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  1. X

    All Things ANIME

    Re: ANIME??? I'm a huge nerd for this type of stuff. Unfortunately the new season in Japan for new series look fairly weak. Fairy Tail, Darker than Black and Kampfer seem to have the most main stream potential. But then shounen always does.
  2. X

    Should I sell most of my Marvel Collection for a CM Predator?

    I say if you love the predator license more than Marvel. then it's worth to change your collection. But if you love Marvel more but just think the CM Pred is way too cool. then don't do it. eventually, they'll be a CM you love even more that's Marvel then you'd want to change your collection...
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    Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

    Re: The Man of Steel I thought the first movie was weak and the whole having a kid he didn't know plot, didn't work for me. I think they just need to restart the franchise again and forget the previous Supe movies existed similar to the Batman movies.
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    Hot Toys-MS 110- IRON MAN-MARK III (Battle Damaged) spec + pics

    I guess, it's a matter of personal preference. I guess I like my superheroes looking like they have nothing better to do than have a cup of coffee and read the paper.
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    All things Muppets!!

    Those were some really good days before when companies like Palisades was thriving. It was definitely a great and well produced series.
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    Need Help with Display Alternatives

    that's a tough one. I think it depends on how your room is set up and how much you want to see of them. Like if you like a 360 view or if you are ok with a 180 or 90 view. you could do some sort of corner shelving unit with wood or the ikea suggestion and put glass doors on them.
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    sweet a TF thread. maybe one day it gets its own section here. love that SS got the license. Hoping it's not restricted to the movies though.
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    Hot Toys-MS 110- IRON MAN-MARK III (Battle Damaged) spec + pics

    I have to say, I'm not a fan of battle damaged stylings. I can only hope for a re-issue of the original one day. unlikely but one can hope.
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    Hot Toys Spiderman?

    I wouldn't mind another. But I'd prefer a comic version over a movie version. 3rd Spidey movie really brought down the movie franchise. although the comic went and got all broken also.
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    TMNT Donatello Comiquette

    long wait times makes it easier to afford things.
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    Enterbay does DragonBall!!?? amazing as the figures are, huge waste of talent as mentioned previously. I just hope their next license won't be that Chun Li movie.