Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) Should They Make in 2014 and 2015?

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Select Which Doctor Figures You Want BCS to make in 2014/2015

  • 2nd Doctor

    Votes: 15 17.4%
  • 3rd Doctor

    Votes: 25 29.1%
  • 5th Doctor

    Votes: 16 18.6%
  • 6th Doctor

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • 7th Doctor

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • 8th Doctor

    Votes: 20 23.3%
  • 9th Doctor

    Votes: 48 55.8%
  • War Doctor

    Votes: 30 34.9%

  • Total voters
Jack would really depend. I love the character but as slow as these are going I want as many SEs as I can get. The older actors need SEs sooner than later IMHO. Barrowman loves the character and would do it in a second so I'm sure it's coming.
Barrowman loves the character and would do it in a second so I'm sure it's coming.

Some joke involving a double entendre seems appropriate here given John Barrowman is the subject matter, but I'll abstain. :D
As has been said by others, some of the Doctors are getting well up there in age, so it might be prudent to tackle those sooner rather than later, as I really would love to have as many signature editions as possible. Though I suppose the ever present question is how well each will actually sell.

I mean I love The Sixth Doctor, for instance, but he's far from the most widespread popular of Doctors, and it is a lot of money for these things, so that does produce a bit of a quandary. Though there are ways around that too. Smaller edition sizes will drive up demand based on long term rarity, helping some that might not have sold as well to sell a bit better as a result. And as long as the edition size is big enough to still be profitable, then it's all good. Besides, it's not like they can't do a variant release later on down the line if the market demands it.

I suspect how Big Chief plan into the future may well depend on just how well the William Hartnell release goes over with fans. I mean they know that the New Series Doctors will likely all sell well enough to be easily profitable, but the classic Doctors do have a bit more of a JNT question mark over them at this stage. Particularly as many of us classic Doctor Who fans tend to be rather stingy as far as merchandise goes.
It might be best if, in any given year, they balance the less popular Doctors with popular Doctors. The choice of 10 and 4 was kind of like a one-two punch of Doctor-popularity. They hit the big two first. This had to be, a little bit, based on the fact that they wanted to strongly establish themselves with Who fans.

Now, I think they can carefully proceed by mixing up New and Classic Doctors. I think they should try to get on a quarterly schedule with 1 x Popular Doctor, 1 x Middle-Ground Doctor, 1 x Lesser-Loved Doctor and 1 x new-look redux.

2014 - Capaldi, McGann, Hartnell and Series 7b Smith
2015 - Eccelston, Davison, C. Baker and 10th blue suit
2016 - Pertwee, Troughton, McCoy and Season 18 T. Baker
I think in August we'll all be clamoring for a Capaldi Doc - but I doubt we'd see him until 2016.
I think in August we'll all be clamoring for a Capaldi Doc - but I doubt we'd see him until 2016.

Yeah, Capaldi would sell, especially if CO don't do a 5" figure of him. But apart from that I think BC need to play it safe. Even Tom hasn't sold out yet, but more Ten's would sell.
I bet we'll get him in 2015. No way in 2014, though. But, they start filming in January so the costume will probably be shared sometime in the Spring, even if BCS doesn't get early access. So, they could start development pretty early. If they were ahead of the game, they'd do what BBP did and start sculpting Capaldi now!

I'm not too concerned about the 4th Doctor not selling out instantly. Neither did 11 (though I know he had more made.) I think BCS will be more than happy if they sell out in a few months or so. I don't think instant sell outs are necessarily a measure of success.
I bet we'll get him in 2015. No way in 2014, though. But, they start filming in January so the costume will probably be shared sometime in the Spring, even if BCS doesn't get early access. So, they could start development pretty early. If they were ahead of the game, they'd do what BBP did and start sculpting Capaldi now!

I'm not too concerned about the 4th Doctor not selling out instantly. Neither did 11 (though I know he had more made.) I think BCS will be more than happy if they sell out in a few months or so. I don't think instant sell outs are necessarily a measure of success.

I agree Tom will sell out and its a nice steady revenue stream. As for Capaldi his costume will be revealed as soon as they do a location shoot, probably in January unless they film an entirely studio bound episode first. But then if they do, people will leak descriptions of it. I'd be very surprised if they didn't reveal it in January.
Hi all,

Daron aka DGTWoodward passed away by a sudden heart attack on the eve of 19th Dec, here is a link to the thread started by his wife notifying us:

I have been speaking with Sharon, (Mrs DGTWoodward) and she has been gracious and kind enough to let us as a community send a token of respect to herself and her family, not to mention Daron.

We (Dave and mods) have agreed that we are going to pay our respects to our friend Daron aka DGTWoodward by having a collection which I will organise to send flowers to the family on or before the funeral.
The date of the funeral is not known yet but we can do this and send our thoughts to not only Daron but also his wife and family.

So, if anyone would like to make a contribution or donate towards this, please send me a message and I will let you know the details. I am in the UK so will sort out flowers and things and will try include all usernames of those who donate, on the cards of the flowers/ items we send.

Hopefully we can pay our respects not only to a member of our community who we have sadly lost, but also another member - his wife who is also an avid collector, along with their family.

If you would like to take part, please pm me and I will send you my details.
x :1-1:
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I agree Tom will sell out and its a nice steady revenue stream. As for Capaldi his costume will be revealed as soon as they do a location shoot, probably in January unless they film an entirely studio bound episode first. But then if they do, people will leak descriptions of it. I'd be very surprised if they didn't reveal it in January.

Oh, agreed. I hope it will be soon! Interested to see what it looks like. It'd be interesting to know if BCS took the tactic of Bif Bang Pow and started sculpting after his announcement. It'd work out well, as it seems his hair is pretty much what we expected! :)
I wouldn't mind if they gave us Capaldi sooner than later. He only has a one year contract reportedly so who knows what is planned for this Doctor. I'd hate to be one to 2.2 before getting him and I still want Hurt and Nine.
That's just how the BBC does things, pretty much. In the vast majority of cases they only work on a season by season basis, as far as both contracts and commissions go, so I wouldn't read too much into that.

Capaldi is a bigger fan of Who than even Tennant was, and this is his dream job and role, so unless something goes seriously pear shaped I don't think he'll be in a rush to move on any time soon. But as he likely won't be on our screens until next august or so, according to the rumours, that gives Big Chief plenty of time to get something sorted before the show is off screens next year.

We'll see the outfit sometime soon (and I imagine licensing will get official images as soon as they are available and the choice has been made), so at a guess I'd say that Big Chief will probably start working on him during early next year, with hopes to put up a pre-order some time during the next season. They may have started on the head sculpt already for all we know. As the current Doctor I'd imagine they will want to get him out as soon as practical, no matter what, though.

Honestly, if I were to guess I'd say that after the Hartnell pre-order we'll see one more release next year (Eccleston or Hurt perhaps?), and then Capaldi to round the year off. That way they should be able to deliver two Doctors next year (Hartnell and whoever), and have a pre-order for a third (Capaldi) done and dusted by this time next year (with a bit of luck).

Still, just have to wait and see, I guess.
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It's pretty obvious who the least popular Doctors are, unfortunately. What I do find interesting, and frankly surprising, is just how popular the 5th and 8th Doctors are.

Wonder if part of that is because both have clear New Series links, with the 5th having done Time Crash with Tennant's Doctor, and 8th having gotten his own mini-episode leading into Hurt's Doctor. So perhaps New Series fans have embraced those Doctors more readily because of their New Series ties.
It's pretty obvious who the least popular Doctors are, unfortunately. What I do find interesting, and frankly surprising, is just how popular the 5th and 8th Doctors are.

Wonder if part of that is because both have clear New Series links, with the 5th having done Time Crash with Tennant's Doctor, and 8th having gotten his own mini-episode leading into Hurt's Doctor. So perhaps New Series fans have embraced those Doctors more readily because of their New Series ties.

As an American kid in the 80s, the only doctors I was really exposed to were Baker and Davison. I'm not sure if I just stopped watching after Davison, or if PBS stopped carrying the show.
I watched the Doctors on my local PBS station from Tom Baker all the way to McCoy. We tended to get the season a year after they were broadcast in the UK so in between seasons they filled the gaps with Pertwee and the few episodes of Troughton and Hartnell that existed at the time.
It's pretty obvious who the least popular Doctors are, unfortunately. What I do find interesting, and frankly surprising, is just how popular the 5th and 8th Doctors are.

Wonder if part of that is because both have clear New Series links, with the 5th having done Time Crash with Tennant's Doctor, and 8th having gotten his own mini-episode leading into Hurt's Doctor. So perhaps New Series fans have embraced those Doctors more readily because of their New Series ties.

5 and 8 are popular, because they did a good job. It's not complicated. Neither had the writing that 4 or 10 did, but they were/are very talented.

When you run into a 6+7 defender they are crazy enthusiastic and defensive, but these people are rare. The consensus really is that 6 and 7 did the worst job of the 12.
As an American kid in the 80s, the only doctors I was really exposed to were Baker and Davison. I'm not sure if I just stopped watching after Davison, or if PBS stopped carrying the show.

Where I lived they didn't air 6 or 7 on PBS. I saw 3, but I'm not sure if that was in the US or when I lived in Australia in 1982-1983.
5 and 8 are popular, because they did a good job. It's not complicated. Neither had the writing that 4 or 10 did, but they were/are very talented.

When you run into a 6+7 defender they are crazy enthusiastic and defensive, but these people are rare. The consensus really is that 6 and 7 did the worst job of the 12.

I don't agree with that at all, and labelling fans of 6 and/or 7 with terms such as 'defensive' and 'rare' is, frankly, rather offensive in my opinion.
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