Ghostbusters: The Video Game June 2009

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Sony to Publish Ghostbusters in PAL Territories [Updated]
Written Wednesday, May 06, 2009 by Dan Webb

In what can only be described as a shock move, Sony today announced that they have picked up the publishing rights for the PAL version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game from Atari.

The title, set to launch exclusively on PS2 and PS3 on June 19th in PAL territories, now has its third publisher in as many years but this time, at a detriment to 360 owners.

It isn't all doom and gloom however for 360 owners, MCV are reporting that Atari are still planning to publish the title in PAL territories, but have stated it will be "later this year," rather than the originally planned June 19th.

No official word on the NTSC versions as of yet, but as soon as we hear, we'll update the story.

[Update:] We've spoke to Atari, and as suspected, this shift in publishing only affects the PAL territories. The NTSC release date will be as normal.[Updated].html
man, i think i'm gonna wait for the 360 version just to spite sony. that's really F'd up. they wait until a month and half before release to pull this crap??? talk about balls.
A slimer bust, an Ecto-1 keychain with lights and sounds, four exclusive Minimate figures and...I think that's it, actually.

If you order from Gamestop, you get a free T-shirt and the game apparently includes an exclusive player skin - the Ghostbusters 2 uniform.

nice...sorry, i should've waited a few seconds before posting that question. a simple "exclusive" search on amazon brought me my results. not sure if i can spend that much on it though. might just go with the gamestop exclusive instead.
not sure if i can spend that much on it though. might just go with the gamestop exclusive instead.

Seriously. I must be gettin old because I cannot see paying over twice the cost of a regularly priced game just for those extras. And I consider myself to be a fairly big ghostbusters fan.

I pre-ordered my copy from Gamestop for the free GB2 uniform. Hopefully it will be the dark gray version and not just a swap of the GB symbol for the GB2 version on the regular tan/gray uniform.

Seriously. I must be gettin old because I cannot see paying over twice the cost of a regularly priced game just for those extras. And I consider myself to be a fairly big ghostbusters fan.

I pre-ordered my copy from Gamestop for the free GB2 uniform. Hopefully it will be the dark gray version and not just a swap of the GB symbol for the GB2 version on the regular tan/gray uniform.


It's the dark grey outfit.
Seriously. I must be gettin old because I cannot see paying over twice the cost of a regularly priced game just for those extras. And I consider myself to be a fairly big ghostbusters fan.

I pre-ordered my copy from Gamestop for the free GB2 uniform. Hopefully it will be the dark gray version and not just a swap of the GB symbol for the GB2 version on the regular tan/gray uniform.

yup..i could stretch maybe $100 for it, but that's pushing it and it needs to be some good stuff in the kit. but yeah double the price of admission is really crazy and you gots to have lots of money to dispose of. me, i prefer to spend that money on collectibles.
Guess I'm gonna swap my 360 preorder for a PS3 one if the PS3 one comes out a good time ahead of the 360 version. I want to play this damn thing next month. Last time I played it was nearly a year ago at SDCC so I'm aching to get that proton pack back on.
i think u get a free play exclusive t shirt from too if u preorder from them. im not sure where to order mine from really.
Guess I'm gonna swap my 360 preorder for a PS3 one if the PS3 one comes out a good time ahead of the 360 version. I want to play this damn thing next month. Last time I played it was nearly a year ago at SDCC so I'm aching to get that proton pack back on.

The delay caused by the Sony deal only applies to non-North America territories. If you're in the US or Canada, it will release on all platforms the same day.
The delay caused by the Sony deal only applies to non-North America territories. If you're in the US or Canada, it will release on all platforms the same day.

Exactly. I'm sticking with the 360 version, if only for the achievements and possibility (although slim) of DLC in the future.
It's the dark grey outfit.


yup..i could stretch maybe $100 for it, but that's pushing it and it needs to be some good stuff in the kit. but yeah double the price of admission is really crazy and you gots to have lots of money to dispose of. me, i prefer to spend that money on collectibles.

I'm generally hard pressed to pay more than $20 extra for a special edition. Unless its an import game since the special editions tend to have a more premium price than what we see here.

For me the only thing of interest is the Slimer statue. The rest of the stuff is just useless tchotchke. But even the Slimer statue is just cast in clear plastic/rubber and that cheapens its appeal and in my opinion detracts from the great work put into the actual sculpt.

When I pre-ordered Ghostbusters at Gamestop I decided I'd use the money I didn't spend for the Amazon special edition to buy another actual whole game and also threw down a pre-order for BlazBlue. That has a nice special edition at no extra cost ;)

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