DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

We still have no clue about Rogues Pack accessories.. What if they're just set of hands with nothing more like TNBA Harley? (which have a useless alternative head)
I don't get how DCC do things.. Clayface have tons of stuff and the price is the same as that Harley... NOSENSE :D lol

TNBA Harley was solicited at $28. Clayface was $40.

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

From where I stand, no matter how they get the figures released, the fact that they ARE getting released is enough for me. There had never been a Harvey Bullock figure. Now we are getting a Montoya. Livewire and Supergirl? Yes, please. Batman Beyond AND Old Bruce? You don't even have to ask (though, I will agree with some of you, the size should have been proportional to Nightwing.) I can't wait for the figures that are to be revealed at Toy Fair.

My prediction is BTAS has lower sale numbers, and they're looking to squeeze out as many figures as possible by evening production costs and not giving us unnecessary repeats like the GNO pack. (we are still getting all the accessories of single carded figures in the Gotham Rogues pack, which is a very respectful way of approaching it.) We may get some remaining single carded figs: Scarecrow, Two Face, Hugo Strange and may even be surprised with either Red Claw, Rupert Thorne, Clock King, etc. now that the basic rogues are nearly all done.

I think TNBA is doing well, though sales might have dropped they will be carrying the Catwoman and Riddler single packs. I think we will be seeing some multipacks in this line as well, but definitely more single carded figs to come.

What I'm REALLY enthusiastic about (and I think I might have written about this before, but I have no recollection) are the STAS lines and JL-JLU!!! When Mattel couldn't deliver, DCC stepped up to the plate. I think for the STAS we'll see Lex, Braniac, Bizarro, Jimmy Olsen, Darkseid, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Lobo, Parasite, Toyman, Weatherman, Metallo and a few of the New Gods.

Who do you guys think will be revealed at Toy Fair?
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

So you don't buy multi-packs at all?
Only because if I want any of the figures I'm forced to buy the multi-packs. I'd be more than happy to buy the figures as singles instead of getting useless duplicate figures. Phantasm, Mad Love, GNO all contain useless duplicates. The Rogues's pack is better but still overpriced at $139. And I don't believe that BS about having to pack lesser known characters with better known ones. How many A-listers are left to pair the C-listers with? BTAS Scarecrow and Two-Face and TNBA Penguin? Who are they going to pack with the C-listers after that? Another Batman and Joker and Harley again? No thanks. This is a collectors line sold in specialty shops not at Wal-Mart. They don't need to pack A-listers like Batman with C-listers in order to sell them to children who wouldn't buy them otherwise. By doing these packs they are pushing those who can't afford them out because they are already very expensive. I don't think guys like Rupert Thorne are going to sell any better packed with another previously released characters. I'm fine if the pack contains all figures I want for a good price but when they don't... again release all the figures as singles please.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Only because if I want any of the figures I'm forced to buy the multi-packs. I'd be more than happy to buy the figures as singles instead of getting useless duplicate figures. Phantasm, Mad Love, GNO all contain useless duplicates. The Rogues's pack is better but still overpriced at $139. And I don't believe that BS about having to pack lesser known characters with better known ones. How many A-listers are left to pair the C-listers with? BTAS Scarecrow and Two-Face and TNBA Penguin? Who are they going to pack with the C-listers after that? Another Batman and Joker and Harley again? No thanks. This is a collectors line sold in specialty shops not at Wal-Mart. They don't need to pack A-listers like Batman with C-listers in order to sell them to children who wouldn't buy them otherwise. By doing these packs they are pushing those who can't afford them out because they are already very expensive. I don't think guys like Rupert Thorne are going to sell any better packed with another previously released characters. I'm fine if the pack contains all figures I want for a good price but when they don't... again release all the figures as singles please.

I totally quote. My bad english doesn't allow me to explan my point, but basically is the same of your. Thanks :D
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

You're unstoppable! What beautiful work you do, my goodness... [emoji122]
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Thanks guys! I'm still making some changes and I need to sculpt the back of her hair.

now Bruce. Show those DCC sculpters how to do it

There isn't any good base figure to make Bruce so I will wait for the official head and fix that ;)
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Thanks guys! I'm still making some changes and I need to sculpt the back of her hair.

There isn't any good base figure to make Bruce so I will wait for the official head and fix that ;)

Maybe the TNBA Two Face for the body!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Sheesh, zelu... you never fail to impress. She looks absolutely gorgeous! Super jealous
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Only because if I want any of the figures I'm forced to buy the multi-packs. I'd be more than happy to buy the figures as singles instead of getting useless duplicate figures. Phantasm, Mad Love, GNO all contain useless duplicates.

Do you think SKUs like the Batman Expressions set or the TNBA Harley with alternate head sculpt help mitigate those redundancies? Personally, I'm okay having a Batman in the Batwing with one expression and cape, another Batman in the Batmobile with a different expression, and yet another standing elsewhere in my display. Same with Harley. I plan to put the extra portrait on the GNO figure and displaying them separately.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

The Batman Beyond 3-pack is slated for next week!:rock
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Thanks phantasm! :D

Here are couple more shots with Selina, Bruce and Isis :)

Amazing work man! :clap
Did you started from the catwoman regular head?? Looks very good proportioned! Awesome job :bow Always loved Selina's blonde look. Since Michelle Pfeiffer's time :D

Curiosity: About the animated series look, if I remember correctly, in TNBA she said she dyed her hair blonde in the past (TAS) xD
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Do you think SKUs like the Batman Expressions set or the TNBA Harley with alternate head sculpt help mitigate those redundancies? Personally, I'm okay having a Batman in the Batwing with one expression and cape, another Batman in the Batmobile with a different expression, and yet another standing elsewhere in my display. Same with Harley. I plan to put the extra portrait on the GNO figure and displaying them separately.
I really only need one version of each character from each version of the show. Either BTAS or TNBA. I'd be ok with a Bruce figure but I don't have a lot of interest in any other secret identity figures but they aren't the worst thing ever. I'm not saying I would never buy anyone else besides Bruce but they're definitely not at the top of my list. And by secret identities I mean characters in their full civilian attire. I have ZERO interest in unmasked characters. (No offense Zelu1984 lol. Great work nonetheless) Just make a pack of swapable heads for that.

I'm certainly not interested in them doing another pack like the Phantasm one which had a slightly modified Batman. I thought that was cheap but at least it was better than the Mad Love Joker. If they want to make figures like Talia in black, Penguin w/corrected monocle, or Batgirl w/corrected mask fine. Single release them. I only want them in a pack if DCC is insistent on putting the same old characters in a pack with previously unreleased characters. Again that's only IF. Even the BTAS Joker in a maroon suit would have been better than what we got the 2nd time around... which was basically what we got the first time around with little improvement.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

For a "whako," you make some good points. ;)

For myself, I don't need more than one of each character but as sometimes necessary evils, I do appreciate some variety. The Phantasm Batman was pretty subtle. I'd have preferred the classic costume shown in the film with that pairing.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Amazing work man! :clap
Did you started from the catwoman regular head?? Looks very good proportioned! Awesome job :bow Always loved Selina's blonde look. Since Michelle Pfeiffer's time :D

Curiosity: About the animated series look, if I remember correctly, in TNBA she said she dyed her hair blonde in the past (TAS) xD
Yes I did, I had a second spare Catwoman so was deciding between unmasked Selina or Red Claw. Let's see what else they will show at NYTF! I should have some info info this week :D