DC Joker Movie (Non-DCEU)

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Lots of Jokers. In the future, they will start making movies where there will be different Jokers and crossovers with them.

Why do people keep wanting there to be multiple joker?s? That would mean the uniqueness of the joker would be lost and each joker after the first is a copy cat like scream
People will take dancing selfies on those stairs as long as they exist.

Endgame was just a cartoon filmed in front of a green screen. Big difference.

New York is awesome for that stuff....last time I was there I was freaking out looking at Dana's apartment building from Ghostbusters, right across the street from where Louis bangs on the glass at the restaurant. And the church that the Marshmallow Man steps on.

I just wish I'd gone to the firehouse while I was at it.

As a film, I think Endgame has already been forgotten by the masses and only the hardcore nerds are ever going to revisit it.

As a film, I think Joker will have more longevity and may even be spoken of with the same tone of reverence as a movie like Fight Club.

But that scene...that IMAGE....Joker dancing down the steps? That's going into the annals of film iconography, I believe. That moment is going to outlast anything from Endgame by far.

Oh please...the Joker wasn't that good of a movie...lol Talk about "nerds"...lol
Oh please...the Joker wasn't that good of a movie...lol Talk about "nerds"...lol

Well it actually was lol

Even with the mind tricks there is no denying that there are now at the very least 2 super iconic scenes to come out of that movie hell maybe even 3, like live on in cinematic history for a very long time levels of iconic.

Now did they bring the house down like the iconic scene from EG no...no they didn?t.

Nonetheless they were still very moving scenes especially Arthur awakening to Joker.

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Well it actually was lol

Even with the mind tricks there is no denying that there are now at the very least 2 super iconic scenes to come out of that movie hell maybe even 3, like live on in cinematic history for a very long time levels of iconic.

Now did they bring the house down like the iconic scene from EG no...no they didn?t.

Nonetheless they were still very moving scenes especially Arthur awakening to Joker.

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No one is talking about endgame right now. Joker is still everywhere. Infinity war had more staying power.
Yeah I agree. Joker is more memorable and iconic. Nobody is talking about Endgame no mo, save for the same 4 or 5 soi boys that keep trying to make it stay relevant.

Other than them cucking Hulk, making Thor fat and turning Captain America into Joe Biden, I don?t even remember or think about Endgame. Did that come out this year? :lol

Now where is my Joaquin Joker doll. I want it.

Oh, and sorry Jye. Maybe your precious Star Wars will win the hearts and minds of audiences next month . . . lulz
No one is talking about endgame right now. Infinity war had more staying power.

Infinity War was the better movie. It will be long remembered.

Nobody is talking about Endgame no mo, save for the same 4 or 5 soi boys that keep trying to make it stay relevant.

Yep. Its over. The master Marvel plan. Next.

I actually do want my Joker doll. Where is it? Supposed to be out for Christmas.
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Awww. Who would have thought that that little thing would be the breakout star from that show. :lol

Poor Pedro Pascal. They should rename the show, Little Yoda...and The Mandalorian.
Just got my screener copy of this so will be checking it out a couple more times (only saw it the once at the theater.) Still not sure the kids should see it - pretty full-on bleak and a few super violent bits - but they really want to.
How old are they? I can't imagine kids under about 15 would be very interested. I bet it would bore them pretty bad too. Nothing really happens until the last half hour.
How old are they? I can't imagine kids under about 15 would be very interested. I bet it would bore them pretty bad too. Nothing really happens until the last half hour.

Our just-turned-14 year old is frothing at the mouth to pop in the Joker disc. Though it was super bleak, I really enjoyed the movie - more so than pretty much all the DC universe combined (though I had to love WW.)
Yeah I agree. Joker is more memorable and iconic. Nobody is talking about Endgame no mo, save for the same 4 or 5 soi boys that keep trying to make it stay relevant.
Why would anyone talk about it ? The movie was 3 hours long yet dropped the ball on every single account. Think about it. It's your final battle. 20+ movies have been building up to this. The fate of the entire universe is at stake. It's the Space Tyrant with the power to alter reality, versus the rest of existence itself. The battleground can be anywhere. The rules of the fight can be anything. But what did we get ? A skirmish, in a blown up parking lot just outside New York, between the Purple Man and his alien cannon fodder, against the main heroes of the movies we've been watching, and like, 5 Asgardians, 7 Magicians and 20 Wakandans, with the actual fight itself being a bunch of pew-pew, stabby-stabby and zoom-zoom. I'm sorry, but when I hear "fate of the universe", I imagine something grander. I felt more immersed during the absymal GoT "Final Fight" for God's sake...

The truth is that no MCU movie has true staying power because it's a bunch of "episodes" being cranked out according to schedule. They're now done with the OG Cast and are moving on to the "hip n' cool" or "woke and current" replacements. There's nothing to ultimately talk about. Nothing to remember. Hell, at this point they don't even feel like real movies. I didn't like TLJ, so much so that I think I just fast-forwarded through it. But I still felt as if I was watching a proper movie. People hate the JJ Trek, and yeah, it's not "Star Trek", but again, I caught STID last week, and it felt like an actual movie. You want to know what Endgame reminded me of? Watching the leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine footage on my PC back in 2009. Nobody will remember any MCU movies, bar some scenes and probably the MCU as a whole. It's not the worst thing to ever happen to cinema (although it can be argued it changed it for the worse), but I think it's what destroyed blockbusters.

Personally speaking, I'm glad it made me stop caring for Cape**** (more or less; I'm liking Morrison's Green Lantern, I'm not gonna lie).
Our just-turned-14 year old is frothing at the mouth to pop in the Joker disc. Though it was super bleak, I really enjoyed the movie - more so than pretty much all the DC universe combined (though I had to love WW.)

Young kids no. A 14 year old? Depends on the 14 year old. My oldest at 14 would be able to enjoy this movie and we'd have a great conversation about it. My current teen not so much.