig's time is done some skillful writer could tie it back to the Connery days.

They want someone who can shut up and make their movie. They're looking for a "YES MAN".

To a certain extent this is absolutely true. Avi Arad forced Venom into Spider-Man 3. Originally the script treatments only had The Sandman and GGII....or "Nightrider" of whatever the hell he was called. He (Arad) said it was due fanboy requests to throw Venom in there and that Sam wanted to make them happy. What occurred was a completely disjointed film villain wise that made no sense. Sam was the "yes man" in that case and said loudly he should have never done it. He also said it wouldn't happen again if he got the chance so its completely possible that he was being too hardnosed for Sony and both parties walked.

And Tobey and Kirsten have stated many times that they would only work with Rami. So really Sony had no choice but to reboot.

All PR Bull____. Remember a little bit before this Tobey said he was done with the franchise as did Raimi? Remember that Tobey had he had done all he could with the character and they had nowhere to go with it? Dunst said left and right she was done. What brought them back? A payday. Clean and simple. Also remember that Sony wants a Spidey in high school, even if Dunst and Tobey wanted to be in it, they are both far too old to be believable...They didn't have no choice but to reboot they wanted them out. Clean slate.

Sometimes if it's to fresh in peoples minds, they won't go nomatter what, I'm thinking of that last hulk film. Liked the second more than the first, marginally, but it did poorly because it was so close to the release of the first Ang lee film.

Nope, I really don't think so. What killed Norton's Hulk was lack of publicity. It came out a month after Iron Man but the PR was severely lacking. Iron Man had Comic-Con panels and sneak peeks and tons of commercials and food tie-ins as well as posters all over the place. Marvel/Universal didn't even promote The Incredible Hulk until closer to the film and even then it was minimal, hell towards the end it was "See Tony Stark in The Incredible Hulk!". Universal killed Hulk because it didn't get the word out to enough folks that it was a reboot, a fresh start completely removed from Lee's Hulk. There were people right up until the film premiered on tv talking about it like it was a sequel and how many are upset that Bana was recast as Banner not realizing that they weren't connected.

If they had really sold the thing, really promoted it as different and new I guarantee you it was have done more box office.

hahahaha says here that Michael Bay is interested in taking over....what a joke.

He just wants another ____ you to Hollywood because he know that people will say he can't do it or shouldn't and if/when he does it'd make millions. Honestly from the grumblings about Marvel Studios' independent films and how they are concerned about substance over flash, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony follows suit and tries for a Nolanesque director, someone out of left field to do it. They just have to be careful because Ang Lee was out of left field and it backfired.
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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Famous words typed time after time after time on message boards, blogs and the internet in general. If this movie kicks ass I'd love to go back and read the people who said its a farce but later on are singing its praises.

Haha. You don't know me at all my friend. If I say I won't be encouraging this, then I won't be encouraging this. Maybe it won't be a farce, but I still won't be encouraging it.
Re: The Spider-Man reboot! Who should direct? Who should star?

Ugh. The mods need to figure out which is the correct section for Marvel movies and merge these two.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

one thing is for certain: They cán improve on the green goblin's outfit, but NORMAN OSBORN himself played by william dafoe, willl NEVER be trumped. He was IMO by far the most charismatic villain ever.

"sorry I'm late. Work was murder."
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

A reboot isn't a bad thing.

Rami's vision was solid and Tobey was decent in the duel role of Peter Parker and Spiderman. IMO neither embodied the character's essence whereas I would be baised against another direction or character portrayal.

The only concern I have which has been expressed by several is the story going "too young." I hope the character's troubles are more than morning wood, acne, homecoming date and a super-villian. :rolleyes:
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I really don't know how to feel about this, i for one loved the first two Spidey films and thought Tobey and dunst were Great.

I guess i will just wait and see what comes of it, but this rebooot news does not make me happy!
Re: The Spider-Man reboot! Who should direct? Who should star?

Here's the official description of the "MOVIES & TV SHOW DISCUSSION" section:

For discussing movies, television shows and DVDs themselves rather than collectibles from them. Discussion on movies covered by a specific forum should remain in that forum.

Since an existing discussion is already underway in the Marvel specific forum (linked above), that will remain the official forum thread for discussion of the reboot. (Also home to the Thor Movie discussion thread,, Iron Man 2, Planet Hulk, etc.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

one thing is for certain: They cán improve on the green goblin's outfit, but NORMAN OSBORN himself played by william dafoe, willl NEVER be trumped. He was IMO by far the most charismatic villain ever.

"sorry I'm late. Work was murder."

That's thing I never got about Spider-man 1.
When I heard the Green Goblin was going to be Dafoe, I thought great that guy doesn't even need a mask.
It was a bit of disappointment to say the least, after I saw the stupid outfit the guy had to wear. The film was still good though.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

yeah indeed, the suit didnt really.. make sence, BUT he was still awesome because he's just an amazing actor! But on the other hand, the film was made in like what? 2001? And for a FIRST spiderman film, it was GREAT. Lets all be honest, I don't think anyone would have done a better first ever attempt than Raimi did, even though the suit was flawed, IMO the rest of part 1 was practically amazing.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I'm glad to hear this. SM3 killed the movie-verse for me. Yeah they screwed up Venom but the thing that was really UNFORGIVABLE to me was them having it be Sandman that killed uncle Ben.

The entire premise of who Spidey is and why he does what he does is because of his lesson learned with that thug that killed uncle Ben.

But oh, guess what - he didn't really kill your uncle after all. :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead

IMO it completely under cut the main reason for Spidey's existence. In my mind SM3 is nearly up there with Batman & Robin. Well, that's a little too harsh. Batman Forever or Wolverine Origins.

I hope they do a good job at it and I must say - as someone mentioned in a post about this on a film site... Neil Blomkamp would be awesome in the D chair. Won't happen - but would be awesome indeed.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Aww man, my thread was consumed into this one. Oh well. Although, it's odd noticing seemingly duplicate threads about particular movies existing in the movies section as well as the specific/theme sections. I guess mine didn't make the cut.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Also remember that Sony wants a Spidey in high school

Do they? Or did they know that without Sam Dunst and tobey would not comeback? Also they wouldn't have to fork over as much $. (sony is all about $)

While some if it may be PR, i'm sure they are loyal. Sure they wanted the payday but they also wanted Sam to go with it.

Anyways, just when i hoped we could see adult PP struggling to pay rent and such we gotta go back to school. :(

Sony better not cater to just the young male audience here or fail.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

This is hilarious. I'm NOT going to see this until I can get it on netflix. I hope Sam jumps shark to make a DC movie that destroys every Marvel movie in existence.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I just want a proper movie venom, thats all i care about, i want the symbiote saga to be done with a more grity approach and not some campy dance scene. I want a Joker style green goblin thats both smart and crazy at the same time.