My idea for a third batman movie

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sorry, let's all get back to talking batman.

Who's got the next idea for a movie?
i want to see catwoman an harley quinn, like in hush.
wait, wait, wait...

how are you able to judge and decide on what you want to see in a BATMAN movie, if you dont read comics?????

is this some type of crazy, twisted joke???
Because I want something new? They did The Riddler, Joker (twice), Two Face (twice), Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Mr. Freeze all before. So.....that leaves (from what I read) a crap load of extra villains.
Because I want something new? They did The Riddler, Joker (twice), Two Face (twice), Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Mr. Freeze all before. So.....that leaves (from what I read) a crap load of extra villains.

For once, I completely agree. There are so many cool Batman villains Nolan could "re-interpret" that we haven't seen before.
Because I want something new? They did The Riddler, Joker (twice), Two Face (twice), Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Mr. Freeze all before. So.....that leaves (from what I read) a crap load of extra villains.

i dont really know. most of the used villains are the coolest ones there are, and those were in different films. so...the only used villains for nolan films are scarecrow, ras, joker, and two-face. that's it. he could still re-imagine a Burton or Shumacher villain however he wants to.
There's plenty of more human villains that could be used, Deadshot, Amydala, Zsasz is still at large, Abbotoir, Hush, Black Mask, Hugo Strange, The Ventiloquist.

Would be a shame to just keep recycling the same villains over and over in each movie would make audiences feel they've seen it before.

Plus using a minor league villain would allow more time for Batman and the fact he's being hunted by the Police.
Nah, Two-Face is dead… !!!

Doubtful. if the films continue to follow the batman year one storyline like they've been doing ( more or less) so far Harve's still alive. Granted the movies deviatyed a bit from the Batman: Year one comics a bit, the essence and the simularities are still there. the next part of the story arc in this series after the Dark night wa s the Long halloween. My money is that is where the insiration will come from, just as the past two did.
Batman Begins = Batman Year one
The Dark Knight = I forget the name of the first comic and leads into the first part of the Long halloween ( where Harvey dent "dies" )
Untitled Nolan Third batman move = The long Haloween, where Harvey dent Goes around as a Masked and Hooded Vigilante known as Holiday, Killing MAJOR mob guys and some super villians on holidays, as they make sense. Except on April fools day, where he corners Riddler and dosen't kill him, Becuase it's april fools day.

The end of the Long Haloween, Has Batman Catching Holiday, and discovering it's dent, who is now suffering from MPD ( multiple personality Disorder) Due to his Injury, and his subsequent "Death". He's got three personalities now. Harvey Dent, who feels remorse at the things he's done, the Human "soul" of the character, Two face, who represents his vengence, and Holiday, who represents Judgement. The Holiday character was represented in the Old animated series by the character of the Judge.

I'm fully willing to acept that I'm wrong, But I Really, REALLY thin k this is the direction the next film will go, ESPECCIALY now that Ledger's dead. They could even end the film with a blub saying that joker escaped Arkham, and give themse;ves Plenty of time to find the perfect replacement for Ledger. Who could be a new joker? I have NO idea. Ledger is up there with Hamil and Caeser as far as Best joker potrails of all time go. Will it be easy to replace him? No. But it's possible.
In the script, and the movie, its fully clear that Two Face is dead, and Joker will never come back. Move on already.