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just finished watching the movie about 10 minutes ago.its a good rental IMO, coulda use a bit more jokes in some scenes but overall a decent movie.

Anyways, looking at the HT promo pix and I am really disappointed. I was not impressed when the promo pix first released and now its worse. Hopefully in-hand pix will be better.

I enjoyed the movie and the figure. Neither "knocked my socks off" and I agree both could be better. Overall, I am satisfied with both movie and figure.
I hear ya's. :taz

It is a fine fine sculpt. Looks like a human. Looks alive. The skin texture, the hair, eyebrows, beard, five o'clock shadow, but who is it?

Put that figure in a suit and I bet your friends wouldn't know who it was. Except the geeky, comic book, superhero movie fanatical ones.


The forehead is the wrong height. He doesn't have that big a cleft in his chin. The mouth area is different. The beard is different. The whole shape of the head is different. But it just looks like him. :lol :lol :lol

I'm not the only one who thinks so. Help me out here Ween. :lol

At least I present an argument, rather than the lame o lame 'that sux' off the cuff style comment.

It's not my Hugh. :lol

I don't think it's bad from the nose up, but from the nose down, it's off! Looks like that's the best we're going to get though. :(
I was going to address some of the arguments that have been put up. I had a heap of pics, research etc. I would have bored you all to tears, when I came across this...


I was looking for a sign, and that's a sign. :lol
I really enjoyed X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There I said it.

As far as the figure itself, I'll buy it as long as I know there'll be a Sabretooth to pair him up with.

Wolverine goes after Magneto's base camp alone to get back Jean and out in the woods he has to take out a bunch of Magneto's goons to get into camp, he's climbing and leaping from trees, cutting down everyone in his way, I really like it.

Me too. I was hoping to see some of this in the beginning of Origins.
I would have bought a Sabretooth even a Barakapool from Origins if they had released earlier. At this point I may not even keep Wolverine.
I really enjoyed X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There I said it.

As far as the figure itself, I'll buy it as long as I know there'll be a Sabretooth to pair him up with.


Off topic, but who made that pic? I say made, cause that's from the scene where he stops victor from attacking the villagers, and he didn't have adamantium then....
Off topic, but who made that pic? I say made, cause that's from the scene where he stops victor from attacking the villagers, and he didn't have adamantium then....

My guess is FOX had some images doctored for promotional purposes, kinda just flipped through all the production stills and picked out the best ones and picked out some that if you add in Wolverine's metal claws it'll spice things up. Before seeing the film, or unless you follow the production like some of us, that photo would have no context so you just take it as a neat shot.

At least it looks good, some of the official promo images, they never even bothered to airbrush the skin around the claws so you can see the edge where the prosthetic stops, looks kinda cheap.
I would have bought a Sabretooth even a Barakapool from Origins if they had released earlier. At this point I may not even keep Wolverine.

At this point, I don't even think they'll be released, so it's not even a matter of late, it's just never :( Having the DVD now to watch, and watching the movie twice since I picked it up, I'm really bumming about no Sabertooth, Schreiber's great at playing villains and his style fit great for the character's blood lust and savagery.
At this point, I don't even think they'll be released, so it's not even a matter of late, it's just never :( Having the DVD now to watch, and watching the movie twice since I picked it up, I'm really bumming about no Sabertooth, Schreiber's great at playing villains and his style fit great for the character's blood lust and savagery.

Should we start a petition :D

I want a Schreiber's Sabertooth too. I said it once and I will say it again; Hellboy got two figures and The Spirit three, Wolverine needs at least two.
Petitions and polls rarely matter, HT's going to do what it does based on it's own choices, surely they're smart enough to realize how fickle collector's are. Everyone says yes I want that and I'll get it when there's no price tag or you have no proto, even if you got 5000 people to say right now I want Sabertooth, odds are half would back out either because of pricing and other things coming out or because they don't like how it looks.

If I were a company in this business, I would never base a decision off fan feedback without a prototype and price target, otherwise, I'd just see how other items sell and take a gamble on how well something might do, but there's no security in the word of people before you have a product to show and a price to name.
Petitions and polls rarely matter, HT's going to do what it does based on it's own choices, surely they're smart enough to realize how fickle collector's are. Everyone says yes I want that and I'll get it when there's no price tag or you have no proto, even if you got 5000 people to say right now I want Sabertooth, odds are half would back out either because of pricing and other things coming out or because they don't like how it looks.

If I were a company in this business, I would never base a decision off fan feedback without a prototype and price target, otherwise, I'd just see how other items sell and take a gamble on how well something might do, but there's no security in the word of people before you have a product to show and a price to name.

I have no illusions how little fans impact figure development. I am certain HT has an R&D department to determine what figures to make, licenses to obtain etc. They are capable of making bad choices aka. The Spirit.

I may be wasting my breath but I will continue to ask for additional XMO figures until such announcement comes from HT Wolverine is it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained :D
Well I continue to support the Schreiber Sabertooth cause, I'd just be very surprised at this point, as quickly as the Terminator stuff rolled out, there's just little reason other than not doing more from X:O to not see something by now. I'm just really hoping that maybe HT'll announced a Trilogy Wolverine around when this one ships before I go spending any more to customize a figure out of this one. I'm sure it's coming and if they announce it around that time, I'll wait, but if it could be a while, I only need a spare set of clawed hands, but still, that'd be money saved.
I'm certain they will, they have the license and I guarantee they do at least him, it's just a matter of A) when, B) how they handle his costumes.

They could do just his X1 look.


They could do just his X2/X3 Look


Or, they could just DX him and do both in 1 set. I really don't care for the X1 suit, hopefully they'll either do both or do the X2/X3 suit first/only because it was 2 films vs the one time suit.
In another thread, it is being mentioned HT has the full license including movies and comics. Has HT made an "offical announcement" other than the phamplet shown at a toy fair and their on-line poll what to expect?

HT has been hush hush about this license. I wonder if the delay has anything to do with the Disney / Marvel agreement?

I am enjoying all the speculation however, I would like a little something concrete.
I don't even get why people think the comics are included, if I remember correctly, the announcement mentioned movies and specified series that would be covered with Blade, Spiderman and X-Men Trilogy.

As far as plans, I believe they had only acquired the license, so they may not have a plan.

Right now, as far as Marvel, I'm sure most, if not all, resources are going into Iron Man 2 to capitalize on the release. The previouse Marvel films have been around, you're either a fan and going to get the figures or not, there's no pressing time frame to get them out in, so HT will go after the fresh movie first.

I'd imagine Marvel movies may be starting end of 2009, Terminator Salvation is over, with other T films just kicking off, it seems from poll hints, Dark Knight's pretty much over, Iron Man's done until Iron Man 2 stuff, I think they're pretty much wrapped up with all their existing licenses, so should be seeing some new stuff in the coming months.
I'd imagine Marvel movies may be starting end of 2009, Terminator Salvation is over, with other T films just kicking off, it seems from poll hints, Dark Knight's pretty much over, Iron Man's done until Iron Man 2 stuff, I think they're pretty much wrapped up with all their existing licenses, so should be seeing some new stuff in the coming months.

I hope new announcements are forthcoming. I have Marcus Wright, Wolverine, Dlx Joker and Dlx Batman on pre-order and I will have battle damaged Ironman (when available). I have waitlist envy. I have nothing else on the horizon until HT provides information on their Marvel license. My wallet is happy :rolleyes:
I'm certain they will, they have the license and I guarantee they do at least him, it's just a matter of A) when, B) how they handle his costumes. They could do just his X1 look.
They could do just his X2/X3 Look
Or, they could just DX him and do both in 1 set. I really don't care for the X1 suit, hopefully they'll either do both or do the X2/X3 suit first/only because it was 2 films vs the one time suit.
Dude, I hope you're right. That would be so awesome. I hope they improve the sculpt, I'm still not thrilled about the other one.
I have a feeling that the Wolverine sculpt will look better in hand. I'm happy with it as it looks in the photos though. I can't wait to get this figure, I was excited to take photos again with my Medi Wolverine when Origins came out and the base body broke on him so I'm without a Wolverine for the moment, thankfully this one came around the same time though, saved me from spending money on replacing the Medi body, and the likely Trilogy Wolverine will even further make replacing the Medi figure body moot.