Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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facial scanning tech is a game changer


Hasbro even included the title of ownership of the Falcon and Chewie

Hard to believe Rey could possibly be the first Jedi who wasn’t trained. I was really surprised Luke didn’t train her :horror

How is Rey going to train those punk ass alien kids :slap
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Broom boy and co. don't need no training. Do you not know how the nu-Force and bu-Jedi work?

I just wanna know if Kilo and Ray are gonna **** and restore balance to the galaxy. If Luke hadn't caught the two of them and tore down the hut, they most definitely would have porged. My tumblr Reylo shipping fan fiction fantasy was almost complete!

I guess..since Yoda burned the tree. Just sucks that they did this..even Anakin needed training. Maybe Rey is truly the Chosen One :dunno
I just wanna know if Kilo and Ray are gonna **** and restore balance to the galaxy. If Luke hadn't caught the two of them and tore down the hut, they most definitely would have porged. My tumblr Reylo shipping fan fiction fantasy was almost complete!

It's going to hit the fan in IX when it's revealed that Rey is the daughter of Luke and Leia.

Of course, they had to give her up to foster parents at the arse end of the galaxy.
OMG i think I cracked it! Leia was a clone in TLJ thats how she flew and had all those force powers. There is a huge difference in screenshots of Fisher, no way its not CGI. Thats what the Last Jedi Means shes the Last Cloned Jedi. **** you JJ I know the story now you hack! Leai is really SNOKE!!! **** you fanboys you heard it here first!

So apparently people don't enjoy the third week-end as much as Rian Johnson does, TLJ is going to make about $3 million more than Rogue One on the same week-end.

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wow this will finish much closer to RO box office run than TFA. Looks like this will not break $1.5B (initial analyst projections were $1.7-1.8B) and may end up closer to $1.3B. Fascinating case study
China opens Jan 5... though I don't expect it to contribute much.

1.3B would be closer to my gut.

Again, true clarity on this film will only come in time. Talk about this movie will be more sensible in March, and even moreso by summer, when arguments can be better supported.
No SW is going to make more than TFA (well until future generations with $40 tickets and adjusted inflation etc)
TLJ is a freakin success- if the brand name is hurt well that's that. SW is not ruined- heck even SOLO might prove to be a big surprise and be good..
The Kennedy hate is over-the-top garbage. It's all meaningless-90% of the audience aren't crazed fan boys of the type on these boards. They pay their money and watch the movie.
To those of you who say they refuse to see Solo and Ep 9- who are you fooling? Not me...

you can't kill SW, same way Schumaker couldn't kill batman with his sh**ty movies. But you can damage it to the point where you may need a 3-5 year hiatus followed by a reboot, and if done right it could make more than $2B IMO. But we're not there yet, you'll need 2 more crap films before we start talking about long term damage... let's see how Solo does next.
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