Hot Toys- 300 - King Leonidas spec and pics

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Can you please post some pics of cape with extra tears? Thanks!

Yes indeedely:) ..taking pics in 3,2,1 ..

(please no comments about the camera date:slap)





The flash may take away from how well it looks inperson.
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Not gonna do it myself but it does look good.

Ive made it look better since with the help of some sanding ..still going to pick up another cape just to have a clean one and keep it in the box.


  • P1010017.JPG
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HT never seems to disappoint. This is an amazing figure, the body, armour everything is so well done …I really love it. :yess:

Gave the cape some dirt and weathering and tired it up a little …and some darker leathering look to the belt and straps. :)





That's some good posing there figurelover.

I really like your set up there Figurefreaks.
Leonidas is getting a lot of love with one who shelf to himself.:clap
Hey guys since i posted my pics ive damaged up the cape a bit more and i also stuffed it into a cup of boiling water covered the figure in plastic wrap and put the cape back on and shaped all the creases myself ..looks so much better ..for those who want the cape to look better but don't want to rip it try the hot water trick its works really well!

I also did some scorching with a lighter ever so slightly(black marks) the cape a real nice battle damaged look.







This is a pic without the flash on

I have the cape pretty spread out in these pics but after you do the hot water trick the cape can hold almost any pose ..well anything that doesn't defy the laws of physics.

(please no comments about the wrong date people lol)
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This is a pic without the flash on

I just got my Leonidas about 2 weeks ago. I had him posed similar to the above pic on his stand (with the hooks positioned just like that) for support. Well, when I took him down to repose him the other day, there were indents in the body suit in his thighs from resting against the hooks. Is there anyway to avoid this?

P.S. My figure has silver specs on his thighs as well. I am pretty sure they are flakes of something, not damage to the suit as they have no depth. Any idea what they are? Could it be the internal skeleton? Thanks for your time and pics.
Just ditch the stand alltogether :exactly: with a pose like that you don't need it, Leo's ankles are nice and tight. I've had mine for a while now and he hasn't even thought about taking a dive.

I cant ditch the stands ..i have to have each of my figure on one, regardless if they can stand one there own , i just lowered mine a bit, any dents left from the stand will go away shortly over time.

Do you all like the burn damage?
yeah my Original Batman, batman DX, leonidas and Alien all have the two dents from the crotch grabbers. all it takes is overnight and they are there forever. cant be avoided... better that than the ring that could be left by the other style...
If I had a backup cape for him I would try to do what you guys are doing by weathering it and making it battle damaged. But for now I'll just stick with a freshly, new one he just got made to go into battle.
I turn the metal ring or crotch grabbers the opposite way and pull them up so they are behind the figures back, so the figure kind of leans on it. That way the figure's still on the stand, there's less chance of it going for a backwards dive and it won't damage the figure. There's nothing to stop it from going for a frontal dive though.

Man I hate shelfdivers.