Bumblebee Spin off Movie: 2018

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Re: Bumblebee (2018)

So it’s a prequel? Maybe they’re going the Xmen route and are gonna try and retcon everything else:lol
Re: Bumblebee (2018)

I liked the 2007 movie. Yes, it was stupid and corny but it feels like it doesn't try to be something it's not. The sequels however, are all garbage and I didn't bothered watching the last one. These films are so bad that I'm sure I'll find more joy and life enrichment experiences by volunteering cleaning public restrooms. I have zero expectations for this, although that G1 inspired Starscream looked sort of cool.
Re: Bumblebee (2018)

This movie from the trailer actually looks pretty good. My daughter will be 5 when this movie comes out on Christmas. I was 5-6 when the 86 Transformers movie came out.
Re: Bumblebee (2018)

I remember watching the 86 flick. I was in absolute horror. Not at the deaths. But that the Autobots and Decepticons were being replaced with horrible looking G2 designs.....
G2 is actually a different thing. It was in the early nineties and was mostly just a toyline and comic book that featured gaudy "90's extreme" paint jobs and upgrades. The 1986 new characters were different than previous ones in that they were focused on future vehicles. Also, all the previous characters came from various japenese toy lines. The 1986 bots were the first ones created for the transformers line...and they were not really as nice as the earlier designs.
This looks okay, better than the last few which I've passed on. I like the Transformers designs in this one so far, less noise.
Re: Bumblebee (2018)

So it’s a prequel? Maybe they’re going the Xmen route and are gonna try and retcon everything else:lol

Maybe so. The timeline is just as ****ed as xmen . Bumblebee was fighting Nazi in the last movie and in this one he looks afraid and lost like never seen a human before. But who cares tbh. The movies went to **** after 2007. I love the 2007 movie btw. Got me into transformers. Just thought it was such a cool movie for it’s time. I was young lol
Yeah the 2007 movie was fun, many jokes were actually funny and the score was great, and personally I liked the action scenes. I liked that they played that bit of dialogue from it in this new 'Bumblebee' trailer. This actually doesn't look bad so far!
looks pretty good so far. Haven't really been interested in the franchise since the first Bayformer.
Trailer looks promising. My son is starting to like Transformers (he just turned 5). He's going to like this. :D
MAYBE this will be good? The only thing I enjoyed about the trailer was Starscream. I still don't know why no one has done MTMTE story for live action.
Loving the (close yet still a little far) G1 designs. Is this a reboot? If not, how is this connected to the past TF movies?
Soft reboot of anything. They’ll probably disregard all the bay films if this does well. The G1 designs already are showing that they are taking it in a new direction. Lol but will it be to late is the question since micheal bay ****ed it so hard
I've been saying since 2005 that any live action TF movie should take place in the 80s just so you can have things like a tape deck or 80s Countach. Now that they're actually doing it and seeing the trailers, it has promise of at least being better than the past 3 movies we've had.