Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Okay that makes sense I guess. But I believe Leia had the sense this was Rey's fight and Rey's battle. Or In a sense Leia knew this was Rey's "movie"

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Let’s face it though if I had to sum up TFA.. it would be the intro of Rey, Kylo and Finn, but more importantly the final farewell to Han. It will be hard to beat Harrison’s performance from TFA. I think Luke is going to be in EP IX , so he doesn’t have to be showcased too much. We need to learn more about Rey, because she is the real mystery to this new era..hope they do it right.

Here's my expectation of fan reaction to TLJ Luke.

Opening weekend: "Wtf did they do to Luke, they ruined him, that wasn't Luke Skywalker, this is an insult to OT fans."

Week Two: "After seeing it again and taking it in more, it's very interesting to finally see Luke face tragedy in his life the same way we all do, I can't wait to see his optimism redeemed in Episode 9."
I thought about Han and Leia having some unspoken info on Rey. I still don't know. Ford plays wistful when she talks about seeing so much green....could be something, could be that weird look Alec Guinness coincidentally gives when he says he never owned a droid.

I believe she is Skywalker-centric somehow, unless they completely flip it and make Kylo the hero. It's the Skywalker saga and I don't think they'll cap it off by having some unrelated person kill Luke's nephew. That's a bit of a wet fart.

Or I'm totally wrong. :lol
Here's my expectation of fan reaction to TLJ Luke.

Opening weekend: "Wtf did they do to Luke, they ruined him, that wasn't Luke Skywalker, this is an insult to OT fans."

Week Two: "After seeing it again and taking it in more, it's very interesting to finally see Luke face tragedy in his life the same way we all do, I can't wait to see his optimism redeemed in Episode 9."

You did that exact thing with Jack Sparrow when you saw Pirates 5.
You did that exact thing with Jack Sparrow when you saw Pirates 5.

Almost, there's no certainty of Pirates 6 so my hope for seeing that phase of his life transist back to what I'm used to is lesser and I've just come to embrace the movie despite his characterization, but I still don't like some of what they did.

I already like what they're doing with Luke, I personally never clung to him as the optimist, as it gets mentioned of late, I look back and see it, but I just liked him as a hero. To me, I see TLJ Luke as kinda like Rocky in Rocky Balboa, life's been rough on him. Only difference, we'll have to wait for another movie to get the payoff where Rocky concluded it in one.

Jack was just a sloppy drunk managing a few moments of sobriety and classic Jack while mostly being just a fumbling waste :lol POTC 5 Jack is like Rocky 5 Rocky haha
Here's my expectation of fan reaction to TLJ Luke.

Opening weekend: "Wtf did they do to Luke, they ruined him, that wasn't Luke Skywalker, this is an insult to OT fans."

Week Two: "After seeing it again and taking it in more, it's very interesting to finally see Luke face tragedy in his life the same way we all do, I can't wait to see his optimism redeemed in Episode 9."

True but hasn't he always faced tragedy

Lost his Aunt and Uncle

found out his father was Darth Vader and then lost him

Lost his mentor Obi-wan

Lost his bf Biggs

Why should this be anything different to him. I think the force has changed him in this one
What is wrong with that scene ? I love the original star wars but I never read any extra books or looked into it that deep... because the best parts of the original Star Wars trilogy ARE NOT THAT DEEP.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the EU. Just the films. I noticed it during first time I watched it.

Han, Chewie and Leia are friends. They went through a lot together. Han and Leia had a child. Chewie and Leia were very close to Han. They both lost him.

Leia and Chewie should have walked up to each other and hugged, comforting each other. Rey watching from near the Falcon. A missed opportunity for a genuine moment that makes complete sense.

Instead they both walk by each other with out any acknowledgment what-so-ever. Leia doesn't even glance at Chewie, like he's just another walking carpet. Leia is fixed on Rey and feels she needs to embrace her even though they just met.

Maybe she is related. Maybe they even planned to reveal it in TFA. It just being "her movie" doesn't excuse the careless direction in that scene.
True but hasn't he always faced tragedy

Lost his Aunt and Uncle

found out his father was Darth Vader and then lost him

Lost his mentor Obi-wan

Lost his bf Biggs

Why should this be anything different to him. I think the force has changed him in this one

He has, but I think things built up an optimism in him that everything will be ok eventually, he lost and lost and lost but finally, evil was slain, his father redeemed, all of that. Way I see it is that starting the Jedi school was a promise of good and hope for him, and when his own blood turned dark, it's like, OMG, all the good I thought I was bringing and it was for not, this evil shall always rise and loom over the universe, so now all of a sudden, the tragedies hit him like it would most people, my aunt and uncle died because of all this, thousands of others in battle, I nearly died myself, I give up, there's no sense fighting this, it's inevitability.

As the movie release is rapidly approaching in about 6 days now, I thought it would be a great idea to make a spoiler discussion thread. It would keep spoilers out of the figure threads and nobody will accidentally read something they don't want to. Anything goes in here and all who enter should know they're being warned.


I'll start. It just came out through scans of the Visual Dictionary that Snoke's black ring is not a kyber crystal, but an onix stone from the beneath Darth Vader's castle on Mustafar. And on this ring, there are Dwarti symbols. Dwarti is a planet in the unknown region and the home of the four Sages of Dwarti. These sages practiced the Dark Side and their statues can be seen in Palpatine's office in Revenge of the Sith. It would be a nice connection if Snoke is one of these ancient sages.

I have a pre-screening invite from Disney to see the movie on the 11th, I'll come in here and spoil it all for you then.

I have a pre-screening invite from Disney to see the movie on the 11th, I'll come in here and spoil it all for you then.

How did you get that???

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I have a pre-screening invite from Disney to see the movie on the 11th, I'll come in here and spoil it all for you then.

That's awesome! I'll be seeing it the first showing Thursday at 7pm. I'll be avoiding this thread like the plague after Monday lol.
So sad. Snoke and Rey not pulling them in by the bazillions?

I think this thread is going to need SPOILER tags very soon. I'm already learning things that I don't want to.
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