DIABLO III!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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^^^ Yea but the more they delay the more they lose customer base. There's more new games now a days then ever. There's game for movies too.

I'll keep to the Diablo 3 comics in the meantime.

I seriously doubt it.
coverage on the game is a bit in a lull right now but you can bet that when it does come out we'll flock in droves.
With 11 million WOW subs their customer base isn't really an issue. Blizzard arn't trying to piss us off, they are making the game as fun as they can. Anyone that refuses to buy Diablo 3 cause it took too long to come out is an idiot.
With 11 million WOW subs their customer base isn't really an issue. Blizzard arn't trying to piss us off, they are making the game as fun as they can. Anyone that refuses to buy Diablo 3 cause it took too long to come out is an idiot.

:rotfl :lol
Just played the beta again to check out the latest patches. Mostly good but wtf with the id scroll? As in no scroll at all to id any rare item. I can't even buy one from the merchant. So far no rune or any scroll at all droped. Was looking toward the resurrection scroll in hardcore. I guess i'll see if I can make a hc char when I reach lev 13 or w/e. Monsters are a little harder too.
New patch again. I just don't feel like restarting again. At least allow us to get runes, level beyond 13, and wishful thinking of going beyond Skeleton King.
until i town portal your ass to death :)


Sadly they removed the TPs :monkey2

I'm very saddened by this as there was nothing quite like the frenzy of being overwhelmed and pressing the potion button 4 times in a row and opening 3 different portals just to GTFO!!!
Oh My God! What should I do?

Evil is Back


Diablo III

Should I continue with college and move out of my parent's place. Or should I drop out of school, stay at home, and continue being a waiter but...I will get to play Diablo III every waking moment I am not at work for a number of years!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty cool. What should I do!?!??!?!? omfg

I can play with Mr. Green too, that's a plus :)
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Re: Oh My God! What should I do?

I have, unfortunately, never had the pleasure of experiencing a Diablo game but I say,.... why not....? School is cool but only if you want to get a higher paying job. And even that's not guaranteed.

They say home is where the heart is which sounds nice. And Mommy gets to hang out with her child for many many more years.

It's a win, win I think. Besides, can school teach you the things Diablo can? I think NOT!
Re: Oh My God! What should I do?

Yeah stay home just make sure you save your money because when your parents pass on your really going to wish you got a real job and learned how to cook.
Re: Oh My God! What should I do?

Why not have it both ways? The best of both world? Stay at home, work, and take part-time school (like 1-2 class only). You save $$$ by staying at home; you can test college water or take basic class that can easily transfer to different college; and you can play a few hours a week, like weekend mostly.
Re: Oh My God! What should I do?

Evil is Back


Diablo III

Should I continue with college and move out of my parent's place. Or should I drop out of school, stay at home, and continue being a waiter but...I will get to play Diablo III every waking moment I am not at work for a number of years!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty cool. What should I do!?!??!?!? omfg

I can play with Mr. Green too, that's a plus :)

And the game is scheduled for release May 15, 2012 btw. Or at least the digital copy anyway. Since I don't like digital copy much, I'll wait and get the in hand physical copy.