Rate The Last Game You FINISHED..

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The Last of Us: 10/10.
I couldn't really find anything wrong with this game. I did find one of the boss fights to be incredibly annoying as it was very unforgiving.

My PS4 came with a digital download for the game but I am thinking about just buying a copy to have...just because I enjoyed it so much and I think it should be represented in my game library.

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The Witcher 1 - 9/10

I've played quite a lot of RPGs over the years, and quite frankly, the Witcher stands as one of the best experiences I've ever had in an RPG. The game stresses so much on the moral grey of decision making, and every decision that Geralt makes has brutal and lasting consequences for everyone around him. And it's great to experiment with different decisions to see how alliances and friendships can change over the course of the storyline.

The game had a brilliant start, and there was a remarkable twist at the end I'll never forget. If you can, buy it on Steam where it's dirt cheap - even a very old PC should be able to play it well. All in all, I feel very sorry for the folks who chose to skip this just to play the latest game, Witcher 3.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition - 8/10

This was great follow-up to the first Witcher game. However, the storyline was somewhat hard to follow at first. There were so many names of people I never heard about from the first game, and mind-boggling conspiracies that required some patience to wrap my head around. Everything came together neatly in the end, but it would have been better if there was a little more cohesion in the overall plot. It just seems like the storyline had way too much going for it, until it became a confusing mess.

On the plus side, Geralt slowly regains some of his lost memories, and the revelations of his past are finally revealed. Needless to say, you SHOULD play this game before heading onto Witcher 3.

As for the gameplay, the menus were so disorganized in this one, and I was forced to use a game-pad instead of a mouse and keyboard. So, I docked one point.

All in all, it's a great sequel. It's not on par with the first Witcher, but I'd highly recommend it.
Super Mario Sunshine - 8/10

Fine enough game, for its time, and still holds up. But a lot of missions aren't that fun to do, and some are like impossible. That pachinko one, the poison river...blue coins are also a stupid idea, and the fact that some shine sprites are useless in the long run, since you are required to do Episodes 1-7, kills some replayability. Some missions are really fun though, and in general, it works, and I adore its scenery.
Sleeping Dogs (PS4): 7.5/10

I never played it on PS3. In fact, I had never heard of it until about a couple months prior to the PS4 release. I had also played GTV on PS3 before Sleeping Dogs hit the PS4.

Overall, I liked it, but I felt it did a bad job of establishing any other characters I really cared about outside of Wei. I could barely remember most of them outside of Winston and I guess Jackie to be honest. Playing GTA, by comparison, so many characters jump out to me. Sure, they're intentionally all a bit over the top, but they're also memorable. That wasn't the case with SD. I also felt the police side missions didn't really tie into anything--they were just extra ways to get points and have something to do. I also always hated to have to return the Jade statues and learn the practice moves. For me, it just slowed down the narrative and wasn't fun.

With that said, voice acting was great, the city was amazing if a bit claustrophobic, and it was overall fun to play. Could've used a lot of humor in the game, however. I also thought the controls were a little wonky sometimes. Also, fighting got too repetitive--Wei vs 8-10 guys. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Still, things like jumping from car to car were thrilling, or shooting at enemies while driving and in slow motion. Really great stuff there.

Onto The Walking Dead season 2. Too bad my PS3 save won't transfer over to the PS4.
Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

The visuals are drop dead gorgeous, the beloved combat and stealth are fantastic as ever, and the atmosphere is dark and gloomy whilst the story is gripping and will keep you invested till the very end. However, the story builds up to a predictable and somewhat hollow conclusion and the Batmobile wrestles the pacing from you more often than you'd like. With those issues aside, this is still an amazing interactive experience, brimming with detail and excitement thus without a doubt will be some of the best games you'll ever play. Miss out on this and the joke's on you.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 8.5/10

Can go on for a long time, a few story battles are not exactly pleasant, but it is a real fun game at times, such as putting together some real awesome strategies and just watching all the enemies die. Not much to say. Just wish it wasn't $150 on eBay :lol
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

A brilliant and fun game hampered frustrating pacing and a ridiculous, nonsensical story that literally amounts to nothing. Lacking in many of the traits that made the series great in the first place, this bastard child of a game might suggest that creator Hideo Kojima has had enough with the bloated canon of what he calls his "greatest failure". The game lacks the narrative focus and urgency of previous installments and glaringly and (regrettably) shamefully runs out of steam halfway trough- where the player is forced to undertake optional sidequests in order to unlock the final ending.

Unremarkable musical score, a barren and lifeless open world and serviceable graphics only adds towards the frustration of what could have been the ultimate over letter to Metal Gear fans. Recommended to hardcore fans only.

Thank you for everything you have gave us, Mr. Kojima-san, as much as I would always criticize your newer works, I also have deep love for the times you were bold and creative, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. We get the message that you want to leave Metal Gear by now.

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Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt


No need any comment. Everything except some bugs are perfect. Just play it.
Far Cry 3 - 5/10

Enjoyable gameplay and cool setting were ruined by poorly written story and mostly boring or annoyingly stupid characters.
"Blood Dragon" was miles better than FC3.
"The Tyranny of King Washington" was miles better than ACIII.
One strange year with Ubisoft...
Very much so :dunno 2013 was top notch for them though imo


Sonic Unleashed - 6/10

Werehog/God of War for 5 year olds can die in a fire, and some REALLY cheap/frustrating moments ruin some great levels, while the frame rate is atrocious at times. At least Colors and Generations got 'the boost formula' right, just a shame we ditched it so soon.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - 8.5/10

My only gripe is it's a tad shorter than Returns, but it's really fun and has enough challenge without any bullcrap (besides going for everything).
Batman Arkham Knight 8/10 I had a total blast with this game until I was forced to complete a series of boring Riddler missions and lazily designed signed missions to complete the main story. Unfortunately, all that slogging for the ending wasn't worth it, and was turned off from ever wanting to play the game again. I definitely recommend it to all Batman fans, as it has some of my favorite moments for the character (and a certain villain) ever. The overall story is also the weakest in the series, which is a big shame, since I wasn't too impressed with the others. This game contains the best gameplay of the series, but the pacing really hurts it.

I went through the MGS series in preparation for the new game, and I never gave them numbers, so I'm just going to make this quick since I've discussed them to death!

Metal Gear Solid 8/10- My favorite plot, atmosphere, and music in a video game. The problem is that there's not much gameplay, and what's there is kind of a mixed bag. The game doesn't have the best controls and there's too much backtracking for a game that's so short. There's also a eye-rolling speech at the end, which kind of puts a damper on my overall view of the game's story. However, I still think it's worth your time. It has one of the best narratives in gaming, and it's the backbone for my favorite series.

Metal Gear Solid 2 8/10 This game opens with what would appear to be the greatest game ever! However, the designers kind of tossed it aside to fit their narrative. I'd say it was worth it if the game's story remained steadfast on it's two main plots because those are awesome, and are very important to the nature of fan-bases and people who struggle with identity. Unfortunately, it's bogged down with some really cheesy dialogue, writing that would make "One Life to Live" seem masterful, overly-intrusive codec moments, a mundane environment, tedious bomb-disposal tasks, and lame villains. It's still a great game, despite these issues, but I think it's worth putting up with them.

Metal Gear Solid 3 10/10- It's simply my favorite piece of entertainment period. I don't want to write anything, because once I start, I'll probably have any essay. Just know that there are some cheesy moments, and the ending is a bit melodramatic, but just like all the games, if you get past them, you'll be in for an amazing experience. It has a great plot, great characters, innovative gameplay, an excellent line up of boss battles, and, in my opinion, one of the greatest protagonist in gaming (Big Boss). If you haven't played it, I would definitely recommend it.

Metal Gear Solid 4 8/10- I've played through this game's story mode more than any game in my life. I think its' the peak of the series' creator's creativity. Unfortunately (man, I've had to use that word a lot)), it has a lot of melodrama that I can't ignore. Metal Gear Solid 2 struggled with it's story's pacing, and this was even worse. There's some awesome character beats that should not be missed, and it's the game that made Solid Snake (the hero of the series) one of my favorite video game characters.

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker 8/10- As a portable game, it was a massive achievement in technical design, and it has the greatest value for gameplay content in the series (besides MGSV). However, as an action and stealth game, the mechanics are very streamlined. The game is meant to be played in short bursts on the go, and thus, players aren't expected to be as involved as a console game. Additionally, the plot doesn't add much new in terms of political and social commentary—leaving the player with a lot of MGS wackiness. The story is good as long as you don't take it to seriously (kind of like every game in the series). It has some of my favorite moments for Big Boss, but I don't think it's essential for the series if you are just trying to plug away at the main story-line.

Metal Gear Solid V 9/10- The gameplay is amazing. I had the most fun playing this game than any game in my life. I've never been motivated to play a game because of it's gameplay. I've loved games because of their deep mechanics, but never so much that I thought about them outside of my game session. This game is a dream come true for me. This is the first game where I feel like I can finally play how I want, and therefore, it immersed me in its world like no game has before. I know I'm being vague, but I don't want to spoil the game for anyone. The game is as deep as you want it to be, and I've never been so rewarded playing a game outside the Demon/Dark Souls games. The funny thing is that I didn't even care about the gameplay upon the game's release. I would have preferred just getting a MGSV blu-ray movie, since that was the main attraction of the series for me. Unfortunately (I couldn't leave an "unfortunately" out!), that aspect of the game is a bit of a jumbled mess. This game has one of my favorite plots in gaming, but the game forces you to go through hoops to see it. Additionally, it's not even finished! If you're a fan of MGS for its narrative structure you will be disappointed, but hopefully the gameplay is enough to turn satisfy you like it did for me. Metal Gear Solid 3 is still the peak of the series for me, but if you're not a big story guy, this is the game that I'd recommend above all.
How do you guys find the time to put into these huge games - back to back, no less?! :lol

I've been playing ONE game for about 4 months at the moment. :monkey1
Arkham Knight, 7/10. Kind of disappointed with it. Ending didn't do it for me and the overwhelming need to use the Batmobile in this game really killed it for me. Not enough boss fights in it either. I've played all of the Arkham games and Knight is the one I enjoyed the least. Still worth playing if you like the Arkham franchise.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 5/10

As Kojima's last entry into the Metal Gear saga, MGS V features solid gameplay mechanics, but large maps that are mostly dead, and cross-generational graphics, with textures that you'd expect to see from a PS3 game. The scale and the story were very ambitious, but they ultimately fall flat with horrible pacing, and plot holes that appear unintentional. There's also a missing chapter at the end, that makes the game feel even more incomplete.

The music suffers tremendously, as Harry Gregson Williams was no longer involved in the compositions. Instead, Kojima sought the talents of two no-name composers: Ludvig Forssell and Justin Burnett.

For a game that took five years to develop, MGS V disappoints even the most ardent fans of the series (although, some are more forgiving than others). This game ends the legacy of Metal Gear Solid on somber note.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 5/10

As Kojima's last entry into the Metal Gear saga, MGS V features solid gameplay mechanics, but large maps that are mostly dead, and cross-generational graphics, with textures that you'd expect to see from a PS3 game. The scale and the story were very ambitious, but they ultimately fall flat with horrible pacing, and plot holes that appear unintentional. There's also a missing chapter at the end, that makes the game feel even more incomplete.

The music suffers tremendously, as Harry Gregson Williams was no longer involved in the compositions. Instead, Kojima sought the talents of two no-name composers: Ludvig Forssell and Justin Burnett.

For a game that took five years to develop, MGS V disappoints even the most ardent fans of the series (although, some are more forgiving than others). This game ends the legacy of Metal Gear Solid on somber note.

I think I gave it the same number. All our fears were pretty much spot on... when this first got announced :lol