Regalwindhund's Customs and W.I.P.

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id love to get one of those heads too..maybe next month i can score one...oh yea...i like the SSC one..but man, this one is WAY more accurate and more detailed...btw where did you score the outfit from? i need one..that isnt kinda bashing my own with parts from Dooku and other pants....maybe one day, i'll finish him

Oh yeah, it's waaaaaaay better than the SSC head. I put the heads side by side for fun and it is ridiculous how vastly different they are in design and quality. The outfit I actually got from a SSC ROTJ Luke on Amazon for a fair price. The boots are by 3R (aka the other branch of DiD) from their Otto Gille, SS-Obergruppenführer und General 5th SS-Panzer Div. Wiking, figure. I have to say, these are the best tall/officer boots I've ever used for a project. I bought a couple pairs and they fit perfectly. Not too tight, not too loose, right height, they're just great. I tossed the SSC belt too, and modified a HT Bespin Luke belt for the figure. Looks much better. I know there's a guy on OSW selling an ROTJ Luke loose for a good price. It's in the link you sent me for Kit Fisto. Check it out.
They both look great. The sith outfit is perfect in my mind...just redo the head and your all set. Luke looks done to me. :hi5: looking forward to more pics as you progress. :clap

Thanks man, and I agree w/ you about the head. I'm actually going to tone down the Titanium White a bit. I wanted the high contrast between his facial tats and skin color, but it's just to bright. It makes the head too chalky, and it lacks texture. Once I hit it w/ some .0 grit sandpaper and reapply the Titanium White, I'll probably do a very, very, very, light wash w/ a darker color. I think that should do the trick.
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Lol!! I promise I'll post some stuff soon. I'm retooling my Sith's head at the moment. Once that's done I think he'll be done. I'll get some pics of my growing SW collection up too.

I always like seeing others SW collections, looking forward to that.

I really like the looks of your Jedi Luke, well done. :)
I always like seeing others SW collections, looking forward to that.

I really like the looks of your Jedi Luke, well done. :)

Thanks man. I think Jedi Luke is pretty much done for me. I don't really feel the need to get him a new hair-piece, despite the fact I've seen some pretty awesome ones on the board. I may futz w/ his outfit a lil', but for me done.

I'll get some collection pics up too. Since I don't have a decent shelving unit in my room. The majority of my figures once finished are wrapped up (usually in old t-shirts :lol ) and tucked away in a drawer. I really have no room to display but a few. Once I get some decent shelving, and some UV tinting for my room's windows, I'll put more up on display.

Anyhow, my Mother borrowed my camera for the day. She went to go see my sister an her family. Apparently ever since I sent a recordable SW card to my nephew on his B-Day, he wants to know everything about it. :lol So along w/ my camera, a good portion of my 3 3/4in. collection went along for the ride. I know he'll put the figures to good use.
I know it's not SW, but I thought I'd put up something till I get my camera back. Wolverine:


The head an claws are by ToyBox. I was on the fence about getting these parts, but they really are great. The paint apps an detail on the sculpt are awesome. The online pics don't do it justice. Anyhow, till I find the right outfit his head an claws are on the body of one of my 1st Div. Marines at Hue '68. I'll post more of my SW stuff later today when I get my camera back.
Alright. Completely redid my Sith Lord's head. Stripped the paint, covered the top and back in Milliput, then sanded it down to a thin a layer to cover up the hair on the original sculpt, added sand to the second coat for texture (except under the eyes, nose, and mouth), once the final coat dried I did a light wash, left it a lil' lighter around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then used a few coats of pledge on the eyes, and finished it off w/ some .0 girt sandpaper.


I wanted to give him a wash to tone down the glare of the white skin. Not only does it get rid of the glare, and combined w/ the uneven texturing, I hoped to give him a stone-like appearence, and a sickly pallor. Hope that makes sense.



You might notice the lack of pupils. I'm on the fence about adding any. I hate painting them, but I swear that's not the reason why I haven't yet. :lol I've always been a fan of the "blind swordsman" motif, using his other senses to fight. Somehow that lack of sight gives him an advantage over others. Plus, there's something about no pupils that really unsettles me. It's the lack of emotion. Sharks, deep sea fish, cave dwellers, and other various creatures lack them. That aspect, at least to me, makes them look pitiless, hollow, and unsympathetic.

That's just my opinion though, and we all have are own. I'll take more pics once it's on the body. Once I do, I feel like I'm gonna have to give him a hood too.
i like it..i like the texture...too bad you dont have any more skin showing on the could do some to match it up...

True. All that ominous black armor kind of covers it up. :lol I would have added a neck, but like Soldier Story, the Takara body has a built in neck w/ ball-socket. I could change the body, but it'd take awhile to get the armor to fit on a different body. Plus the feet/boots are attached to the suit.
Well, here are a few more pics of my collection. As I said previously, I have no real display area. So I have to photograph each one individually if I want a decent photo. First up is Plo Koon!! I still have to add some wire to areas of his robe, and give his sculpt a light wash, but for now his robes were sprayed w/ a 50/50 solution of water and Elmer’s Glue. While drying I molded his robes to my liking, and when dry it still maintains some ability to be molded. I also put his giant head on a HT TT Broad Shoulder. It just fit better than the Buck.



Now here’s my ROTS Obi-Wan w/ a painted headsculpt from Damien, on a TTL Body. I wanted to also thank BobaMike for an Obi-Wan sculpt he painted for me. Somehow, probably my general presence, the dullcoat had an adverse reaction to the paint. Which caused the sculpt to become very sticky. In my efforts to fix it, my dumbass ruined it. Sorry Mike. Thank you though for painting Obi an Ani for me. I’ve been trying to use some different light sources to take photos, so some of these pictures make the head look darker than the hands.



More photos to come. Till then……

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