Arrested Development

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The reasons you list don't strike me as "villain" worthy, though. They don't even really tell me that he's not a good guy.:dunno Stop being characterist (that's a new term I coined; it fits right in there with "racist" and "sexist").
That's exactly what you're doing. Like I said, I don't hate any character in this show. I love them all. But the whole season was leading up to Michael finally reaching his son's boiling point, and getting what he deserves.

Michael's just as crazy , selfish, and conniving as the Bluths. He just has a little more intelligence.

Re-watch the entire series. Michael isn't quite the saint you think he is. And that's a testimate to Jason Bateman. He's that good of an actor.
The part with george michael sitting in the spanish house with the mustache had me cracking up. Most of the episodes were way too long. I hope they go back to the old format
I loved the whole season. Even the weaker initial episodes made more sense (and, I thought, had their flaws redeemed) by the end. The last few episodes were amazing. Like they were ramping up to becoming the show it was before by the end. I do wish they'd have allowed them to keep the running times shorter, like Hurwitz wanted. I think if they were just a bit tighter in the editing they'd sing more. But I really loved it as is.

I was SO fearful they'd screw it up. But they didn't, and I really want to see more. Now!

As for Michael, I thought it was really interesting what they did with him. I can't help but feel Jason Bateman didn't have some influence on this. He was always the straight man to the insanity, and being one of the biggest supporters of the revival and the lone presence throughout it all, I wonder if he wanted to be given more to do.

I actually think it was a good choice. We've seen plenty of signs in the first three seasons that Michael was not a saint. I actually don't think he's a bad guy or a villain. I think he's a human. I think part of what makes the characters in this show work is that they actually have a lot of the same motivations and feelings that real people do. It's just the sort of stuff most wouldn't admit too. And then it's exaggerated for effect.

It's been a reoccurring theme that Michael really has formed his own image by feeling superior to his family, which isn't that difficult. So when they're gone and he's left to his own devices, he falls apart a bit too. He's a better person partly because being a better person is what helps him feel superior to his family. :D

It's kind of brilliant, and I thought this was a good direction to take the character. The last moment with George Michael... it's great for both characters. George Michael felt like he was trapped in amber character-wise. Now I see it was totally intentional so that we could see the moment he grew up.
Should we use spoiler tags? I'm confused. I'll use them for this one, though.
Spoiler Spoiler:
That's exactly what you're doing. Like I said, I don't hate any character in this show. I love them all. But the whole season was leading up to Michael finally reaching his son's boiling point, and getting what he deserves.

Michael's just as crazy , selfish, and conniving as the Bluths. He just has a little more intelligence.

Re-watch the entire series. Michael isn't quite the saint you think he is. And that's a testimate to Jason Bateman. He's that good of an actor.

That's what I was doing. I accepted that George Michael isn't as bad as I thought he was. I just don't think his father is as bad as you seem to think he is.
Just because I think he's a bad person, doesn't make me hate him. I love his character. And him being a pretty misguided delusional man doesn't take anything away from that.
I've just finished the Gob episode. Amazing, just so damn good, the entire thing felt like the old show. I was a little let down by Tobias and both George Sr. episodes, both are pretty slow but this was just the right amount of over the top. What the hell happened to Steve's hairline, holy cow. :lol So many funny little moments that intertwine with other episodes and Will just seamlessly picks back up where he left off. The Roofies and Bees and almost hitting Mike with the limo. :lol I've had that song stuck in my head all night too.

You have a kid ? If this is an arrested development reference than I need to watch more of season 4.