Best Comedy you've ever seen ?

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OK - Woody gets a single added chance with me. But only because I don't want to be dead to a fellow Freak.

He has you directly and specifically to thank.
Happy Gilmore was great, though for some reason it didn't pop into my head first. First was Superbad, though American Pie is on the list too, and has anyone mentioned Rat Race?
after watching these recentley these are my latest faves..


The two that made me laugh the most as in I was laughing so hard I could not breath are:

See No Evil, Hear No Evil and The Man With Two Brains.

That was a very long time ago though. As an adult I don't really find most comedies as funny as I used to. Mainly because the ones I watch always end up being some sort of morality tale in the end instead of just being funny.

The funniest I have seen as an adult are Team America and Get Smart. They did make me laugh out loud.
The two that made me laugh the most as in I was laughing so hard I could not breath are:

See No Evil, Hear No Evil and The Man With Two Brains.

That was a very long time ago though. As an adult I don't really find most comedies as funny as I used to. Mainly because the ones I watch always end up being some sort of morality tale in the end instead of just being funny.

The funniest I have seen as an adult are Team America and Get Smart. They did make me laugh out loud.

How could I forget Team America, and the Southpark movie, Matt and Trey have absolutely no humility whatsoever.
The two that made me laugh the most as in I was laughing so hard I could not breath are:

See No Evil, Hear No Evil [...]

Completely underrated movie. Absolutely hysterical. I've been looking for it on DVD for a while. It'll be in my next Amazon order when I need an extra item to get me above $25 for free shipping.

Bringing Up Baby - Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn - hilarious!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Blazing Saddles

This is Spinal Tap

There have been some great recent comedies too though - Anchorman, Tropic Thunder, The Hangover, Superbad all made me laugh out loud.
Ace Ventura
Dumb and Dumber
California Man/Encino Man
Billy Madison
Happy Gilmore
A Night at the Roxbury
Revenge of the Nerds
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
The Naked Gun
Hot Shots
Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz
Groundhog Day
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
The Naked Gun
Trains, Plaines and Automobiles
All of the Monty Python movies
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