Robert Rodriguez's PREDATORS Movie Thread - SPOILERS

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Bombed? It was sold out at midnight when I saw it and the crowd was going nuts. I guess it depends where you saw it.

I'm not basing my opinion off how many tickets were sold for a showing. My theater was pretty packed too for a 10:55 am showing!

I personally think the film tried too much to be like Predator. I was almost embarrassed at times to be a fan of Predators during the film because I felt like the audiences will be left thinking they'd just scene a knockoff of Predator. The score was extremely disappointing. I wish this film would just have been it's own.

Instead we hear original Predator music pretty much throughout and at the beginning of the ending credits again with the famous Predator chopper scene. Reminds me of Jesse Ventura, but not for this film no it was not good.

"The enemy of my enemy," heard that before? From AVP.

I know you know what that is! THAT'S ARNOLD'S LINE!

And these were not "Super Predators!" Lol GIVE ME A BREAK!
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Still I enjoyed it because I'm a fan of the franchise, but there were just too many flaws, failures, and let downs.

We never even saw what Tracker/Flusher and Falconer look liked unmasked!
No. lol.

My theater loved everyone. Clapped at Falconer's death, clapped at Mr. Black's death (that one was HUGE).

Hell, everyone clapped when Edwin got ____ed by Royce at the end.

One guy even yelled "____ YOU FORMAN!" Hahahaha.

:lol thats great.

We had a bunch of people say "machete!" when danny trejo showed up, cause the Machete trailer was the last one before the movie started. so that was a good laugh.
One of the best things I can take from this film was the job done by the actor who played Stans. Lol. Very well done and he made us believe in his role. The humor they used for him and his overall personality was portrayed to a T by the actor and his demise was also a great scene in the movie!
I loved the score. I'm so ____ing sick of these composers not even including the theme if their work is a sequel to an already established property.

You dont make the ____ing Terminator movie without the Terminator theme.
You can be subtle about it though.

Predator 2 for example. You heard hints of Predator in there every now and then, but not often. Opening scene from Jungle to Los Angeles we hear the drumb beats type from Predator yet Predator 2 was still an original score (1 I liked I might add) and also a completely different story and environment!


PREDATORS- success for fans, but let down for hardcore fans and film critics... again. lol just like with AVP and AVP-r. Which it's not really fair to compare PREDATORS to those 2 lame films, but hey.. everyone else is doing it.
You can be subtle about it though.

Predator 2 for example. You heard hints of Predator in there every now and then, but not often. Opening scene from Jungle to Los Angeles we hear the drumb beats type from Predator yet Predator 2 was still an original score (1 I liked I might add) and also a completely different story and environment!


PREDATORS- success for fans, but let down for hardcore fans and film critics... again. lol just like with AVP and AVP-r. Which it's not really fair to compare PREDATORS to those 2 lame films, but hey.. everyone else is doing it.

That's a ridiculous statement. Most of what I'd consider the "hardcore fans" here have already stated that they liked it much better than everything except for the original.
after a few days of thinking about predators, i have to say i think despite some bad execution, i prefer P2 as a predator film to predators. might just be coz of the era it was made in though, or the fact it had a different setting to the 1st.
I agree. Love Predator 2. Predator 2 is not far behind Predator, but it does come 2nd as Predator is a classic and simply will never be outdone.

1. Predator
2. Predator 2
3 Predators
Aside from using more trible beats, Predator 2 has the same cues as Predator.

They even use the "Goodbye" theme. So dont give me that.

It didnt let me down. It was flawed, but enjoyble.
Whats funny about that is the preds were known for learning and improving there skill with each hunting you would think they should have anticipated there prey might try a kamikaze ..really stupid on there part:slap

Well it has been seen before that Predators can get so involved in a hunt they get tunnel vision, making simple mistakes which leads to their undoing :(
Aside from using more trible beats, Predator 2 has the same cues as Predator.

They even use the "Goodbye" theme. So dont give me that.

It didnt let me down. It was flawed, but enjoyble.

:lecture :goodpost: I agree, had flaws indeed but It was an enjoyable film! I would go see it again for sure
I think I like this score better then the other movies...:eek:

I dont know yet, but the rock version of the Predator theme was so utterly badass. I got chills when Classic was gearing up.

Dont get me wrong, Alan is my all time favorite composer, but the Predator films arent my favorite things he's done. I love them, but his newer action stuff is so awesome.
I think I like this score better then the other movies...:eek:

I dont know yet, but the rock version of the Predator theme was so utterly badass. I got chills when Classic was gearing up.

Agreed my friend it was great bit of music
saw it last nite.
A good popcorn flick but very forgettable.
It will never go down as a legend.
It was better then AVP-R

Man !! why cant they make a good pred movie like part 1.

My favorite pred was the pred 1. the other ones looked like half insect preds.

loved the musical score. john debney did a great job recreating Alan Silvestri original score.

the thing I hated the most was the original sound effects where not there. heat vission, plasma canon roar etc...

7/10 for me.
saw it last nite.
A good popcorn flick but very forgettable.
It will never go down as a legend.
It was better then AVP-R

Man !! why cant they make a good pred movie like part 1.

My favorite pred was the pred 1. the other ones looked like half insect preds.

loved the musical score. john debney did a great job recreating Alan Silvestri original score.

the thing I hated the most was the original sound effects where not there. heat vission, plasma canon roar etc...

7/10 for me.

Didn't mind as much, because these Preds are a new clan with new tech and stuff. BMW doesn't sound like a Mercedes
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