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As for Turles; against my better judgement I spent 200 stones on his banner and didn't get a single featured card, not that any on that banner are any good apart from Turles anyway. I'm done, I can wait for him to return on a better banner, even if it takes a while.
Same exact thing, dropped 200 stones and didn't get a single banner card; I even had SSJ3 Goku & Screen Crack. I disagree with you about some of the cards being good. Str. Janemba and phy. Cooler are amazing cards imo. I have just at 500 stones left and I think I am going to save them until next week. The Turles banner will be up until the 27th so I can decide later if I want to keep chasing.

Maybe 250/300 million downloads is going to drop next week for both JP and Global; EZA Broly to kick it off.
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They are decent, true, but they don't interest me since I have better replacements for them on the categories, plus I have both with dupes already lol

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Well, against my better judgement I dropped 250 stones on Turles and didnt get a single featured unit. Cant complain after the insane luck I got during year 3, but still, it stings :p
Sorry 'bout that, Deano. I, myself, am kind of tempted to try for Turles. I'm not a fan of the character, but his passive seems really cool, and I would love to eventually run a movie villains team.
Yeah, he is basically the ultimate support unit, even being optimal on teams he doesn't even get a boost from just because of how much better he makes the rest of the units.

If, and big IF MGWs service comes back up in time I may get 400 stones for one last attempt, but other than that, I'm done.

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Ooh, French dataminers have found references to the 250mil downloads in the code! Likely next few weeks! I'm hyped! The 200mil celebration literally eclipsed the year 2 anniversary with what they gave us, so I'm expecting something huuuuge!

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Yaaaaaas! Crossing my fingers for 250 million to be true.

For some reason, I suddenly got a strong hankering to start building either a Movie Bosses team or a Pure Saiyans team. I decided to throw what few stones I had at the Turles banner and hope for the best. On my second multi, I struck fools gold and pulled the INT Turles. But on the third, I ended up pulling the new AGL one. Super stoked at my unusual luck. The problem: I only have 83 stones left and big things seem to be on the horizon for Dokkan. *sigh*
Congrats Femtech! I am crossing my fingers that MGW will be back up before the 250 million download.

Do you guys think they will throw a surprise "Global First" Dual Dokkan Fest at us again like they did last year? I am betting we get a single banner that has str. Rose & teq. SSGSS Vegito to match last years agi/phy banner.
Thanks, Kibishii! :) The excitement has hit a wall though, since the Turles Dokkan event is the ABSOLUTE WORST!!!!!!

Really hope the rumors about LR Goku & Frieza are true...
I don't think that's a rumor Femtech! same French dataminer announced it along with a new friend summon great saiyaman LR. End of August is supposedly a dual dokkan fest with ssj Goku and Frieza, with an LR Goku/Frieza in mid september.

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Wait, there're going to be separate LRs for Goku and Frieza in addition to the LR Goku & Frieza?! What a terrible time to not have stones. Damn you, Turles!!! Haha
No, I think the goku and Frieza will be normal doklanfest units, and the LR will be a special thing on it's own.

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Phew, that's somewhat of a relief. Thanks -- can't wait for more info. And I hope the base-form Broly from the current Z-Battle eventually becomes an acquirable card.
Since the base form is sr in the files and enraged is ssr ive got a feeling he will likely be a farmable SA card for the dokkanfest card in some sort of story event later on, like the kale and caulifla were.
New summon animations and a metric ****tonne of units have been found in the files for global, including new tournament cards (indicator for a WT and confirms why Raditz event came back) Evo Vegeta and Jiren, so no idea if global will get the Goku/Frieza cards, or will instead get Vegetas banner :/
Also, every FIFTY stones you have used since end of july 2017 will net you a ticket.... im going to have hundreds xD
Ok, so I feel like I'm spamming now lol, but just incase no one seen it, more leaks; the goku and Frieza have a new type of transformation where every turn they power up (ssj2,3,god,blue and 2nd,3rd,final,golden form) and their leader skills are teq VB and str Roses without the all type restriction!

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Not spam -- welcome and exciting info! Thanks a lot! That transformation format sounds incredible! It could work for a lot of characters, including DBS Broly (base form, buff base, SSJ, Legendary SSJ)
Dean, did you end up getting your Rage Vegeta dupes? I passed on the Carnival banner because I already had four banner cards rainbowed and spent my cards chasing Turles to no avail.

Hoping that MGW global gets fixed by the time the dual Dokkan fest drops because I would like to summon for the new teq. Golden Angel Frieza. If not, I am going to be buying Google Play cards. I am taking a wild guess that there will be a big sale since the Turles' sale ends tonight.
Nah, as soon as the leaks happened I completely ignored both banners. End of the day double rates isn't worth going for since I have more than enough of the LRs I've wanted for so long. Going to start focusing on dokkan fest cards I can get the most fun out of.

William is going to let me know as soon as its back up, so will let you when I do man :) Tbh though, im genuinely worried at this point that it wont be up in time, and I have no idea why its been going down so often, really annoying (though I know its not MGWs fault, since when this happens it goes down on EVERY provider, so its the suppliers)

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