Rob Zombie to direct Halloween sequel.

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Okay- Sorry, you may not have liked it, but calling it the worst remake ever is an insult to the truly horrible remakes!

I personally loved Zombie's cinematography. Loved the atmosphere. And enjoyed the movie.
And... being a woman, men can be terrifying enough without needing to be supernatural...

that's just my opinion. I personally think it's the worst remake because of how much I like the original and his compared to it sucked! I'd rather watch the prom night remake than a crappy remake of a film I grew up loving and having it blow.
that's just my opinion. I personally think it's the worst remake because of how much I like the original and his compared to it sucked! I'd rather watch the prom night remake than a crappy remake of a film I grew up loving and having it blow.

You should be forced to watch Children of the Living Dead. You'll be climbing the walls, like a baby in a microwave for someone to throw on Zombie's Halloween. ;)

That is the most retarded statement i have ever read.

All of someone's POs just got canceled! :rotfl
That is the most retarded statement i have ever read.
Do you not understand his point? He's saying that most serial killers (while obviously deranged) are able to blend into society. Many of them are not people that you would look at and say, "That's definitely a serial killer" if you spotted them in the street. Think about Ted Bundy.
Do you not understand his point? He's saying that most serial killers (while obviously deranged) are able to blend into society. Many of them are not people that you would look at and say, "That's definitely a serial killer" if you spotted them in the street. Think about Ted Bundy.

:lecture (it's not often we agree :p). But yeah, Jeffrey Dahmer's neighbor said, "He's such a quiet boy." and look what he was doing! Gacey was a friggin' birthday party clown! People hired this man to entertain their children! Though there have been a few exceptions like Manson, Ramirez and Chase.
I can't stand Rob Zombies film making. I'm tired of his "white trash" characterizations in every movie. I can't stand his first Halloween and I won't be seeing his second one.
Abusing and murdering children while blending in as a party clown is not normal behavior.

You need to read up more on Gacey. He didn't do that. The focus of his attention was "younger men" old enough to work, not children. What I'm saying, and you'd know if you read about him, was that when he wasn't slaying people, he was a clown who was hired to attend birthday parties. Obviously for someone to be in that very situation of the latter, there has to be some level of normalcy, at least in appearance and tone.
Abusing and murdering children while blending in as a party clown is not normal behavior.

No, it certainly is not. But I believe what people are getting at is that the outward appearance many serial killers put on make them appear to be normal people (of course their actions against society proved them to be far from normal). Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Gary Ridgeway, (to name a few) gave an outward appearance of 'normal' people and blended in well, but we all know what they were doing in more desolate areas, behind closed doors, etc.
:rotfl:rotfl Then lets hope I never see Children of the living dead.

Yup, learned a few VERY hard lessons that day:

1) Never, and I mean NEVER, believe the reviews on They're quite possibly written by the people who made the movie. :(

2) Just because it has the words "Living Dead" in the title doesn't necessarily mean you're in for a zombie movie. :mad:

3) And the most important... just because Tom Savini is in the movie, doesn't mean it's even remotely good. :yuck

I wasn't content with loosing the 90 minutes of my life I'd never get back again, but actually was left feeling like I wanted to seriously physically assaulting the promoters for even using the marketing scheme that they did. I'd take Batman & Robin, or The Phantom Menace cut to just the Jar Jar scenes before reliving that experience. :lol
That's why I think in a sci-fi way he should have just explored the "posession" of Michael. It could be interesting to see how exactly this child is taken over by some force and become a force himself. Michael Myers is a sci-fi/supernatural killer. He's not Hannibal Lecter. You're not meant to feel for him, you're not meant to understand him, he's not a schemer he just does things. I think that's where all the sequels went astray. H2 was a well made movie, but story-wise, it was probably a bad idea to establish sister as his motive. It worked for H2, but when it spun into H4-6 being about going after family and all, it got a bit strange. The struggle of making Halloween sequels is that the original had no purpose, he just did, and it's been a struggle to give him a motive since. I think he'd work best if he were just the Haddonfield Halloween killer, almost a legend more than a person. Only come out on Halloween, killing with no motive other than being a force of death and destruction.

I agree. The motive should have been that there was no motive. His only quirk is that he likes to pretend that every one of the victims he "focuses" on...remind him of Judith. But it is much more horrifying if there is no motive at all. He just comes to get you on Halloween... It's simple and terrifying.

He doesn't even need to be compared to a normal Serial killer. He's much more elusive, scary, and without a method that can be cracked...unlike many killers that have gone before him. The only one that would possibly be close would be Jack the Ripper, but only because he is also an enigma.

But Myers should be much more than the son of white trash, who chases his sister and kills those around her. To think of him simply as such, would be a disservice to the character.
I don't really mind RZ's remake but like many have said the whole white trash hillbilly, abusive stepfather and stripper mother past is just so cliche. I find it funny how they try so hard to humanize Michael with the backstory but the by the time he's an adult he's now a 6'8" 300lb unstoppable killer. For me at least, that kinda defeats the purpous of the backstory. If you want him to be human make him human and if you want him to be an unstoppable force do that. The thing about JC's Myers was that he never did try to make Myers human. From the begginning you had Loomis saying Michael was pure evil and that there was no reason for him to kill other than that. RZ's Myers really had no mystery to him and he wasn't evil (at least in the same way as the original Mikey), he was just some overgrown psychopath with a mask and buthcer knife with an abusive past. Very cliche and overused imho.