POLL: All in favor of a new base body!

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Want a new base body?

  • Yes, a new, more proportional, body.

    Votes: 81 91.0%
  • Nah. Art S. Buck is fine with me.

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • Indifferent.

    Votes: 5 5.6%

  • Total voters
Well it would be nice to be able to bend the elbows a little better to set up action poses. It's the only thing I like about Medicom Luke more than SS, is the fact that is has better posability.
I think that head sculpt is bothering me more than the body. :horror

pixletwin said:
Remember, this is the current reality of the situation:
Whilst not terrible,the Sideshow bodies are clearly not the best ones out there and I think that anything that could improve the already great look of the SW figures could only be a good thing,so I'd be all for some new bodies,especially if they looked like those from Triad Toys.
Absolutely in favor of this. It's why I started the earlier thread inquiring about it.

The Art S Buck bodies, as they are today, are very much lacking in several areas and are quite inferior to the other high-end 1/6 bodies on the market.

SSC has fallen behind in this area. And it's a shame, because if they could straighten this out they'd be nigh untouchable in the 1/6 marketplace.

It bugs the crap out of me that taking the SSC Han and replacing it on a Hot Toys body makes it look MUCH better.

I really hope they understand (and correct) this ASAP.
I never thought much about it until I saw that Han with an HT body, now I'm all for a new and improved body.
jlcmsu said:
Well, I don't agree that if they don't change then the SW future isn't as bright. That might be a bit of an stretch. Do I think that if they "can" improve the body does that help only "improve" the line. Yes! If they don't do I think that hurts the line or its future. No!

But it does affect the line Josh, because the current Art S Buck bodies are preventing these figures from being that much better. Luke and Han are more than proof of this.

Seriously, we don't want to be 30-40 figures into the line before SSC realizes how inferior the Art S Buck bodies are. In fact, we're already far enough into the line to where many of us would refine Luke and Han TODAY if a new body were made available. The time for SSC to act is NOW if they truly want these figs to be the best they can be.
I like the bodies, personally. I don't mind revamps, though, as long as we still get the wrists. Gotta have em. I think a cut joint at the waist and a better ball joint at the chest would be nice, as would wider motion at the neck, but I think the bodies are decent. Certainly better than Hasbros. And I like them better than Dragon as well. Can't speak as to the quality of the Hot Toys bodies.
IrishJedi said:
But it does affect the line Josh, because the current Art S Buck bodies are preventing these figures from being that much better. Luke and Han are more than proof of this.

The thing is besides the few people on these boards talking about it I don't think that's the case. I doubt too many fans out there are too concerned with it besides the hardcore fans. I'm not saying they shouldn't fix it if this is a big issue to so many because I'm all about SS being the best. I just don't think the line will be hurt if they don't. They have fixed the issues with Luke and I think if they fixed some tailoring issues with Han everything would be fine.

IrishJedi said:
Seriously, we don't want to be 30-40 figures into the line before SSC realizes how inferior the Art S Buck bodies are. In fact, we're already far enough into the line to where many of us would refine Luke and Han TODAY if a new body were made available. The time for SSC to act is NOW if they truly want these figs to be the best they can be.

Overall, I'm kind of like Dave in that I don't have really any problems with the bodies they are using now. They allow me to pose them in the way I want and leave them. I don't think the current bodies are inferior and I don't think SS needs to look at them as such. My opinion is if they change them great if not great. If they do change them I don't want to be paying a lot more for these. SS has to be as careful about driving folks out of the market as they do fixing a few issues with the bodies.
Well, so far this poll clearly indicates that you and Dave are in the minority.

Most of us want better base bodies ASAP.

And the reason we want them is simple: the figures will look much better.

Also, there's no reason why a new, better base body can't have the same (or even better) articulation.
I'm in the same camp. I'm happy with the current bodies. I use them for all my customs. If they revamp them, fine. As long as we don't lose any articulation, and they don't make all my current figures look like crap, I'm all for it.
They don't really need to update their bodies because those who really don't like em can always swap them out in favor of whatever body type they like best. The bodies can affect the over all piece though. I was working on some Halo 2 MC armor and using the SSC body as a base but I've since swaped it with a triad body and it made a big difference. Anyone who's familar with Halo MC armor knows it covers the figure head to toe so it was the proportions that changed and in the end made the difference. I did loose some height when I made the change but it was worth it. All the SSC figures may not need a body swap though. I think kit and bib are pretty good as is. The rest are passable but a body swap might help out. The only ones that will really need better bodies are slave leia and twi-leks. If and when those characters are done and SSC hasn't updated than a body swap would probably be a must.
Dude, you're completely missing the point. When you pay $60 for a figure you should not have to shell out another $30 and swap it out to make it look proportional.

SSC can and SHOULD make changes to the base bodies used for these figures.
Callous, that was a very articulate and well-tought ot post. Welcome to the board.

And now the difficult part.....you spelled your home state wrong. No "h."

Irish, although I agree with you on some points, I don't think the situation is as dire as you're making it out to be.
I just want to see some better articulation and the ability to swing the shoulders back like Hot Toys and BBI.

I do not want to loose articulation for better looking bodies though. I want ACTION figures, not statues.