MMS Diecast - Iron Man: 1/6th scale Mark III Collectible Figure

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This is one of my two favorite Iron Man armors. The other is the Mark 45.

Yeah, I really don't get people ragging on this guy. I think this is still a brilliant looking figure and I love the bright paint, accuracy be damned.
This is one amazing figure- I don't get most of the debate on him- in hand he has such iconic presense from the first IM movie- from head to toe one superb figure. The design that started all the Marks to come..and I consider it still the BEST IM armor

I know, right?

HT 1/6 MKIII Diecast


Seriously the grading of the film plays a part in the endless Burgundy debate.
I miss my Mk III! I wish I never sold it.
You're making sound as if you can't easily find another one. Are you in a country where it has sold out?
This is one of my two favorite Iron Man armors. The other is the Mark 45.
I'm interested to know why those two in particular?

Agreed, I think most of the complaints against this figure regarding proportions are due to the original suit design, as such I don't think it's fair to fault the figure for it. The articulation could stand to be improved though.

The best case I've seen in favor of this figure. It doesn't sway me to buy one but I do get what you are saying.

I hope they make this armor in 1/4. That would be soooo amazing.

That would be amazing. I'm guessing HT would wait until after Sideshow starts selling their mk 3 1/4 maquette, so it might be awhile if they do decide to make one.
Yeah ... I have my guy just standing straight but the lack of ankle movement keeps the outside of its feet from touching the stand ... maybe one day I'll have the stomach to do the mod ha

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Yeah ... I have my guy just standing straight but the lack of ankle movement keeps the outside of its feet from touching the stand ... maybe one day I'll have the stomach to do the mod ha

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I knew it was limited, but not even sitting flat on the stand?! That's really poor.
I knew it was limited, but not even sitting flat on the stand?! That's really poor.

That's a stretch. He stands fine on the stand.
It's only noticeable when he is put in wide leg pose. Like the below mk33. Otherwise it's not an issue. And it's the way the suit is designed on film which is why they went the way they did(see the mk2 or the mech test boots.)

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I knew it was limited, but not even sitting flat on the stand?! That's really poor.

Yeah I have mine with his legs slightly wider than his hips but isn't in any kind of dynamic pose or anything... My bad didn't clarify. The legs completely straight down thing is boring to me ha

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The original Mark III had ankles that could manage more dynamic poses, didn't it?

Yes it could. But that's mostly due to they way they constructed it. Where the lower leg is completly openable.

Most the iron man figures have better ankle articulation. But there are plenty of figures that people LOVE and praise that done. From Blade to Cap to spiderman..they all have limited or no ankle articulation. Even less then the mk3dc. The mk3dc doesn't have side to side but does have the rest. Blade and cap don't even have that. And there are plenty of others with less, like hawkeye or some of the widow figures. But for some reason it only gets brought up with this figure.
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It gets brought up because people wanted it to have the same articulation as the newer Marks. It was released after 42, 43, and WM Mk 2. People naturally assumed it should have the same articulation as those.

It's just the timeframe, if CW Cap lacked ankle articulation after Stealth and AoU Cap had it, people would have the same complaint. I'm not talking about CGI or movie accuracy or anything like that.
I think people just want stuff to harp on. They shouldn't all be expected to have the same articulation. They are not the same suit. And I wouldn't expect a Cap figure that has full combat boots to have the same ankle articulation that one with shoes and gators would have. No matter what order they are released in.

To expect a newer released iron man suit to have the same articulation or better as any older suit would be the same as expecting every human figure to have the same or better. Some figures have full 360 ankle flex and others don't. And each iron man suit is more unique then most most human figures (i.e. The mk3 is more different then the mk42...then...falcon is different from Fury or any other human.) so if any human figure has the articulation then they all should, by that logic.

The mk3dc can do more poses then falcon and cap and blade. Articulation is not the defining trait of hot toys, accuracy is. So, I don't see why it's an issue. There should be variety. I'd rather it have a little less ankle articulation but be more stable. Both my original mk3 versions have less stability due to wear on the ankle joints. And those where nearly half the weight.

It can't do every single pose with super articulation. But it can do every single pose a full 1/1 suit could. Shouldn't that be the standard?
I think everyone was just expecting this to be 'The' sixth scale Iron Man, so when it came out being less poseable than the likes of the 42 and WM II people were disappointed. Then of course there's the colour, which is an opinion thing, though most seemed to be unhappy with it.

I'll more than likely still get this at some point, and I'm sure I'll be happy with it (I love the Mark III) regardless of its shortcomings.