Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) Should They Make in 2014 and 2015?

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Select Which Doctor Figures You Want BCS to make in 2014/2015

  • 2nd Doctor

    Votes: 15 17.4%
  • 3rd Doctor

    Votes: 25 29.1%
  • 5th Doctor

    Votes: 16 18.6%
  • 6th Doctor

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • 7th Doctor

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • 8th Doctor

    Votes: 20 23.3%
  • 9th Doctor

    Votes: 48 55.8%
  • War Doctor

    Votes: 30 34.9%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, I thought it'd be fun to see who we think BCS should make next! Right now, here's how things are shaping up:

1st Doctor figure
11th Doctor figure
Weeping Angel? (Long in development, but haven't heard much lately.)

There could also, possibly, be another version of the 10th Doctor for the general market.

So, bearing that in mind, here's a poll to make your selections! This poll is just about Doctors, given we can only have 10 options.
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Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

I went with 5th, 8th and War Doctor.
Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

Mine were 3rd, 8th and 9th. I really want a War Doctor, and maybe it's better to strike while the iron's hot, but getting him before other classic Doctors might be weird.

I realize I forgot to put the 12th Doctor on, but I'd say he's a given for late 2014/early 2015 surely!
Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

I'm expecting them to fully release the War Doctor before he goes away too far in people's memory. The others are mainly my favorites. I'm not really sure on Eccleston's opinion on toys at the exact time so I'm not gonna get my hopes up yet. 5th Doctor is just my favorite so yeah. I agree on Capaldi's Doctor, it's only a matter of time now. I wouldn't be surprised if they've already got promo pictures of him to work with, but can't release any news yet.
Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

I don't think there are any issues with Eccelston and rights to his likeness. Titan is going to make a bust of him with no issues.
Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

In answer to the question posed by the poll


Also, love seeing 8 get some love.
Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

I would love to see the 9th and 7th in 2014.
Stetson 11 and Victorian 11. Also 9 since he was my first Doctor and would complete my New Who collection.
Re: Doctor Who 1:6 from BCS - Which Doctor(s) They Make in 2014 and 2015?

I'm expecting them to fully release the War Doctor before he goes away too far in people's memory. The others are mainly my favorites. I'm not really sure on Eccleston's opinion on toys at the exact time so I'm not gonna get my hopes up yet. 5th Doctor is just my favorite so yeah. I agree on Capaldi's Doctor, it's only a matter of time now. I wouldn't be surprised if they've already got promo pictures of him to work with, but can't release any news yet.

That's not a problem. Eccleston signed away his likeness rights; it's only with Tennant's first season that the actors gained approval rights.

I think Eccleston would do REALLY well. He's popular and there's something special about him because he only did one season and that was just before the merchandising really hit. Having him on your shelf would rock. Would he sign for exclusives? After getting Benedict Cumberbatch I bet BC could get Eccles.

If a PPO for 9 goes up, I'm there. As for the rest, Troughton is my favourite classic Doctor. But I do wonder if we'll see another 4 and another 10 before we see anyone else other than Hartnell.
I've been thinking, would there be a market for a Peter Cushing Doctor?

Some nice trivia for those who don't know, the actor who played Tom, the police officer, went on to play Wilf.

I know it's not part of the licence, it's more of an "I'd like to have this" than anything. I really liked the Cushing movies. Well, apart from Doctor Who being his actual name. That confused me as a child. But I feel, merchandise wise, we've not gotten much interesting. Would love to own either a CO 5" or a 12" one. Actually, the Curse of Fatal Death Doctors aswell. :lol It sucks we most likely won't ever see anything of the Cushing or CoFD stuff.

Edit: Hmm.. Did CO ever do anything with the Cushing franchise? For some reason I'm getting weird flashbacks to at least the Daleks. Or was that another company?
Aah yes, I remember now. I have one of those somewhere in a box.

Sorry for derailing the thread a bit, my love for Peter Cushing's Doctor Who just shot back for a while. :lol
I'd love a Cushing Doc personally as well. Could just say he's an elderly Eleven. They do have the same sense in glasses.


But onto what I'd like them to make next...probably Two and Nine. I'll always have a soft spot for Troughton's Doctor.
I want them all, and depending on the sculpt quality and the state of my finances, I intend to buy them all. I also have my own personal favourites that I would of course like to see sooner rather than later.

However, when choosing what to make in which order I think other factors should come first. Things such as keeping in mind that some of the older Doctors are already getting up there in years (so a signature edition, if planned, would be wisest sooner, rather than later), and also spreading things out to take advantage of current trends and popularity (so making sure to keep the NuWho fans attention, while also capitalising on things like the renewed interest in Troughton thanks to recovered episodes).

So with all that in mind, after Hartnell I'd probably go something like this:

The War Doctor or Night of the Doctor based Eighth Doctor - scratching that 50th anniversary, current series itch. Plus, if they are going to do The War Doctor at all, now would probably be the best time.
Second Doctor - while the recovered episodes flame is still burning brightly, and interest in early episodes is still running high.
Capaldi's (Twelfth?) Doctor - Going to want to get this out as soon as possible after his on-screen 'look' is confirmed and fans have had a taste of his personality on screen.
Sixth Doctor - Colin Baker's not getting any younger, and love it or hate it, that outfit should look great on a figure.
Ninth Doctor - Somehow I don't see a signature edition for this one, no matter when it is made. Stranger things have happened, though...just not many.
Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy's not getting any younger either.
Eighth Doctor - only if the War Doctor was made above, otherwise already been done, so disregard. Either way still think that the Night of the Doctor version will probably sell better, especially as that minisode seemed to be a hit with both old fans and new.
Third Doctor - But will he have Venusian Kung-Fu grip?
Fifth Doctor - Only so far down the list because he's eight years younger than both Colin and Sylvester, so should be around for a good while yet (of course, here's hoping they all are).

After that they can consider getting a bit more 'specialty market' perhaps, with the likes of a Hurndall First Doctor variant, doing The War Doctor if they didn't make him already, maybe even a Peter Cushing movie version of 'Doctor Who' if the rights are cheap enough, as well as revisiting the most popular, already released, Doctors in notable variants (smiling Tom Baker in one of his later outfits, Tennant in the blue suit, TV movie McGann - assuming they did the Night of the Doctor version first, and so on...).

Hell, it's what I'd do anyway. But what do I know? :lol
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I must admit, as an old-school McGann fan, I'd almost (almost) be upset if they went for his NotD look first. I love it, but to me the TV movie will always be his iconic look. It's the look where I followed his adventures for 16+ years! LOL. It might be one of those cases where they could even offer both at the same time? Maybe as a double pack?

That beings said, I'd take all the McGann I could!