DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

TNBA Joker was beyond horrible, just what were they thinking? Even Bruce Timm admitted it was terrible and makes no apologies for it. Thankfully he was redeemed in ROTJ and Justice League. Heck, Joker even seemed to have aged in the series.

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Creeper is a terrible choice for a figure. Agreed that Phantasm or Grey Ghost would have been better choices. Even Bullock or Montoya would have been better. I also remember Creeper warming the pegs back when he first came out. Nobody wanted him!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I take it there are no Ditko fans in here, then?:lol
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

These are not sold to retailers in assortments these are solids so if customers don't order the Creeper then we will only order a few for those that want it,it should not be a peg warmer. Im hoping to see some packaged examples soon as im intrigued as to how they will package them.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

This is probably blasphemous but . . . I don't like Harley Quinn.

She was alright in the early BTAS episodes as this side kick/moll character (and I even like the Harley and Ivy dynamic) but after awhile I just got sick of it.

With this line, I have no real desire to get them all. Just my favorites. My most wanted figure is BTAS Batman.

It's rare that I do this with you, but I'm gonna back you up on all of that there mate.

I'd love to see harley quinn go good, or die, or whatever, I'm BEYOND tired of her act currently.
I'm tired of the overuse of Joker already, but Harley's become way to centre staged for me. There's just not that much there imo. She's a great character, but only in mild doses imo.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I'll agree there that I've always liked the Harley who did her own thing/was more of an anti-heroine/ditched Mr. J's ass. Arkham Harley, for example, loses the charm of the character, when she's so enamored and obsessed with The Joker that she's actually a cold blooded killer; I never liked that.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I tried and tried and tried to resist getting into this line, because my space is limited and I'm trying to limit myself to collecting 1/6 scale and Mego style figures only...but this line is too awesome to resist. The original BTAS action figures were pretty great for their time and these look even better. And unlike almost any other superhero property out there, BTAS (and its offshoots, TNBA, etc.) has a deep enough cast of characters to be the centerpiece of anyone's collection all on its own. I think DC Collectibles is doing a great job with the relative scale of the figures here and I love that they're giving us versions of characters from both BTAS and TNBA (and if this line is successful maybe we'll get Batman beyond down the road?)

I pre-ordered Batman, Joker, Two-face, Catwoman and Freeze from BBTS. For Robin I'm waiting on the punk kid version from TNBA, and for Ivy I'm waiting on the BTAS version, as the TNBA version is just too scrawny looking. (Though I do like her diseased looking skin tone, so I might pick her up anyway.) Man-Bat I've never really been a big fan of so I'll probably skip him. But that's the great thing about BTAS--even if you're not a completist, there are just so many great characters they can give us.

I'm now officially psyched for this line.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!




Looking back through the thread it seems that lots of people really dislike the TNBA designs; I found that interesting because I tend to like them. I came across this convenient set of pics, so let me comment on each character in BTAS form versus TNBA, to get some (more) discussion going:

Batman: I prefer the redesign. It's sleeker and more badass, especially with the cape covering the shoulders.
Robin: I prefer the redesign. I like Robin as a little kid better than in his late teens, and the costume really pops without the green.
Joker: I prefer the original. The new one's eyes and lack of lips looked a little too strange.
Two-Face: I prefer the original, just because the redesign makes him look a bit too "pretty".
Riddler: neither design works very well in my opinion; the original is boring and the redesign makes him look goofy.
Penguin: Redesign all the way. The original was the Tim Burton version, which has not aged well.
Catwoman: I prefer the original; in the redesign she looks a bit too small and creepy. But the redesign is a pretty cool take on a more villainous looking Selina.
Ivy: I prefer the redesign. I like how she looks creepy and diseased, yet still beautiful.
Harley: They're both equally fine.
Freeze: I prefer the redesign. The original looks like a generic silver age bad guy; the redesign is powerful, scary and sad.
Mad Hatter: I prefer the redesign. The smaller version looks like he stepped right out of a twisted version of Wonderland.
Clayface: I like them both equally.
Scarecrow: The redesign wins, obviously. Is there really anyone who disagrees?
Ventriloquist: I prefer the original; Scarface looks scarier in the original.
Croc: I guess I'd have to pick the redesign, as it looks more like what I'd imagine a crocodile-man should look like, but I'm not a fan of the character.
Bane: I prefer the redesign. The original with the luchador mask looks fat and comical. The redesign is a scary bastard.
Batgirl: I prefer the redesign. I like the pixie-ish, girly look.

So, tallying it up, out of 17 characters I think 3 of them are equally effective (or ineffective) with both designs, I prefer the redesign in 10 cases, and I prefer the original in 4 cases. I suppose I'm in the minority though, alas.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Seeing those pics make me realize how badly I want Phantasm in this line...

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

The Scarecrow redesign is fine, but I think it's too extreme (not to mention the meek Johnathan Crane is basically non-existent).

I prefer the v2 Scarecrow from BTAS. He's the right balance of freak, fright and frailty. As for all the other designs, I prefer BTAS all the way, ESPECIALLY Batman, Robin and Riddler.

And yeah, that's why I included Phantasm in the line up of pics, he/she is definitely on my wish list.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Here are some obscure villains they could make by the end of the line of course. Am I missing anyone?

Clock King
Red Claw
Maxie Zeus
The Ninja
Hugo Strange
Ras' al ghul
The judge
Count Vertigo
Baby doll
Roxy rocket
The Condiment King
Sewer King
Farmer Brown
Jonah Hex (not really a villain, but looks like a villain :lol)
The Madbomber
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Here are some obscure villains they could make by the end of the line of course. Am I missing anyone?

Clock King
Red Claw
Maxie Zeus
The Ninja
Hugo Strange
Ras' al ghul
The judge
Count Vertigo
Baby doll
Roxy rocket
The Condiment King
Sewer King
Farmer Brown
Jonah Hex (not really a villain, but looks like a villain :lol)
The Madbomber

Only missing my personal favourite and most wanted obscure villain from BTAS - Lock Up!

Not sure about DiFab... but I DEFINITELY do. :)

Same here actually. I much preferred the BTAS version of Penguin. Not just in design, but also characterization. BTAS Penguin was much more fun and had that old-school villainous charm. He'd actually commit crimes and get out and about and do it with flair, unlike TNBA Penguin who didn't really do much of anything. I don't actually recall an episode he did anything in really....
BTAS Penguin had some great episodes and some great lines. I can't wait to see the DCC figure of him (hopefully before the TNBA version).
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Looks like we're not getting these every month, thankfully. January/February's solicits came out and Series 3 was nowhere to be found.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

You actually prefer the Burton-style Penguin?


I like the Burton-style Penguin more, but I do like the redesign too (maybe just as much). It's the only redesign, along with Scarecrow, that I think are just as good as the originals. I think the deformed/freak aesthetic works really well with the gentleman characterization. He looks (and acts) grotesque, but balances it with the class and sophistication. It works for me. Besides, as cool as TNBA Penguin looks with the redesign, he does absolutely nothing in the actual series. All he does is own the Iceberg Lounge, not very interesting. Compare that to BTAS with fantastic episodes like Birds of a Feather or Almost Got im and there's no comparison.

If/when they make Penguin, I hope it's BTAS. They could include all the usual Penguin goodies PLUS the "Blind as a Bat" episode gear with the scarf and 40s pilot helmet and goggles. I always loved that look.

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Here are some obscure villains they could make by the end of the line of course. Am I missing anyone?

Clock King
Red Claw
Maxie Zeus
The Ninja
Hugo Strange
Ras' al ghul
The judge
Count Vertigo
Baby doll
Roxy rocket
The Condiment King
Sewer King
Farmer Brown
Jonah Hex (not really a villain, but looks like a villain :lol)
The Madbomber

Finger's crossed for the Condiment King!

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I'm kind of curious, if they do a Ra's, which one they'll do. His "desert" attire, or his green suit. Ideally, if they did his desert attire, it'd be cool if he came with a switch-out, shirtless torso, his sword, his cloak, and his mask.